Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

UEENEEI130A Mapping and Delivery Guide
Set up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency UEENEEI130A - Set up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems
Description 1)Scope:1.1) DescriptorThis unit covers the setting up, adjustment, maintenance and modification to electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems. It encompasses working safely, applying extensive knowledge of electronic circuits and the integration to robotically operated equipment and systems, gathering and analysing data, applying problem solving techniques, developing and documenting solutions and alternatives.Note: Typical circuits are those encountered in meeting performance requirements and compliance standards, revising a machine operating parameters and dealing with machine malfunctions.
Employability Skills 5) This unit contains Employability SkillsThe required outcomes described in this unit of competency contain applicable facets of Employability Skills. The Employability Skills Summary of the qualification in which this unit of competency is packaged will assist in identifying Employability Skill requirements.
Learning Outcomes and Application 2)This unit applies to any recognised development program that leads to the acquisition of a formal award at AQF level 5 or higher.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.
Prerequisites/co-requisites Prerequisite Unit(s)4) Competencies4.1)Granting competency in this unit shall be made only after competency in the following unit(s) has/have been confirmed.Where pre-requisite pathways have been identified. All competencies in the Common Unit Group must be have been completed plus all the competencies in one (1) of the identified Pathway Unit Group(s):ElectricalInstrumentation and ControlCommon Unit GroupUEENEEE101A Apply Occupational Health and Safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplaceUEENEEE102A Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry components UEENEEE104A Solve problems in d.c. CircuitsUEENEEE107A Use drawings, diagrams, schedules, standards, codes and specificationsUEENEEG101A Solve problems in electromagnetic devices and related circuitsUEENEEG102A Solve problems in low voltage a.c. circuitsUEENEEI124A Diagnose and rectify faults in electronic control systemsUEENEEI127A Analyse complex electronic circuits controlling fluidsUEENEEI139A Diagnose and rectify faults in digital controls systems Electrical Pathway GroupUEENEEG006A Solve problems in single and three phase low voltage machines UEENEEG033A Solve problems in single and three phase low voltage electrical apparatus and circuitsUEENEEG063A Arrange circuits, control and protection for general electrical installationsUEENEEG106A Terminate cables, cords and accessories for low voltage circuits UEENEEG108A Trouble-shoot and repair faults in low voltage electrical apparatus and circuitsInstrumentation and Control Pathway GroupUEENEEE119A Solve problems in multiple path extra low voltage (ELV) a.c. circuitsUEENEEI101A Use instrumentation drawings, specification, standards and equipment manualsUEENEEI102A Solve problems in pressure measurement components and systemsUEENEEI103A Solve problems in density/level measurement components and systemsUEENEEI104A Solve problems in flow measurement components and systemsUEENEEI105A Solve problems in temperature measurement components and systemsUEENEEI106A Set up and adjust PID control loopsUEENEEI110A Set up and adjust advanced PID process control loopsUEENEEI112A Verify compliance and functionality of instrumentation and control installationsUEENEEI113A Setup and configure Human-Machine Interface (HMI) and industrial networksLiteracy and numeracy skills4.2) Participants are best equipped to achieve competency in this unit if they have reading, writing and numeracy skills indicated by the following scales. Description of each scale is given in Volume 2, Part 3 ‘Literacy and Numeracy’Reading5Writing5Numeracy5
Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Prepare to set up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems.
  • OHS processes and procedures for a given work area are identified, obtained and understood
  • Established OHS risk control measures and procedures are followed in preparation for the work.
  • The extent of the work to be undertaken is determined from performance specifications and situation reports and in consultations with relevant persons
  • Activities are planned to meet scheduled timelines in consultation with others involved in the work.
  • Effective strategies are formed to ensure solution development and implementation is carried out efficiently.
Element: Set up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems
  • OHS risk control measures and procedures for carrying out the work are followed.
  • Knowledge of complex controls and integrated robot systems are applied to developing analytical solutions to machine parameters and operation.
  • Parameters, specifications and performance requirements in relation to each circuit and robot device are obtained in accordance with established procedures.
  • Approaches to setting up, maintenance and/or modification are carried out to provide the most effective solution.
  • Unplanned events are dealt with safely and effectively consistent with regulatory requirements and enterprise policy.
  • Quality of work is monitored against personal performance agreement and/or established organisational or professional standards
Element: Document and report on the results of the set up and actions taken.
  • Solutions to set up, maintenance activity and/or modification are tested to determine their effectiveness and modified where necessary.
  • Set up, maintenance activity and/or modification is documented including details of all findings, calculations and assumptions.
  • Set up, maintenance activity and/or modification is reported to appropriate personnel to establish suitable action to be taken based on findings.
  • Justification for findings and any actions to be undertaken in relation to the work activity is documented for inclusion in work/project or development records in accordance with professional standards.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

