Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

LGACORE104B Mapping and Delivery Guide
Work effectively in local government

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency LGACORE104B - Work effectively in local government
Description This unit covers working effectively in a local government context, including accepting responsibility for own work. It requires an understanding of and support for local government priorities. The unit is appropriate for all council staff particularly those entering local government for the first time.
Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills.
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit supports the attainment of skills and knowledge required for competent workplace performance in councils of all sizes. Knowledge of the legislation and regulations within which councils must operate is essential. The unique nature of councils, as a tier of government directed by elected members and reflecting the needs of local communities, must be appropriately reflected.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.
Prerequisites/co-requisites Not applicable.
Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Apply knowledge and understanding of council responsibilities and structure to work
  • Work reflects understanding of relationship between elected members and council staff.
  • Responsibilities and duties are performed in accordance with council policies and procedures.
  • Tasks that fall outside scope of responsibilities or limits of authority are proactively referred or delegated to appropriate departments/personnel.
  • Communication with council staff is conducted according to organisational protocols and procedures.
Element: Accept responsibility for quality of own work
  • Workplace is well organised and safe and is in accordance with relevant standards and policies.
  • Own work is monitored and adjusted according to requirements for job quality, customer service, public responsibility and resource use.
  • Council's code of conduct is adhered to.
Element: Manage own work
  • Instructions are interpreted correctly and checked against prescribed scope and standard of work.
  • Factors affecting work requirements are identified and appropriate action is taken.
  • Workload is assessed and prioritised within allocated time frames.
  • The need for additional support to improve performance is communicated clearly to the appropriate person.
Element: Maintain public safety
  • Potential health and safety hazards are identified and responded to in line with council procedures.
  • Emergency situations are quickly and correctly recognised, assessed and responded to in line with council procedures.
  • The potential effect of incidents on different customers, including those with special needs, is taken into account in determining appropriate action.
  • Requests for assistance from other staff or the public are responded to promptly and appropriately.
  • Reports on accidents and incidents are provided in accordance with council and legal requirements.
  • Reports are accurate and comprehensive and clearly distinguish fact and opinion.
Element: Implement environmental procedures
  • Environmental risks and impacts relevant to the specific work being undertaken are identified.
  • All work activities are carried out in accordance with relevant environmental procedures, including sustainable energy work practices.
  • Environmental risks and incidents are dealt with, recorded and/or reported according to council and workplace procedures.
  • Contribution to review of environmental procedures is made within limits of responsibility.
Element: Contribute to change process
  • Implications of external change on the council are identified.
  • Implications of change in the workplace on own job are identified.
  • Agreed changes to improve work outcomes are acted upon.
  • Appropriate avenues are accessed to provide suggestions for improvements.
  • Suggestions for improving the work are contributed in a constructive way.
Element: Apply knowledge and understanding of council responsibilities and structure to work
  • Work reflects understanding of relationship between elected members and council staff.
  • Responsibilities and duties are performed in accordance with council policies and procedures.
  • Tasks that fall outside scope of responsibilities or limits of authority are proactively referred or delegated to appropriate departments/personnel.
  • Communication with council staff is conducted according to organisational protocols and procedures.
Element: Accept responsibility for quality of own work
  • Workplace is well organised and safe and is in accordance with relevant standards and policies.
  • Own work is monitored and adjusted according to requirements for job quality, customer service, public responsibility and resource use.
  • Council's code of conduct is adhered to.
Element: Manage own work
  • Instructions are interpreted correctly and checked against prescribed scope and standard of work.
  • Factors affecting work requirements are identified and appropriate action is taken.
  • Workload is assessed and prioritised within allocated time frames.
  • The need for additional support to improve performance is communicated clearly to the appropriate person.
Element: Maintain public safety
  • Potential health and safety hazards are identified and responded to in line with council procedures.
  • Emergency situations are quickly and correctly recognised, assessed and responded to in line with council procedures.
  • The potential effect of incidents on different customers, including those with special needs, is taken into account in determining appropriate action.
  • Requests for assistance from other staff or the public are responded to promptly and appropriately.
  • Reports on accidents and incidents are provided in accordance with council and legal requirements.
  • Reports are accurate and comprehensive and clearly distinguish fact and opinion.
Element: Implement environmental procedures
  • Environmental risks and impacts relevant to the specific work being undertaken are identified.
  • All work activities are carried out in accordance with relevant environmental procedures, including sustainable energy work practices.
  • Environmental risks and incidents are dealt with, recorded and/or reported according to council and workplace procedures.
  • Contribution to review of environmental procedures is made within limits of responsibility.
Element: Contribute to change process
  • Implications of external change on the council are identified.
  • Implications of change in the workplace on own job are identified.
  • Agreed changes to improve work outcomes are acted upon.
  • Appropriate avenues are accessed to provide suggestions for improvements.
  • Suggestions for improving the work are contributed in a constructive way.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

