Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

DEFCP004A Mapping and Delivery Guide
Apply knowledge of risk assessment

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency DEFCP004A - Apply knowledge of risk assessment
Description This unit covers the competency required to analyse and apply knowledge of risk assessment processes.The application of this knowledge is required by people who are not specialists in the field but need the knowledge to inform their decision makingThe application of risk assessment process knowledge is specific to a variety of component processes in safety case activities.
Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills.
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit was developed for Defence workers involved in the evaluation and review of safety cases but is applicable to all individuals who work in this field. Typically these individuals must demonstrate the ability to work independently or as part of a team under direct and/or indirect supervision, use discretion, and judgement and take responsibility for the quality of their outputs. All activities are carried out in accordance with relevant organisational policies and procedures.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.
Prerequisites/co-requisites Not applicable.
Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Access and interpret relevant risk assessment information
  • Relevant risk factors are identified and considered.
  • Risk assessment information obtained is analysed to determine the relevance and application to the organisation.
  • Outcomes of the analysis are formulated and recommendations relevant to risk assessment requirements are determined.
Element: Use knowledge of risk assessment processes
  • Risk assessment requirements and recommendations relevant to safety cases are applied in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.
  • Effectiveness of the recommendations is assessed, reviewed and recorded in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.
  • Recommendations are adjusted if required and documented for future application in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

Assessment must confirm the ability to:

adhere to relevant compliance requirements

apply knowledge of the risk assessment process to assist in work and to guide problem solving

Consistency in performance

Competency should be demonstrated over time and should be observed in a range of actual or simulated work contexts.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Context of assessment

Competency should be assessed in the workplace or simulated workplace environment.

Specific resources for assessment

Access is required to:

computer and relevant software

legislation, guidelines, procedures and protocols relating to safety case processes


workplace documentation

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required Skills

apply safety, legislative and statutory requirements relevant to the risk assessment

identify, interpret and analyse risk assessment requirements relevant to work being performed

use appropriate information technology and software

Required Knowledge

configuration management

organisational requirements relevant to risk assessment systems

risk assessment process relevant to safety case systems

risk assessment process relevant to the work performed

statutory requirements relevant to risk assessment systems

The Range Statement relates to the Unit of Competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below.

Risk factors may include:

Actual events




Human behaviour


Political circumstances




Safety case is:

Term used to describe a sophisticated, comprehensive and integrated risk management system, which demonstrates how safety (and other forms of risk) has been considered with regard to any system or equipment throughout the life of the capability from definition through to disposal

As a report, a formal documented snapshot in time, demonstrating that due diligence has been given to the hazards associated with the introduction into service of new capability, documenting the system that facilitates the management of hazards

Organisational policy and procedures may include:

Australian Standards

International standards

Organisational instructions and standards

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Relevant risk factors are identified and considered. 
Risk assessment information obtained is analysed to determine the relevance and application to the organisation. 
Outcomes of the analysis are formulated and recommendations relevant to risk assessment requirements are determined. 
Risk assessment requirements and recommendations relevant to safety cases are applied in accordance with organisational policy and procedures. 
Effectiveness of the recommendations is assessed, reviewed and recorded in accordance with organisational policy and procedures. 
Recommendations are adjusted if required and documented for future application in accordance with organisational policy and procedures. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

DEFCP004A - Apply knowledge of risk assessment
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

DEFCP004A - Apply knowledge of risk assessment

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
