Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

RIIHAN308E Mapping and Delivery Guide
Load and unload plant

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency RIIHAN308E - Load and unload plant
Employability Skills
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit describes a participant’s skills and knowledge required to load and unload plant in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries.This unit is appropriate for those working in operational roles.Licensing, legislative, regulatory and certification requirements that apply to this unit can vary between states, territories and industry sectors. Relevant information must be sourced prior to application of the unit.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors; and industry regulations for certification and licensing; and,

this unit is best assessed in the context of this sector’s work environment;

where personal safety or environmental damage are limiting factors, assessment may occur in a simulated environment provided it is realistic and sufficiently rigorous to cover all aspects of this sector’s workplace performance, including environment, task skills, task management skills, contingency management skills and job role environment skills; and,

this unit must be assessed in compliance with relevant legislation/regulation and using policies, procedures, processes and operational manuals directly related to the industry sector for which it is being assessed; and,

assessment may be conducted in conjunction with the assessment of other units of competency; and,

assessment must confirm consistent performance can be applied in a range of relevant workplace circumstances; and,

assessors must demonstrate the performance evidence, and knowledge evidence as outlined in this unit of competency, and through the minimum years of current* work experience specified below in an industry sector relevant to the outcomes of the unit; or,

where the assessor does not meet experience requirements a co-assessment or partnership arrangement must exist between the qualified assessor and an industry subject matter expert. The industry subject matter expert should hold the unit being assessed (or an equivalent unit) and/or demonstrate equivalence of skills and knowledge at the unit level. An industry technical expert must also demonstrate skills and knowledge from the minimum years of current work experience specified below in the industry sector, including time spent in roles related to the unit being assessed; and,

assessor and industry subject matter expert requirements differ depending on the Australian Qualifications Framework Level (AQF) of the qualification being assessed and/or industry sector as follows:

Industry sector

AQF** Level

Required assessor or industry subject matter expert experience

Drilling, Metalliferous Mining, Coal Mining, Extractive (Quarrying) and Civil Construction


1 Year


2 Years

Drilling, Coal Mining and Extractive (Quarrying)


3 Years

Metalliferous Mining and Civil Construction


5 Years

Other sectors

Where this unit is being assessed outside of the Resources and Infrastructure Sectors, assessor and/or industry subject matter expert experience should be in-line with industry standards for the sector in which it is being assessed and, where no industry standard is specified, should comply with any relevant regulation.

*Assessors can demonstrate current work experience through employment within industry in a role relevant to the outcomes of the unit; or, for external assessors this can be demonstrated through exposure to industry by conducting frequent site assessments across various locations.

**Where a unit is being delivered outside of a qualification the first numeric character in the unit code should be considered to indicate the AQF level.

Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Plan and prepare to load and unload plant
  • Access, interpret and apply load handling documentation and ensure the work activity is compliant
  • Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements
  • Identify and address potential risks, hazards and environmental issues, and implement control measures
  • Select and wear personal protective equipment appropriate for work activities
  • Identify, obtain and implement signage and barriers and ensure the loading/unloading site is made safe and isolated from general traffic flow
Element: Load the plant
  • Confirm the dimensions and capacity of the float/trailer to safely carry the plant item
  • Select tools and loading equipment, check for serviceability/faults and rectify or report, verbally or in writing, prior to commencement
  • Confirm preparation of the plant for transportation has been completed
  • Place and secure loading aids
  • Confirm loading procedure with operator and/or guide before loading commences
  • Move the plant item onto the trailer/float and halt at the designated position
  • Secure plant to trailer/float
Element: Unload the plant
  • Confirm the unloading procedure with operator and/or guide before unloading commences
  • Place and secure unloading aids, including ramps, in accordance with the trailer/float specifications
  • Slacken securing devices and remove in a sequence which optimises safety
  • Move the plant item off the trailer/float and halt at the designated position
  • Stow loading aids including ramps, bridging materials and securing devices

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

1. Plan and prepare to load and unload plant

1.1 Access, interpret and apply load handling documentation and ensure the work activity is compliant

1.2 Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements

1.3 Identify and address potential risks, hazards and environmental issues, and implement control measures

1.4 Select and wear personal protective equipment appropriate for work activities

1.5 Identify, obtain and implement signage and barriers and ensure the loading/unloading site is made safe and isolated from general traffic flow

2. Load the plant

2.1 Confirm the dimensions and capacity of the float/trailer to safely carry the plant item

2.2 Select tools and loading equipment, check for serviceability/faults and rectify or report, verbally or in writing, prior to commencement