9) The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

The Evidence Guide forms an integral part of this unit. It must be used in conjunction with all parts of the unit and performed in accordance with the Assessment Guidelines of this Training Package.

Overview of Assessment


Longitudinal competency development approaches to assessment, such as Profiling, require data to be reliably gathered in a form that can be consistently interpreted over time. This approach is best utilised in Apprenticeship programs and reduces assessment intervention. It is the industry-preferred model for apprenticeships. However, where summative (or final) assessment is used it is to include the application of the competency in the normal work environment or, at a minimum, the application of the competency in a realistically simulated work environment. In some circumstances, assessment in part or full can occur outside the workplace. However, it must be in accordance with industry and regulatory policy.

Methods chosen for a particular assessment will be influenced by various factors. These include the extent of the assessment, the most effective locations for the assessment activities to take place, access to physical resources, additional safety measures that may be required and the critical nature of the competencies being assessed.

The critical safety nature of working with electricity, electrical equipment, gas or any other hazardous substance/material carries risk in deeming a person competent. Sources of evidence need to be ‘rich’ in nature to minimise error in judgment.

Activities associated with normal everyday work influence how/how much the data gathered will contribute to its ‘richness’. Some skills are more critical to safety and operational requirements while the same skills may be more or less frequently practised. These points are raised for the assessors to consider when choosing an assessment method and developing assessment instruments. Sample assessment instruments are included for Assessors in the Assessment Guidelines of this Training Package.

Critical aspects of evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit


Before the critical aspects of evidence are considered all prerequisites must be met.

Evidence for competence in this unit shall be considered holistically. Each Element and associated performance criteria must be demonstrated on at least two occasions in accordance with the ‘Assessment Guidelines – UEE11’. Evidence shall also comprise:

A representative body of work performance demonstrated within the timeframes typically expected of the discipline, work function and industrial environment. In particular this shall incorporate evidence that shows a candidate is able to:

Implement Occupational Health and Safety workplace procedures and practices, including the use of risk control measures as specified in the performance criteria and range statement

Apply sustainable energy principles and practices as specified in the performance criteria and range statement

Demonstrate an understanding of the required skills and knowledge as described in this unit. It may be required by some jurisdictions that RTOs provide a percentile graded result for the purpose of regulatory or licensing requirements.

Demonstrate an appropriate level of skills enabling employment

Conduct work observing the relevant Anti Discrimination legislation, regulations, polices and workplace procedures

Demonstrated consistent performance across a representative range of contexts from the prescribed items below:

Set up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems as described in 8) and including:


Understanding the operation of electronic and robot controls


Forming effective strategies for analysing circuit and robot performance


Obtaining circuit control and robot parameters, specifications and performance requirements appropriate to each situation.


Testing the results of the analysis


Documenting instruction for implementing any actions resulting from the analysis that incorporates risk control measure to be followed.


Documenting justification of actions to be implemented in accordance with professional standards.


