Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

SIFCBCR010 Mapping and Delivery Guide
Exhume burial sites

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency SIFCBCR010 - Exhume burial sites
Employability Skills
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to exhume above and below ground burial sites and to lift and reposition or deepen human remains to accommodate additional burials under supervision. It applies to cemetery and crematorium gravedigging staff and funeral directors. It requires liaison with a variety of personnel dependent on the context in which exhumation is performed. The application of universal precautions to prevent contamination or infection is required when exhuming or lifting and deepening or repositioning human remains. Work is performed according to work health and safety, relevant legislation and workplace policies and procedures.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.

Skills must be demonstrated in a cemetery workplace or other burial environment:

using suitable equipment and resources, including:

protective restraints and appropriate casings for human remains and relevant tools, equipment and machinery, including personal protective equipment

under industry conditions where there is:

integration of tasks with possible interruptions to work typical of the job role

speed and timing requirements that reflect commercial operating conditions

interaction with team members and relevant personnel

Assessors must satisfy the NVR/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.

Competency Field Burial and Cremation Operations
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Perform exhumation.
  • Liaise with manager or leading hand to identify work requirements and own areas of responsibility in performing exhumation.
  • Identify and prepare tools, equipment and machinery according to work requirements.
  • Place protective restraints to restrict site access to authorised personnel.
  • Apply universal precautions to minimise risk of infection from contaminates.
  • Inspect and confirm nameplate as required.
  • Perform exhumation according to supervisor instructions.
  • Enclose remains of deceased person and coffin or casket in appropriate casing.
Element: Lift and reposition or deepen human remains.
  • Identify storage requirements.
  • Remove adjacent monuments as required and reassess further digging with appropriate personnel.
  • Dig to required or anticipated depth according to safety requirements.
  • Remove coffin or casket and transfer or store remains according to supervisor instructions.
Element: Clean site.
  • Liaise with appropriate personnel to determine clean up requirements.
  • Store and maintain tools, equipment and machinery.
Element: Perform exhumation.
  • Liaise with manager or leading hand to identify work requirements and own areas of responsibility in performing exhumation.
  • Identify and prepare tools, equipment and machinery according to work requirements.
  • Place protective restraints to restrict site access to authorised personnel.
  • Apply universal precautions to minimise risk of infection from contaminates.
  • Inspect and confirm nameplate as required.
  • Perform exhumation according to supervisor instructions.
  • Enclose remains of deceased person and coffin or casket in appropriate casing.
Element: Lift and reposition or deepen human remains.
  • Identify storage requirements.
  • Remove adjacent monuments as required and reassess further digging with appropriate personnel.
  • Dig to required or anticipated depth according to safety requirements.
  • Remove coffin or casket and transfer or store remains according to supervisor instructions.
Element: Clean site.
  • Liaise with appropriate personnel to determine clean up requirements.
  • Store and maintain tools, equipment and machinery.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Perform exhumation.

1.1 Liaise with manager or leading hand to identify work requirements and own areas of responsibility in performing exhumation.

1.2 Identify and prepare tools, equipment and machinery according to work requirements.

1.3 Place protective restraints to restrict site access to authorised personnel.

1.4 Apply universal precautions to minimise risk of infection from contaminates.

1.5 Inspect and confirm nameplate as required.

1.6 Perform exhumation according to supervisor instructions.

1.7 Enclose remains of deceased person and coffin or casket in appropriate casing.

2. Lift and reposition or deepen human remains.

2.1 Identify storage requirements.

2.2 Remove adjacent monuments as required and reassess further digging with appropriate personnel.

2.3 Dig to required or anticipated depth according to safety requirements.

2.4 Remove coffin or casket and transfer or store remains according to supervisor instructions.

3. Clean site.

3.1 Liaise with appropriate personnel to determine clean up requirements.

3.2 Store and maintain tools, equipment and machinery.

Evidence of the ability to:

liaise with appropriate personnel to identify burial locations and safe exhumation methods

select, prepare, use, maintain and clean the required tools, equipment and machinery according to supervisor instructions, workplace policies and procedures, and manufacturer guidelines

apply safe and efficient exhumation of remains using infection control procedures

lift and reposition or deepen human remains, and reinstate good presentation of burial sites at conclusion of exhumation.

