Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

CPPDSM5021A Mapping and Delivery Guide
Implement asset maintenance strategy

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency CPPDSM5021A - Implement asset maintenance strategy
Description This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to determine asset maintenance requirements and implement and review appropriate strategies to meet the needs of individual clients. It requires the ability to develop and document strategies effectively to improve the ongoing quality of maintenance.The unit may form part of the licensing requirements for persons working in the property industry, including in the real estate, business broking, stock and station agency and property operations and development sectors, in those States and Territories where these are regulated activities.
Employability Skills The required outcomes described in this unit of competency contain applicable facets of employability skills. The Employability Skills Summary of the qualification in which this unit of competency is packaged, will assist in identifying employability skills requirements.
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit of competency supports the work of those involved in determining asset maintenance requirements and implementing and reviewing appropriate strategies to meet the needs of individual clients.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.
Prerequisites/co-requisites Nil
Competency Field Property operations and development
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Determine asset maintenance system requirements.
  • Asset maintenance specifications and other relevant documentation are obtained and analysed to establish maintenance requirements.
  • Risk assessment is conducted on anticipated project outcomes according to legislative and organisational requirements.
  • Industry benchmarks are reviewed to determine maintenance intervals and other requirements.
  • OHS and other applicable legislative requirements are interpreted and allowed for within parameters of project requirements.
Element: Design asset maintenance strategy.
  • Maintenance strategy is designed that details a range of activities that accurately reflect client, legislative and organisational requirements.
  • Reliable maintenance methods are used according to organisational requirements, making efficient use of time and resources.
  • Contract specifications for maintenance services are developed and incorporated into tender documents according to legislative and organisational requirements.
  • Client safety and security requirements are incorporated into maintenance strategy according to legislative and organisational requirements.
  • Situations requiring specialist advice are identified and assistance is sought as required according to organisational requirements.
Element: Estimate resource requirements.
  • Viability to provide required maintenance services is assessed against maintenance specifications and organisational operational capacity.
  • Financial, physical and human resources to support maintenance requirements are determined and arranged according to organisational requirements.
  • Organisational rate schedules and conditions are applied to established costings where appropriate according to organisational requirements.
  • Factors that may affect capacity to meet project requirements are identified through risk analysis and accounted for in resource estimates.
  • Availability of resources is negotiated and confirmed with relevant people according to organisational requirements.
  • Information is reviewed to ensure an accurate and detailed budget is prepared according to organisational requirements.
Element: Review and evaluate asset maintenance strategy.
  • Maintenance strategy is reviewed and evaluated in consultation with client and relevant people using appropriate communication strategies.
  • Systematic review processes and established evaluation methods are identified and used to evaluate strategy processes and outcomes.
  • Evaluation results are prepared in required format, style and structure and presented to relevant people within agreed timeframes.
  • Recommendations for improvement of strategy are presented to relevant people according to organisational procedures.
  • Business equipment and technology are used to securely maintain documentation according to legislative and organisational procedures.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, the range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment

This unit of competency could be assessed through practical demonstration of determining asset maintenance requirements and implementing and reviewing appropriate strategies to meet the needs of individual clients. Targeted written (including alternative formats where necessary) or verbal questioning to assess the candidate's underpinning knowledge would provide additional supporting evidence of competence. The demonstration and questioning would include collecting evidence of the candidate's knowledge and application of ethical standards and relevant federal, and state or territory legislation and regulations. This assessment may be carried out in a simulated or workplace environment.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of:

designing a maintenance strategy that includes procedures to select maintenance contractors and ensure the safety and security of clients and others

determining maintenance system requirements and intervals using industry benchmarks and OHS considerations

determining asset maintenance requirements and implementing and reviewing appropriate strategies to meet the needs of individual clients

knowledge of organisation's practices, ethical standards and legislative requirements associated with preparing a detailed budget, including a risk analysis and estimate of resource requirements

reviewing and evaluating an asset maintenance strategy and presenting the results.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Resource implications for assessment include:

a registered provider of assessment services

assessment materials and tools

candidate special requirements

competency standards

cost and time considerations

suitable assessment venue and equipment

workplace documentation.

