Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

CPPACC4011 Mapping and Delivery Guide
Conduct educational facility access audits

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency CPPACC4011 - Conduct educational facility access audits
Employability Skills
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to inspect educational facilities in order to assess their accessibility for people with disabilities. The assessment process involves interpreting and implementing the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), DDA Education Standards, DDA Premises Standards, and other applicable state and territory legislation. It involves communicating with educational facility owners and managers regarding access compliance requirements.The unit supports access audits conducted for the purposes of determining facility suitability for the safety for, and usability by, people with disabilities in the target age group. It applies to access consultants working alone or as a member of a team to complete educational facility access audits on behalf of clients, who may be facility owners and managers; architects, building designers, developers and builders; commonwealth, state or territory department of education representatives; and building certifiers and surveyors.No licensing, legislative, regulatory, or certification requirements apply to this unit of competency at the time of endorsement.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.

The following must be present and available to learners during assessment activities:


PPE required for the educational facility access audits specified in the performance evidence

computer and software to access, retrieve, store and distribute audit-specific documentation


Australian standards relating to educational facility accessibility, including AS 1428 Design for access and mobility

building legislation, regulations and standards:

Building Code of Australia


DDA Education Standards

DDA Premises Standards

state or territory capital works regulations

state or territory regulations relating to facility accessibility

fire and WHS legislation relating to safety

manufacturer specifications relating to equipment required to conduct access audit

relationships, including consultation with:

diverse range of clients, including:

educational facility owner or manager

architect, building designer, developer or builder

commonwealth, state or territory department of education representatives

building certifier and surveyor



in line with timeframe in audit contractual arrangements.

Assessor requirements

As a minimum, assessors must satisfy the assessor requirements in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) current at the time of assessment.

Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Respond to client inquiry regarding educational facility access audit.
  • Client requesting access audit of facility is identified and their authority to act is established according to organisational requirements.
  • Client requirements are discussed, clarified and confirmed according to organisational requirements.
  • Own competence and organisational capability to respond to client needs are determined and assessed.
  • Client brief for audit and authority to proceed are negotiated with client and documented according to organisational requirements.
  • Contractual arrangements for audit are negotiated, confirmed, documented and stored according to client, organisational and legislative requirements.
Element: Prepare for access audit.
  • Copies of documentation required for audit are obtained.
  • Facility access arrangements are negotiated and contact person is identified according to client and organisational requirements.
  • Access audit checklist suited to scale of task and facility is prepared.
  • Required audit personnel are sourced and briefed.
  • Required tools and equipment are identified, sourced and checked for serviceability in line with manufacturer specifications.
Element: Conduct access audit.
  • Facility is accessed according to agreed access arrangements and following work health and safety (WHS) procedures.
  • Extent to which access to facility from property boundary, car park or passenger set-down area complies with requirements for access for people with disabilities is determined using access audit checklist criteria.
  • Facility amenities that do not meet minimum requirements of audit checklist or comply with access requirements for people with disabilities in target age group are determined and recorded.
  • Strategies that address areas of access non-compliance are developed, including strategies for alternative means of providing full access for facility users.
Element: Finalise access audit report.
  • Draft access audit report for client that satisfies contractual arrangements is prepared according to organisational requirements.
  • Feedback on draft report is sought and incorporated according to organisational requirements, and report is completed.
  • Access audit report and associated documentation are forwarded to client according to organisational requirements and contractual arrangements.
  • Audit report follow-up with client is provided as required and according to organisational requirements and contractual arrangements.
  • Copy of access audit report and associated documentation is retained according to organisational and legislative requirements.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the range of conditions.


Respond to client inquiry regarding educational facility access audit.


Client requesting access audit of facility is identified and their authority to act is established according to organisational requirements.


Client requirements are discussed, clarified and confirmed according to organisational requirements.


Own competence and organisational capability to respond to client needs are determined and assessed.


Client brief for audit and authority to proceed are negotiated with client and documented according to organisational requirements.


Contractual arrangements for audit are negotiated, confirmed, documented and stored according to client, organisational and legislative requirements.


Prepare for access audit.


Copies of documentation required for audit are obtained.


Facility access arrangements are negotiated and contact person is identified according to client and organisational requirements.


Access audit checklist suited to scale of task and facility is prepared.


Required audit personnel are sourced and briefed.


Required tools and equipment are identified, sourced and checked for serviceability in line with manufacturer specifications.


Conduct access audit.