Overview of assessment requirements

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit will be able to perform the outcomes described in the Elements to the required performance level detailed in the Performance Criteria. The knowledge and skill requirements described in the Range Statement must also be demonstrated. For example, knowledge of the legislative framework and safe work practices that underpin the performance of the unit are also required to be demonstrated.

Critical aspects of evidence to be considered

The demonstrated ability to:

understand the implications of working in the context of local government

understand duty of care requirements

contribute positively to quality improvement and workplace change

work within procedures and policies

manage own work effectively

implement sustainable energy work practices

Context of assessment

On the job or in a simulated workplace environment.

Relationship to other units(prerequisite or co-requisite units)

To enable holistic assessment this unit may be assessed with other units that form part of the job role in particular:

LGACORE102B Follow defined OHS policies and procedures

Method of assessment

The following assessment methods are suggested:

observation of the learner performing a range of workplace tasks over sufficient time to demonstrate handling of a range of contingencies

written and/or oral questioning to assess knowledge and understanding

completion of workplace documentation

third-party reports from experienced practitioners

completion of self-paced learning materials including personal reflection and feedback from trainer, coach or supervisor.

Evidence required for demonstration of consistent performance

Evidence will need to be gathered over time across a range of variables.

Resource implications

Access to a workplace or simulated case study that incorporates the following resources:

copies of legislation

council business and strategic plans

other policies, procedures and standards

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit

Required Skills

prioritising work

communicating need for support

responding to workplace change

reporting accidents and incidents verbally

filling in accident and incident report forms

interpreting instructions

implementing sustainable energy work practice

problem solving

conflict resolution

appropriate software and technology skills

team work and team building

Required Knowledge

council's occupational health and safety policies and procedures

council's environmental policies and procedures

council's quality system policies and procedures

council's emergency procedures

council's organisational structure

communication channels within council

election process

role of councillors and mayor

structure of government in Australia

functions of local government

boundaries of local government

duty of care requirements

council's public liability

sustainable energy work practice techniques

The Range Statement relates to the Unit of Competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below.

Policies and procedures may include:

quality system policies and procedures


accident reports

responsibilities and duties

Communication may include:

verbal: requiring listening, understanding and clear and direct speech

written: requiring attention to the needs of the audience and clear and unambiguous communication of message

face to face

by telephone

Workplace may include:

work site

council section


business unit


work team

Standards may include:

standards set by work group

organisational policies and procedures

specified work standards


Australian standards

Factors affecting work requirements may include:

time and weather contingencies

other work demands

Customers may include:



Special needs may include:

people with a disability


elderly people

people from a non-English speaking background

Accidents and incidents may include:


accidents to members of public or staff



bomb threats


Workplace procedures may include:

environmental procedures, including emergency procedures

sustainable energy work practices

Contributions to review of environmental procedures may include:

suggestions requiring the development of practical and workable solutions



participation in committees

External change may include:

international, national and state changes

changes in society

Workplace change may include:

implementation of new work practices and services

organisational restructures

introduction of new technology or communication systems


Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Work reflects understanding of relationship between elected members and council staff. 
Responsibilities and duties are performed in accordance with council policies and procedures. 
Tasks that fall outside scope of responsibilities or limits of authority are proactively referred or delegated to appropriate departments/personnel. 
Communication with council staff is conducted according to organisational protocols and procedures. 
Workplace is well organised and safe and is in accordance with relevant standards and policies. 
Own work is monitored and adjusted according to requirements for job quality, customer service, public responsibility and resource use. 
Council's code of conduct is adhered to. 
Instructions are interpreted correctly and checked against prescribed scope and standard of work. 
Factors affecting work requirements are identified and appropriate action is taken. 
Workload is assessed and prioritised within allocated time frames. 
The need for additional support to improve performance is communicated clearly to the appropriate person. 
Potential health and safety hazards are identified and responded to in line with council procedures. 
Emergency situations are quickly and correctly recognised, assessed and responded to in line with council procedures. 
The potential effect of incidents on different customers, including those with special needs, is taken into account in determining appropriate action. 
Requests for assistance from other staff or the public are responded to promptly and appropriately. 
Reports on accidents and incidents are provided in accordance with council and legal requirements. 
Reports are accurate and comprehensive and clearly distinguish fact and opinion. 
Environmental risks and impacts relevant to the specific work being undertaken are identified. 
All work activities are carried out in accordance with relevant environmental procedures, including sustainable energy work practices. 
Environmental risks and incidents are dealt with, recorded and/or reported according to council and workplace procedures. 
Contribution to review of environmental procedures is made within limits of responsibility. 
Implications of external change on the council are identified. 
Implications of change in the workplace on own job are identified. 
Agreed changes to improve work outcomes are acted upon. 
Appropriate avenues are accessed to provide suggestions for improvements. 
Suggestions for improving the work are contributed in a constructive way. 
Work reflects understanding of relationship between elected members and council staff. 
Responsibilities and duties are performed in accordance with council policies and procedures. 
Tasks that fall outside scope of responsibilities or limits of authority are proactively referred or delegated to appropriate departments/personnel. 
Communication with council staff is conducted according to organisational protocols and procedures. 
Workplace is well organised and safe and is in accordance with relevant standards and policies. 
Own work is monitored and adjusted according to requirements for job quality, customer service, public responsibility and resource use. 
Council's code of conduct is adhered to. 
Instructions are interpreted correctly and checked against prescribed scope and standard of work. 
Factors affecting work requirements are identified and appropriate action is taken. 
Workload is assessed and prioritised within allocated time frames. 
The need for additional support to improve performance is communicated clearly to the appropriate person. 
Potential health and safety hazards are identified and responded to in line with council procedures. 
Emergency situations are quickly and correctly recognised, assessed and responded to in line with council procedures. 
The potential effect of incidents on different customers, including those with special needs, is taken into account in determining appropriate action. 
Requests for assistance from other staff or the public are responded to promptly and appropriately. 
Reports on accidents and incidents are provided in accordance with council and legal requirements. 
Reports are accurate and comprehensive and clearly distinguish fact and opinion. 
Environmental risks and impacts relevant to the specific work being undertaken are identified. 
All work activities are carried out in accordance with relevant environmental procedures, including sustainable energy work practices. 
Environmental risks and incidents are dealt with, recorded and/or reported according to council and workplace procedures. 
Contribution to review of environmental procedures is made within limits of responsibility. 
Implications of external change on the council are identified. 
Implications of change in the workplace on own job are identified. 
Agreed changes to improve work outcomes are acted upon. 
Appropriate avenues are accessed to provide suggestions for improvements. 
Suggestions for improving the work are contributed in a constructive way. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

LGACORE104B - Work effectively in local government
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

LGACORE104B - Work effectively in local government

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