Where applicable, physical resources should include equipment modified for people with disabilities.

Access must be provided to appropriate learning and/or assessment support when required.

Assessment processes and techniques must be culturally appropriate, and appropriate to the language and literacy capacity of the candidate and the work being performed.

Validity and sufficiency of evidence require that:

competency will need to be demonstrated over a period of time reflecting the scope of the role and the practical requirements of the workplace

where the assessment is part of a structured learning experience the evidence collected must relate to a number of performances assessed at different points in time and separated by further learning and practice with a decision of competence only taken at the point when the assessor has complete confidence in the person's competence

all assessment that is part of a structured learning experience must include a combination of direct, indirect and supplementary evidence

where assessment is for the purpose of recognition (RCC/RPL), the evidence provided will need to be current and show that it represents competency demonstrated over a period of time

assessment can be through simulated project-based activity and must include evidence relating to each of the elements in this unit.

In all cases activity and must include evidence relating to each of the where practical assessment is used it will be combined with targeted questioning to assess the underpinning knowledge. Questioning will be undertaken in such a manner as is appropriate to the language and literacy levels of the candidate and any cultural issues that may affect responses to the questions, and will reflect the requirements of the competency and the work being performed.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

This section describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills:

analytical skills to interpret and evaluate documentation, assess risks and estimate costings and budget needs

communication skills to negotiate and consult with relevant people

computing skills to access the internet and web pages, prepare and complete online forms, lodge electronic documents and search online databases

interpersonal skills to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and varying physical and mental abilities

literacy skills to interpret written and oral information

organisational skills to schedule and meet time lines and client requirements and to plan maintenance requirements and resource use

research and evaluation skills to source asset maintenance information and resource requirements and to review and evaluate strategy

technical skills to schedule tasks and report outcomes.

Required knowledge and understanding:

basic knowledge of property contracts and administrative requirements

building codes and relevant Australian standards

building construction practice

building control legislation

common hazards to public and personal safety associated with particular types of maintenance work in buildings

industry benchmarks for maintenance procedures

limitations of work role, responsibility and professional abilities

OHS issues and requirements

organisational and professional procedures, ethical practices and business standards

relevant building service, trades and operation for maintenance operations

relevant federal and state or territory legislation and local government regulations related to:


consumer protection

environmental issues

equal employment opportunity (EEO)

financial probity

franchise and business structures

industrial relations



property sales, leasing and management.

The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the performance criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Assets may be static or dynamic and may include:


business and marketing contracts







Maintenance may include:


changing user codes

confirmation of operational effectiveness

identification and replacement of worn parts

inspection, lubrication, cleaning and adjustments

routine repairs.

Relevant documentation may include:

certification, including inspection certificates

costings, receipts and invoices

logs of equipment and system problems or faults

operational checks and maintenance conducted

parts and components replaced and materials used

planning permits

property leases, plans or contracts

recommendations for repairs

service and maintenance records

testing and commissioning results

warranty conditions and allowances.

Legislative requirements may be outlined and reflected in:

Australian standards, and quality assurance and certification requirements

award and enterprise agreements

codes of practice covering the market sector and industry, financial transactions, taxation, environment, construction, land use, native title, zoning, utilities use (water, gas and electricity), and contract or common law

environmental and zoning laws affecting access security, access and property use

general duty of care to clients

home building requirements

local regulations and by-laws

relevant federal, and state or territory legislation that affects organisational operation, including:

anti-discrimination and diversity

environmental issues


industrial relations


relevant privacy laws

strata, community and company titles

tenancy agreements

trade practices laws and guidelines.

