Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

CHCDHA404A Mapping and Delivery Guide
Develop and maintain positive relationships with key stakeholders

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency CHCDHA404A - Develop and maintain positive relationships with key stakeholders
Description This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to maintain positive relationships with key stakeholders including host governments, donors, local stakeholders and government and non-government organisations
Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit may be applied in relation to key stakeholders or partners in relief or development work field environmentsIt may apply in a range of development and/or humanitarian assistance contexts and should reflect the concepts and principles of aid effectiveness and community development (i.e. ownership, alignment, harmonisation, managing for results and mutual accountability) as embodied in the Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action (AAA)These skills and knowledge are to be used within the scope of the person's role and authority
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.
Prerequisites/co-requisites Not Applicable
Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Establish partnership with the community and key stakeholders
  • Respond quickly to requests for information or participation by key stakeholders and the community
  • Develop understanding of partner country's national development strategies, institutions and procedures
  • Take opportunities to explain or promote the activities, policies and values of the organisation and/or program as appropriate and in line with concepts andprinciples of aid effectiveness and community development
  • Effectively promote activities, policies and values of the organisation and/or program to a range of audiences, within relevant guidelines and in culturally sensitive and appropriate ways
  • Refer non-routine requests for information to an appropriate person within the organisation or involved in the program at the local, national or international level
Element: Develop networks and working relationships
  • Recognise and take account of the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in interactions
  • Develop positive working relationships with key stakeholders, and maintain them over time to encourage positive outcomes and stakeholder support
  • Conduct dealings with key stakeholders to develop a relationship of trust and mutual understanding
  • Actively seek to collaborate with other organisations involved in development and humanitarian assistance work to create added value and greater development effectiveness
  • Establish formal and informal networks at the local, regional and national levels to support ongoing and future liaison and collaboration
  • Obtain feedback from other organisations and governments to inform and improve service delivery, and to ensure that service integrates with activities of other agencies and organisations
Element: Build and maintain relationships within changing teams
  • Initiate contact and build relationships with new people, including those who have different experiences, perceptions and values to own
  • Maintain openness to change and differences between people, accepting and valuing diversity
  • Take responsibility for own work and where appropriate facilitate others working in the area to undertake their roles and responsibilities
  • Actively listen and work to understand the different perspectives of all personnel specifically to build shared understanding
  • Demonstrate an appropriate level of confidence in own judgment and abilities
  • Actively listen to ideas and opinions of others and process them objectively as a basis for expanding own ideas, approach and judgment
  • Take appropriate actions to provide key practical inputs to influence people over whom you may have no direct authority
  • Constructively challenge inappropriate behaviours by focusing on specific actions or attitudes behind the problem, not personalising them
  • Behave appropriately to local context and reduce vulnerability by acting in accordance with security guidelines
Element: Represent the organisation and/or program in the community
  • Represent to the community the activities, policies and values of the organisation and/or program through both formal communication and general conduct to gain key stakeholders' understanding and commitment, within relevant guidelines and in culturally sensitive and appropriate ways
  • Represent the organisation and/or program to external bodies and agencies, where deemed strategically advantageous, and subject to relevant policies and procedures and operational availability of staff
  • Represent the position of the organisation and/or program on development and relief issues in appropriate forums, subject to relevant policies and procedures and operational availability of staff
  • Promote and apply concepts and principles of aid effectiveness and community development

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this unit of competency:

The individual being assessed must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills

The application of competency is to be assessed in the workplace or realistically simulated workplace

Assessment is to occur under standard and authorised work practices, safety requirements and environmental constraints

Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the required range of situations relevant to the workplace

Assessment must confirm a reasonable inference that competency is able not only to be satisfied under the particular circumstance, but is able to be transferred to other circumstances

Access and equity considerations:

All workers in development and humanitarian assistance should be aware of access, equity and human rights issues in their own area of work

All workers should develop their ability to work in a culturally diverse environment

In particular workers should be aware of cultural, historical and current issues facing the people and culture in which they are working

Assessors and trainers must take into account relevant access and equity issues relating to the culture in which they are working

Context of and specific resources for assessment:

This unit may be assessed independently, however holistic assessment practice with other related units of competency is encouraged

Assessment of essential underpinning knowledge, other than confirmatory questions, will usually be conducted in an off-site context

Resources required for assessment include access to:

workplace location or simulated workplace

specifications and work instructions

policy manuals and procedure manuals (international and local, including donor manuals)

relevant documents, such as interview and meeting notes, stakeholder feedback and standards documents (e.g. USAID FOG and the Sphere standards)

relevant equipment (such as office equipment and communications equipment)

managers, co-workers and other staff and other key stakeholders if available

Method of assessment:

Assessment needs to take into consideration the practical difficulties associated with attempting on-job assessment in the field

Given the nature of this unit, assessment should be supported by supplementary evidence from a wide range of sources, preferably including evidence from one or more field situations

Assessment methods must be by direct observation of tasks and include questioning on underpinning knowledge

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit.