2.3 Confirm preparation of the plant for transportation has been completed

2.4 Place and secure loading aids

2.5 Confirm loading procedure with operator and/or guide before loading commences

2.6 Move the plant item onto the trailer/float and halt at the designated position

2.7 Secure plant to trailer/float

3. Unload the plant

3.1 Confirm the unloading procedure with operator and/or guide before unloading commences

3.2 Place and secure unloading aids, including ramps, in accordance with the trailer/float specifications

3.3 Slacken securing devices and remove in a sequence which optimises safety

3.4 Move the plant item off the trailer/float and halt at the designated position

3.5 Stow loading aids including ramps, bridging materials and securing devices

Evidence is required to be collected that demonstrates a candidate’s competency in this unit. Evidence must be relevant to the roles within this sector’s work operations and satisfy all of the requirements of the performance criteria of this unit and include evidence that the candidate:

locates and applies relevant documentation, policies and procedures

implements the requirements, procedures and techniques for the safe, effective and efficient completion of loading and unloading plant including:

applying operational safety

driving mobile plant

accessing, interpreting and applying technical information

calculating volume and weights

maintaining equipment records

applying fault finding techniques

complying with environmental requirements

disposing of environmentally sensitive fluids and materials

works effectively with others to undertake and complete the loading and unloading plant that meets all of the required outcomes including:

complying with written and verbal reporting requirements and procedures

communicating clearly and concisely with others to receive and clarify work instructions

communicating clearly and concisely with others to resolve coordination requirements prior to commencing and during work activities

demonstrates completion of loading and unloading plant that safely, effectively and efficiently meets all of the required outcomes on more than one (1) occasion including:

selecting, checking and using the required tools and equipment

placing and securing loading and unloading aids

moving the plant item onto and off the trailer/float

slackening securing devices and removing in a safe sequence

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of the following when loading and unloading plant:

National Standard for high risk work

site and equipment safety requirements

understanding of required hand signals

techniques and processes for preparing plant for transportation

basic motion and restraint theory related to heavy plant on floats or trailers

basic centre of gravity and balance theory related to heavy plant on floats or trailers

types, operation, uses and imitations of load securing equipment

site isolation and traffic control responsibilities and authorities

materials safety data sheet

levelling techniques

job safety analyses/safe work method statement

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

1. Plan and prepare to load and unload plant

1.1 Access, interpret and apply load handling documentation and ensure the work activity is compliant

1.2 Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements

1.3 Identify and address potential risks, hazards and environmental issues, and implement control measures

1.4 Select and wear personal protective equipment appropriate for work activities

1.5 Identify, obtain and implement signage and barriers and ensure the loading/unloading site is made safe and isolated from general traffic flow

2. Load the plant

2.1 Confirm the dimensions and capacity of the float/trailer to safely carry the plant item

2.2 Select tools and loading equipment, check for serviceability/faults and rectify or report, verbally or in writing, prior to commencement

2.3 Confirm preparation of the plant for transportation has been completed

2.4 Place and secure loading aids

2.5 Confirm loading procedure with operator and/or guide before loading commences

2.6 Move the plant item onto the trailer/float and halt at the designated position

2.7 Secure plant to trailer/float

3. Unload the plant

3.1 Confirm the unloading procedure with operator and/or guide before unloading commences

3.2 Place and secure unloading aids, including ramps, in accordance with the trailer/float specifications

3.3 Slacken securing devices and remove in a sequence which optimises safety

3.4 Move the plant item off the trailer/float and halt at the designated position

3.5 Stow loading aids including ramps, bridging materials and securing devices

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Access, interpret and apply load handling documentation and ensure the work activity is compliant 
Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements 
Identify and address potential risks, hazards and environmental issues, and implement control measures 
Select and wear personal protective equipment appropriate for work activities 
Identify, obtain and implement signage and barriers and ensure the loading/unloading site is made safe and isolated from general traffic flow 
Confirm the dimensions and capacity of the float/trailer to safely carry the plant item 
Select tools and loading equipment, check for serviceability/faults and rectify or report, verbally or in writing, prior to commencement 
Confirm preparation of the plant for transportation has been completed 
Place and secure loading aids 
Confirm loading procedure with operator and/or guide before loading commences 
Move the plant item onto the trailer/float and halt at the designated position 
Secure plant to trailer/float 
Confirm the unloading procedure with operator and/or guide before unloading commences 
Place and secure unloading aids, including ramps, in accordance with the trailer/float specifications 
Slacken securing devices and remove in a sequence which optimises safety 
Move the plant item off the trailer/float and halt at the designated position 
Stow loading aids including ramps, bridging materials and securing devices 


Assessment Cover Sheet

RIIHAN308E - Load and unload plant
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

RIIHAN308E - Load and unload plant

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