Evidence of performance of exhuming burial sites on two or more occasions is required to demonstrate consistency of performance and ability to respond to different situations.

Demonstrated knowledge of:

federal, state or territory, and local government legislation and regulations relating to work health and safety/occupational health and safety, conduct of exhumations, and storage and handling of human remains

workplace policies and procedures relating to performing exhumations

appropriate care, use and maintenance of relevant tools, equipment and machinery, including protective restraints

universal precautions, including:

use of personal protective equipment

presumption that all blood and body fluids are infectious

covering exposed cuts and abrasions, particularly on workers’ hands, with waterproof coverings prior to commencing work

immediate treatment of puncture wounds or abrasions

use of protective clothing when cleaning spillage of body fluids

environmental impacts in relation to gravedigging and minimal impact practices to reduce these, especially those that relate to resource, water and energy use

environmentally sound disposal methods for all types of waste and in particular for hazardous substances.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Perform exhumation.

1.1 Liaise with manager or leading hand to identify work requirements and own areas of responsibility in performing exhumation.

1.2 Identify and prepare tools, equipment and machinery according to work requirements.

1.3 Place protective restraints to restrict site access to authorised personnel.

1.4 Apply universal precautions to minimise risk of infection from contaminates.

1.5 Inspect and confirm nameplate as required.

1.6 Perform exhumation according to supervisor instructions.

1.7 Enclose remains of deceased person and coffin or casket in appropriate casing.

2. Lift and reposition or deepen human remains.

2.1 Identify storage requirements.

2.2 Remove adjacent monuments as required and reassess further digging with appropriate personnel.

2.3 Dig to required or anticipated depth according to safety requirements.

2.4 Remove coffin or casket and transfer or store remains according to supervisor instructions.

3. Clean site.

3.1 Liaise with appropriate personnel to determine clean up requirements.

3.2 Store and maintain tools, equipment and machinery.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Liaise with manager or leading hand to identify work requirements and own areas of responsibility in performing exhumation. 
Identify and prepare tools, equipment and machinery according to work requirements. 
Place protective restraints to restrict site access to authorised personnel. 
Apply universal precautions to minimise risk of infection from contaminates. 
Inspect and confirm nameplate as required. 
Perform exhumation according to supervisor instructions. 
Enclose remains of deceased person and coffin or casket in appropriate casing. 
Identify storage requirements. 
Remove adjacent monuments as required and reassess further digging with appropriate personnel. 
Dig to required or anticipated depth according to safety requirements. 
Remove coffin or casket and transfer or store remains according to supervisor instructions. 
Liaise with appropriate personnel to determine clean up requirements. 
Store and maintain tools, equipment and machinery. 
Liaise with manager or leading hand to identify work requirements and own areas of responsibility in performing exhumation. 
Identify and prepare tools, equipment and machinery according to work requirements. 
Place protective restraints to restrict site access to authorised personnel. 
Apply universal precautions to minimise risk of infection from contaminates. 
Inspect and confirm nameplate as required. 
Perform exhumation according to supervisor instructions. 
Enclose remains of deceased person and coffin or casket in appropriate casing. 
Identify storage requirements. 
Remove adjacent monuments as required and reassess further digging with appropriate personnel. 
Dig to required or anticipated depth according to safety requirements. 
Remove coffin or casket and transfer or store remains according to supervisor instructions. 
Liaise with appropriate personnel to determine clean up requirements. 
Store and maintain tools, equipment and machinery. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

SIFCBCR010 - Exhume burial sites
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

SIFCBCR010 - Exhume burial sites

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
