Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

CHCDIS410A Mapping and Delivery Guide
Facilitate community participation and inclusion

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency CHCDIS410A - Facilitate community participation and inclusion
Description This unit describes the knowledge and skills required by the worker to develop and facilitate strategies for individual participation in various community settings, functions and activities to enhance the psychosocial well being and lifestyle of a person with a disability
Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills
Learning Outcomes and Application The knowledge and skills of this unit of competency are used within the framework of an individualised support plan for a person with a disability
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.
Prerequisites/co-requisites Not Applicable
Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Support the person with a disability to identify and engage in social networks within the broad community
  • Work with the person with disability to identify their strengths, interests, abilities and support requirements so they may engage with a social network
  • Work with the person to identify an appropriate social network and to clarify the support they will need to actively engage with this network
  • Work with the person to identify any possible barriers to participation and inclusion
  • Work with the person to develop strategies to manage potential barriers
  • Promote and raise awareness of community inclusion through community education and involvement of people with disability
  • Research, identify and network with relevant services to explore community inclusion opportunities
  • Match relevant services and networks to the requirements of person with disability
  • Identify and access appropriate resources according to organisation policy and protocols
  • Provide information about options available to person with disability and/or their advocate /carer
  • Recognise and accommodate individual choices and spiritual/cultural differences
Element: Assist the person with a disability and relevant others to develop and implement individualised community support plan
  • Support the person to develop a person-centred individualised plan to participate in the community
  • Assist the person to establish their requirements in order to maximise their participation in community life
  • Assist the person, if appropriate, to become an active member of their neighbourhood and local community
  • Assist the person to develop strategies to address barriers to participation, and include them in the individualised plan
  • Assist the person to identify and access community options that will meet their needs as identified in the individualised plan
  • Assist the person to access opportunities to establish connections through shared interests with other community members
  • Provide the person with necessary supports for participation, according to the individualised plan
  • Assist person and their family/carer to select activities that will enhance inclusion
  • Give support in a manner that provides a positive role model and promotes development and/or maintenance of the person's skills
  • Where appropriate, support other workers to implement the individualised community support plan
  • Identify aspects of worker involvement in the individualised plan outside scope of knowledge, skills and/or job role and respond accordingly
  • Identify strategies for community participation and inclusion that may require review and consult with the person
Element: Develop strategies to minimise isolation for person with a disability
  • Identify requirements for support, devices, aids and environmental modification and develop strategies to deal with these in conjunction with person and/or their advocate/s /carer
  • Identify support or devices required to assist with communication
  • Assess physical barriers to participation and identify solutions with involvement of person with disability
  • Recognise own limitations in addressing issues and seek advice when necessary
  • Where appropriate, identify and assess barriers to communication/social participation caused by cognitive deficits associated with acquired brain injury and develop solutions
  • Discuss travel and transport issues with person and identify strategies to address these
  • Put in place processes to evaluate ongoing success of strategies
Element: Determine risks associated with supporting community participation and inclusion
  • Conduct location or activity risk assessment specific to the person's circumstances
  • Discuss elements of risk with the person and appropriate others
  • Work with the person and appropriate others to identify strategies to remove or reduce risk
  • Develop strategies to remove or reduce risk according to organisation policy and procedures and legislative requirements

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this unit of competency:

The individual being assessed must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills

This unit will be most appropriately assessed in the workplace or in a simulated workplace and under the normal range of workplace conditions

It is recommended that assessment or information for assessment will be conducted or gathered over a period of time and cover the normal range of workplace situation and settings

Access and equity considerations:

All workers in community services should be aware of access, equity and human rights issues in relation to their own area of work

All workers should develop their ability to work in a culturally diverse environment

In recognition of particular issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, workers should be aware of cultural, historical and current issues impacting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Assessors and trainers must take into account relevant access and equity issues, in particular relating to factors impacting on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and communities

Context of and specific resources for assessment:

This unit can be assessed independently, however holistic assessment practice with other community services units of competency is encouraged

Resources required for assessment of this unit include access to:

appropriate workplace where assessment can take place

relevant organisation policy, protocols and procedures

equipment and resources normally used in the workplace

Method of assessment may include:

Observation in the workplace

Written assignments/projects

Case study and scenario analysis


Role play simulation

Related units:

This unit should be assessed in conjunction with related unit:

CHCDIS301A Work effectively with people with a disability

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit.

Essential knowledge:

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

These include knowledge and understanding of:

Relevant policies, protocols and practices of the organisation in relation to work role

Legislative processes related to the rights and responsibilities of people with disability

Elements of best practice in the area of community inclusion

The social model of disability and the impact of social devaluation on an individual's quality of life

Competency and image enhancement as a means of addressing devaluation

Principles of active support

Broad understanding of lifespan development

Strengths-based and person-centred practice

The impact of stigma

Principles of risk assessment and mitigation

Duty of care requirements

Strategies for:

Identifying psychosocial interests, abilities and requirements of people with disability

Matching options, networks and services to the requirements of people with disability

Creating independence

Providing community education

Communication to assist with community participation

Programs and agencies that support community inclusion

Financial supports to assist with accessing the community

Worker role in assisting the client with financial management

Transport services available for people with various types of disabilities

Aids and equipment used to facilitate community inclusion

Group dynamics

Working with families and family systems

Role of carers

Task analysis

Prompting, principles of prompting and fading prompting


Motivators to learn and common de-motivators and blocks

Maintenance techniques and generalisation

Incidental learning

Essential skills:

It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to:

Promote community inclusion to enhance the psychosocial well being of people with disability

Develop individualised community support plans

Uphold rights and responsibilities of people with disability through community inclusion

Educate the community in a way that promotes a positive image of the person/people with disability

Coordinate a wide range of activities for facilitation of community inclusion


Support other workers to implement strategies that support community participation and inclusion

Develop strategies that minimise the impact of stigma

Collaborate and network with a variety of personnel in order to achieve learning and development objectives

Demonstrate appropriate task breakdown

Apply communication techniques that encourage and motivate

Use appropriate prompting and application of reinforcers during training session

Demonstrate appropriate use of incidental learning opportunities

Develop communication strategies to address identified needs or issues

continued ...