Organisational requirements may be outlined and reflected in:

access and equity principles and practice guidelines

business and performance plans

complaint and dispute resolution procedures

goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes

legal and ethical requirements and codes of practice

mission statements and strategic plans

OHS policies, procedures and programs

policies and procedures in relation to client service

quality and continuous improvement processes and standards

quality assurance and procedure manuals.

Industry benchmarks may include:

discounted cash flow

employment rates

industry association performance index

inflation rate

internal rate of return

life cycle costing

published vacancy factors

tenancy mix.

Maintenance strategy may include:



emergency lighting


fire lighting






sanitary disposal


vertical movement

waste disposal

weather proofing.

Clients may include:

building supervisors

government and legal instruments or agencies



internal and external property groups

legal advisers

private investors

property agents and property owners

risk assessors


Maintenance methods may include:

internal employee services

lease contractual obligations

outsourcing of external contracts with arms length organisations.

Safety and security requirements may be satisfied through:

adherence to OHS policies and procedures for the containment of:

emergency situations, including fire, flood, bomb threats, suicide attempts or other actions likely to lead to property or bodily threat

potential health and safety hazards, such as physical, mechanical or chemical agents already in the work environment, or brought to the environment, or created as a by-product of work done on the site.

Specialist advice may be sought from:


bankers and financiers


government officials

investment consultants

members of industry associations


real estate agents



technical experts.

Resources may relate to:



tools and equipment



Relevant people may include:



engineers and technicians

government personnel


legal representatives

management and colleagues

members of industry associations

property owners

site personnel


technical experts



Communication strategies may include:

active listening

clear presentation of options

consultation methods

culturally inclusive and sensitive engagement techniques

questioning to clarify and confirm understanding

seeking feedback

two-way interaction

using language and concepts appropriate to cultural differences

verbal or non-verbal language.

Evaluation methods could be qualitative or quantitative and may include:


cost data analysis

expert and peer review




review of quality assurance data.

Business equipment and technology may include:

data storage devices


facsimile machines

internet, extranet and intranet




software applications, such as databases and word applications

work computers.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Asset maintenance specifications and other relevant documentation are obtained and analysed to establish maintenance requirements. 
Risk assessment is conducted on anticipated project outcomes according to legislative and organisational requirements. 
Industry benchmarks are reviewed to determine maintenance intervals and other requirements. 
OHS and other applicable legislative requirements are interpreted and allowed for within parameters of project requirements. 
Maintenance strategy is designed that details a range of activities that accurately reflect client, legislative and organisational requirements. 
Reliable maintenance methods are used according to organisational requirements, making efficient use of time and resources. 
Contract specifications for maintenance services are developed and incorporated into tender documents according to legislative and organisational requirements. 
Client safety and security requirements are incorporated into maintenance strategy according to legislative and organisational requirements. 
Situations requiring specialist advice are identified and assistance is sought as required according to organisational requirements. 
Viability to provide required maintenance services is assessed against maintenance specifications and organisational operational capacity. 
Financial, physical and human resources to support maintenance requirements are determined and arranged according to organisational requirements. 
Organisational rate schedules and conditions are applied to established costings where appropriate according to organisational requirements. 
Factors that may affect capacity to meet project requirements are identified through risk analysis and accounted for in resource estimates. 
Availability of resources is negotiated and confirmed with relevant people according to organisational requirements. 
Information is reviewed to ensure an accurate and detailed budget is prepared according to organisational requirements. 
Maintenance strategy is reviewed and evaluated in consultation with client and relevant people using appropriate communication strategies. 
Systematic review processes and established evaluation methods are identified and used to evaluate strategy processes and outcomes. 
Evaluation results are prepared in required format, style and structure and presented to relevant people within agreed timeframes. 
Recommendations for improvement of strategy are presented to relevant people according to organisational procedures. 
Business equipment and technology are used to securely maintain documentation according to legislative and organisational procedures. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

CPPDSM5021A - Implement asset maintenance strategy
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

CPPDSM5021A - Implement asset maintenance strategy

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