Dealing with unplanned events by drawing on required skills and knowledge to provide appropriate solutions incorporated in a holistic assessment with the above listed items


Successful completion of relevant vendor training may be used to contribute to evidence on which competency is deemed. In these cases the alignment of outcomes of vendor training with performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence shall be clearly identified.

Context of and specific resources for assessment


This unit must be assessed as it relates to normal work practice using procedures, information and resources typical of a workplace. This should include:

OHS policy and work procedures and instructions.

Suitable work environment, facilities, equipment and materials to undertake actual work as prescribed by this unit.

These should be part of the formal learning/assessment environment.


Where simulation is considered a suitable strategy for assessment, the conditions must be authentic and as far as possible reproduce and replicate the workplace and be consistent with the approved industry simulation policy.

The resources used for assessment should reflect current industry practices in relation to setting up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems.

Method of assessment


This unit shall be assessed by methods given in Volume 1, Part 3 ‘Assessment Guidelines’.


Competent performance with inherent safe working practices is expected in the Industry to which this unit applies. This requires assessment in a structured environment which is intended primarily for learning/assessment and incorporates all necessary equipment and facilities for learners to develop and demonstrate the required skills and knowledge described in this unit.

Concurrent assessment and relationship with other units


For optimisation of training and assessment effort, competency development in this unit may be arranged concurrently with unit:


Set up electronically controlled mechanically operated complex systems

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

8) This describes the required skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Evidence shall show that knowledge has been acquired of safe working practices and setting up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems.

All knowledge and skills detailed in this unit should be contextualised to current industry practices and technologies.


Electronic interfacing to robotic processes

Evidence shall show an understanding of interfacing electronics with robot functions to an extent indicated by the following aspects:


Robot types and selection and pre-selection planning


Robot installation including pre-installation design, layout and system documentation


Interfacing of robot controller with other external control systems


Robot sensor devices, characteristics and application


Diagnostic functions


Maintenance scheduling and procedures


Special features including safety, palletising and sub-routines

10) This relates to the unit as a whole providing the range of contexts and conditions to which the performance criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.

This unit must be demonstrated in relation to setting up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems on at least 2 types of machines.


Typical systems are those encountered in meeting performance requirements and compliance standards, revising a machine operating parameters and dealing with machine malfunctions.

Generic terms used throughout this Vocational Standard shall be regarded as part of the Range Statement in which competency is demonstrated. The definition of these and other terms that apply are given in Volume 2, Part 2.1.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
OHS processes and procedures for a given work area are identified, obtained and understood 
Established OHS risk control measures and procedures are followed in preparation for the work. 
The extent of the work to be undertaken is determined from performance specifications and situation reports and in consultations with relevant persons 
Activities are planned to meet scheduled timelines in consultation with others involved in the work. 
Effective strategies are formed to ensure solution development and implementation is carried out efficiently. 
OHS risk control measures and procedures for carrying out the work are followed. 
Knowledge of complex controls and integrated robot systems are applied to developing analytical solutions to machine parameters and operation. 
Parameters, specifications and performance requirements in relation to each circuit and robot device are obtained in accordance with established procedures. 
Approaches to setting up, maintenance and/or modification are carried out to provide the most effective solution. 
Unplanned events are dealt with safely and effectively consistent with regulatory requirements and enterprise policy. 
Quality of work is monitored against personal performance agreement and/or established organisational or professional standards 
Solutions to set up, maintenance activity and/or modification are tested to determine their effectiveness and modified where necessary. 
Set up, maintenance activity and/or modification is documented including details of all findings, calculations and assumptions. 
Set up, maintenance activity and/or modification is reported to appropriate personnel to establish suitable action to be taken based on findings. 
Justification for findings and any actions to be undertaken in relation to the work activity is documented for inclusion in work/project or development records in accordance with professional standards. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

UEENEEI130A - Set up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

UEENEEI130A - Set up electronically controlled robotically operated complex systems

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