Facility is accessed according to agreed access arrangements and following work health and safety (WHS) procedures.


Extent to which access to facility from property boundary, car park or passenger set-down area complies with requirements for access for people with disabilities is determined using access audit checklist criteria.


Facility amenities that do not meet minimum requirements of audit checklist or comply with access requirements for people with disabilities in target age group are determined and recorded.


Strategies that address areas of access non-compliance are developed, including strategies for alternative means of providing full access for facility users.


Finalise access audit report.


Draft access audit report for client that satisfies contractual arrangements is prepared according to organisational requirements.


Feedback on draft report is sought and incorporated according to organisational requirements, and report is completed.


Access audit report and associated documentation are forwarded to client according to organisational requirements and contractual arrangements.


Audit report follow-up with client is provided as required and according to organisational requirements and contractual arrangements.


Copy of access audit report and associated documentation is retained according to organisational and legislative requirements.

A person demonstrating competency in this unit must satisfy the requirements of the elements, performance criteria, foundation skills and range of conditions of this unit.

The person must also:

conduct an access audit of each of the following different educational facilities:

one primary or secondary school

one higher education institution

develop and apply an access audit checklist for each facility, detailing facility-specific criteria for consideration in audit

provide a report relating to each of the above audits, that:

describes facility accessibility, with clear links to the facility-specific audit checklist criteria

interprets the impact of the full range of disabilities and the limitations that each disability places on the individual’s ability to access the environment

advises on facility compliance with legislative requirements and usability by those with disabilities

fulfils contractual requirements with client

recommends, where required, corrective actions to:

enhance facility accessibility

overcome areas of access non-compliance, including strategies for alternative means of providing full access.

In conducting the above access audits, the person must:

use effective consultation skills with clients and other key stakeholders to confirm and elicit access audit information

read and interpret educational facility plans

interpret and apply legislative requirements relating to disability access, including building legislation and standards for the provision of access, and evaluate the provision of access in relation to those requirements

interpret how the full range of environmental barriers impacts on people with a range of disabilities and impairments

use research skills to source information that assists in developing potential solutions to the provision of adequate access

use measurement tools in line with manufacturer specifications and record collected data accurately

apply and adhere to facility-specific work health and safety (WHS) requirements.

A person demonstrating competency in this unit must demonstrate knowledge of:

key requirements of the following relating to determining accessibility of educational facilities and conducting educational facility access audits:

Australian standards relating to educational facility accessibility, including AS 1428 Design for access and mobility

building legislation, regulations and standards:

Building Code of Australia


DDA Education Standards

DDA Premises Standards

state or territory capital works regulations

state or territory regulations relating to facility accessibility

fire and WHS legislation relating to safety

disability awareness to inform facility audit, including:

range of disabilities to be considered when conducting facility audit

disability-specific physical barriers to accessing facility and its amenities

disability-specific minimum requirements for enhancing facility accessibility

organisational requirements relating to conducting access audits of educational facilities, including:

client service standards

procedures for developing facility-specific audit checklists

client privacy, confidentiality and security requirements

processes for recording collected audit data and administering records

procedures for writing and storing access audit reports

quality assurance requirements

limitations of own work role, responsibility and professional abilities with regard to above access audits

WHS procedures relating to access audits of educational facilities, including procedures for:

identifying hazards and controlling risks associated with conducting access audits

selecting and using personal protective equipment (PPE) required for above access audits.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the range of conditions.


Respond to client inquiry regarding educational facility access audit.


Client requesting access audit of facility is identified and their authority to act is established according to organisational requirements.


Client requirements are discussed, clarified and confirmed according to organisational requirements.


Own competence and organisational capability to respond to client needs are determined and assessed.


Client brief for audit and authority to proceed are negotiated with client and documented according to organisational requirements.


Contractual arrangements for audit are negotiated, confirmed, documented and stored according to client, organisational and legislative requirements.


Prepare for access audit.


Copies of documentation required for audit are obtained.


Facility access arrangements are negotiated and contact person is identified according to client and organisational requirements.


Access audit checklist suited to scale of task and facility is prepared.


Required audit personnel are sourced and briefed.


Required tools and equipment are identified, sourced and checked for serviceability in line with manufacturer specifications.


Conduct access audit.


Facility is accessed according to agreed access arrangements and following work health and safety (WHS) procedures.


Extent to which access to facility from property boundary, car park or passenger set-down area complies with requirements for access for people with disabilities is determined using access audit checklist criteria.