Essential skills (contd):

In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

These include the ability to:

Demonstrate understanding of and adherence to own work role and responsibilities

Follow organisation policies, protocols and procedures

Liaise and report appropriately to agencies

Communicate effectively with people with disability and their carers

Apply reading and writing skills required to fulfil work role in a safe manner and as specified by the organisation/service:

this requires a level of skill that enables the worker to follow and give work-related instructions and directions and the ability to seek clarification and comments from clients, colleagues, health professionals and other service providers

industry work roles will require workers to possess a literacy level that will enable them to, read and write client's service delivery plans, record in health records, complete assessment tools and write reports and submissions

Apply oral communication skills required to fulfil work role in a safe manner and as specified by the organisation:

this requires a level of skill that enables the worker to follow work-related instructions and directions and the ability to seek clarification and comments from supervisors, clients and colleagues

industry work roles will require workers to possess effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills that will enable them to ask questions, clarify understanding and meaning, recognise and interpret non-verbal cues, adapt communication styles to meet specific needs, provide information and express encouragement and support

Apply problem solving skills that require negotiation and medication skills to resolve problems of a difficult nature within organisation protocols

Collaborate and network with a variety of stakeholders in order to achieve service objectives

Apply aids and equipment as required to facilitate community inclusion

The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

People with disability may include:

Individuals at any stage of the life span

Individuals living in the community, alone, sharing with others, with a partner or with family or carers

Individuals living in supported community accommodation

Social network may include:

Family groups

Support groups

Direct neighbourhood or local community

Work groups

Sports and other recreation groups

Age-related groups (youth or senior citizens)

Community centres


Church groups

Individualised community support plan may include:

Relevant stakeholders

Community inclusion goals

Strategies to achieve goals

Finance and budget

Opportunities for further inclusion

Who is responsible for actioning

Review dates

Possible barriers to participation and inclusion may include:







Elements of inclusion best practice may include:

Person-centred support

Capacity thinking

Building alliances within the community

Create understanding

Open choices and opportunities

Raising expectations

Nurture relationships

Networking may include:

Building on the skills of the person

Identifying associations and networks if individuals that share the person's interests

Learning about the neighbourhood

Asking the following:

with whom would the person enjoy spending time

where could the person make a difference

who could add to the knowledge and experience the person has

what roles could the person take

is there someone who would be able to support the person

Equipment/resources required

Appropriate resources may include:

Specialised transport

Mobility aids

Communication devices/aids


Examples of physical entry and exit issues may include:







Location risk may include:

Safety of specific premises

Safety of the activity

Risks associated with supporting community participationmay include:


Poor match with activity and the group

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Work with the person with disability to identify their strengths, interests, abilities and support requirements so they may engage with a social network 
Work with the person to identify an appropriate social network and to clarify the support they will need to actively engage with this network 
Work with the person to identify any possible barriers to participation and inclusion 
Work with the person to develop strategies to manage potential barriers 
Promote and raise awareness of community inclusion through community education and involvement of people with disability 
Research, identify and network with relevant services to explore community inclusion opportunities 
Match relevant services and networks to the requirements of person with disability 
Identify and access appropriate resources according to organisation policy and protocols 
Provide information about options available to person with disability and/or their advocate /carer 
Recognise and accommodate individual choices and spiritual/cultural differences 
Support the person to develop a person-centred individualised plan to participate in the community 
Assist the person to establish their requirements in order to maximise their participation in community life 
Assist the person, if appropriate, to become an active member of their neighbourhood and local community 
Assist the person to develop strategies to address barriers to participation, and include them in the individualised plan 
Assist the person to identify and access community options that will meet their needs as identified in the individualised plan 
Assist the person to access opportunities to establish connections through shared interests with other community members 
Provide the person with necessary supports for participation, according to the individualised plan 
Assist person and their family/carer to select activities that will enhance inclusion 
Give support in a manner that provides a positive role model and promotes development and/or maintenance of the person's skills 
Where appropriate, support other workers to implement the individualised community support plan 
Identify aspects of worker involvement in the individualised plan outside scope of knowledge, skills and/or job role and respond accordingly 
Identify strategies for community participation and inclusion that may require review and consult with the person 
Identify requirements for support, devices, aids and environmental modification and develop strategies to deal with these in conjunction with person and/or their advocate/s /carer 
Identify support or devices required to assist with communication 
Assess physical barriers to participation and identify solutions with involvement of person with disability 
Recognise own limitations in addressing issues and seek advice when necessary 
Where appropriate, identify and assess barriers to communication/social participation caused by cognitive deficits associated with acquired brain injury and develop solutions 
Discuss travel and transport issues with person and identify strategies to address these 
Put in place processes to evaluate ongoing success of strategies 
Conduct location or activity risk assessment specific to the person's circumstances 
Discuss elements of risk with the person and appropriate others 
Work with the person and appropriate others to identify strategies to remove or reduce risk 
Develop strategies to remove or reduce risk according to organisation policy and procedures and legislative requirements 


Assessment Cover Sheet

CHCDIS410A - Facilitate community participation and inclusion
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

CHCDIS410A - Facilitate community participation and inclusion

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