Facility amenities that do not meet minimum requirements of audit checklist or comply with access requirements for people with disabilities in target age group are determined and recorded.


Strategies that address areas of access non-compliance are developed, including strategies for alternative means of providing full access for facility users.


Finalise access audit report.


Draft access audit report for client that satisfies contractual arrangements is prepared according to organisational requirements.


Feedback on draft report is sought and incorporated according to organisational requirements, and report is completed.


Access audit report and associated documentation are forwarded to client according to organisational requirements and contractual arrangements.


Audit report follow-up with client is provided as required and according to organisational requirements and contractual arrangements.


Copy of access audit report and associated documentation is retained according to organisational and legislative requirements.

This section specifies work environments and conditions that may affect performance. Essential operating conditions that may be present (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) are included. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below.

Documentation required for audit must include:

manufacturer specifications relating to audit tools and equipment

plans of educational facility to be audited.

Facility access arrangements must include:

access and egress points

keys, passes and security clearances

timing of access

WHS requirements, including required personal protective equipment (PPE).

Access audit checklist must include:

access audit report form

educational facility identification and data sheet

minimum requirements summary sheets for facility amenities and special areas for:

accessible facility entrances and exits

accessible paths of travel to and within all areas of facility, including:

building-accessible paths of travel

facility-accessible paths and elements

amenities available at facility, as detailed in facility amenities item below

controls for doors, switches, and power points

directional signage

on-site parking, reserved disability parking, and passenger set-down zones

security alarm pads and help points

staff service areas

tactile ground surface indicators

technical requirements for access audit forms additional to above minimum requirements:

exterior access paths

gates and doors

ramps, including kerb ramps and step ramps

seats, desks and worktops



Required audit personnel must include at least one of the following:

identified audit contact

educational facility owner

educational facility manager

architect, building designer, developer or builder

commonwealth, state or territory department of education representative

building certifier or surveyor.

Facility amenities must include at least nine of the following:

assembly hall or meeting area

car parking

classrooms or lecture theatres

specialist learning areas

caretaker buildings and equipment storage

dining facilities, canteens or eating areas

drinking fountains

facilities for special needs


office and administration buildings

staff rooms


sports facilities.

Access requirements must include those of:

Australian standards relating to educational facility accessibility, including AS 1428 Design for access and mobility

building legislation, regulations and standards:

Building Code of Australia


DDA Education Standards

DDA Premises Standards

state or territory capital works regulations

state or territory regulations relating to facility accessibility

fire and WHS legislation relating to safety.

Access audit reportmust include:

advice on compliance with existing legislation and usability by people with disabilities

description of accessibility

where required by client brief, recommendations for corrective action.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Client requesting access audit of facility is identified and their authority to act is established according to organisational requirements. 
Client requirements are discussed, clarified and confirmed according to organisational requirements. 
Own competence and organisational capability to respond to client needs are determined and assessed. 
Client brief for audit and authority to proceed are negotiated with client and documented according to organisational requirements. 
Contractual arrangements for audit are negotiated, confirmed, documented and stored according to client, organisational and legislative requirements. 
Copies of documentation required for audit are obtained. 
Facility access arrangements are negotiated and contact person is identified according to client and organisational requirements. 
Access audit checklist suited to scale of task and facility is prepared. 
Required audit personnel are sourced and briefed. 
Required tools and equipment are identified, sourced and checked for serviceability in line with manufacturer specifications. 
Facility is accessed according to agreed access arrangements and following work health and safety (WHS) procedures. 
Extent to which access to facility from property boundary, car park or passenger set-down area complies with requirements for access for people with disabilities is determined using access audit checklist criteria. 
Facility amenities that do not meet minimum requirements of audit checklist or comply with access requirements for people with disabilities in target age group are determined and recorded. 
Strategies that address areas of access non-compliance are developed, including strategies for alternative means of providing full access for facility users. 
Draft access audit report for client that satisfies contractual arrangements is prepared according to organisational requirements. 
Feedback on draft report is sought and incorporated according to organisational requirements, and report is completed. 
Access audit report and associated documentation are forwarded to client according to organisational requirements and contractual arrangements. 
Audit report follow-up with client is provided as required and according to organisational requirements and contractual arrangements. 
Copy of access audit report and associated documentation is retained according to organisational and legislative requirements. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

CPPACC4011 - Conduct educational facility access audits
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

CPPACC4011 - Conduct educational facility access audits

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