Essential knowledge:

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

This includes:

Analytical tools and techniques appropriate to local context and data being analysed

Basic logical framework

Broad knowledge of relief and development theoretical thinking and topical issues

Capacity and Vulnerability framework (i.e. People Oriented Planning)

Common field living conditions

Common field operational practices

Data collection techniques

Development Cooperation Treaty (if working on a bilaterally funded program), and/or the country program strategy (for bilateral and multilateral donor funded activities)

Donor funding guidelines and reporting requirements

Donor organisation structures and key staff

Donor priorities and donor relations

General principles of capacity development

General project cycle

Local Capacities for Peace (LCP) and Do No Harm framework

Organisation and/or program structure, including formal lines of reporting and responsibility

Organisation and/or program support systems and personnel

Paris Declaration and Accra principles

Partner country's national development strategies, institutions and procedures

Relevant internal politics and informal influence or power relationships

Relevant policies and procedures relating to issues such as relief to development transition issues

Social, cultural and political context of the specific field environment

Software relevant to sector

Australian Agency for International Aid (AusAID) guidelines, including Development for All (Disability) Strategy and Child Protection Policy

The Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Relief (the Sphere standards)

U.S. Agency for International Development Field Operational Guide (USAID FOG)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) guidelines

Essential skills:

It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to:

Demonstrate strong rapport building skills and clear understanding of the importance of positive relationships with a wide range of stakeholders

Effectively promote and represent the activities, policies, position and values of the organisation and/or program to key stakeholders, both formally and informally, and in culturally sensitive and appropriate ways

Effectively communicate with, work safely and develop relationships and networks with key stakeholders

Comply with relevant policies, procedures and requirements

In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

These include the ability to:

Use appropriate communication and interpersonal techniques with colleagues and others

Network and build rapport with others, including donors, local officials and community members

Identify and communicate effectively with stakeholders

Language, literacy and numeracy skills such as those required to:

collect, analyse and organise data

communicate in spoken and written form with a range of audiences

adjust spoken and written language to suit audience

prepare or customise materials

Participate in a team environment to complete tasks

Identify and clearly define problems and demonstrate appropriate response procedures

Apply thinking, problem solving and conceptual techniques

Demonstrate personal management, including initiative, self motivation and direction

Use emotional and psychological state control

Undertake self observation and reflection

Demonstrate awareness of team members' physical, emotional and psychological state

Work with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

Use communications equipment, including telephone, radio, satellite phone, fax and email

Adapt to different environments and to respond effectively to challenges

Analyse, evaluate and prioritise risks

Demonstrate adaptability and the ability to deal with ambiguous situations

Select and use appropriate technology

The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Information may include:

Publicity material

Contact information

Prevention and mitigation strategies

Key stakeholders may include:

Target community

Government representatives - national, provincial, district and local

Private sector organisations - local and international


Other government and/or non-government organisations

Voluntary civic and social organisations

Community may involve people of a range of ages, cultural and ethnic diversity and people with disabilities and may refer to:

Local community

Business community

Refugee community

International community

Organisation community

Opportunities may include:

Answering general inquiries

Presentations at community group gatherings

Special interest forums

Community events and festivals

Speaking at seminars

Participating in conferences

Representing organisation on associations and committees

Concepts and principles of aid effectiveness and community development include:

Ownership, including:

using delivery processes that support partner countries to exercise effective leadership over their development policies and strategies

coordinating development actions

involving communities and local government in decision making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation

encouraging community's and local government's contribution to problem solving

Alignment, involving maintaining a comprehensive understanding of partner countries' national development strategies, institutions and procedures to guide program delivery


actively seeking to collaborate with other Official Development Assistance (ODA) partners to create added value and greater development effectiveness

Managing for results, including continuous improvement of systems to:

manage for development results

support evidence-based decision making

Mutual accountability, involving demonstration of:

full transparency and accountability for the use of development resources in program delivery

Appropriate forums may include:

Inter-agency discussions


Media debates

Government hearings

Community meetings

Key stakeholder meetings

Training courses

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Respond quickly to requests for information or participation by key stakeholders and the community 
Develop understanding of partner country's national development strategies, institutions and procedures 
Take opportunities to explain or promote the activities, policies and values of the organisation and/or program as appropriate and in line with concepts andprinciples of aid effectiveness and community development 
Effectively promote activities, policies and values of the organisation and/or program to a range of audiences, within relevant guidelines and in culturally sensitive and appropriate ways 
Refer non-routine requests for information to an appropriate person within the organisation or involved in the program at the local, national or international level 
Recognise and take account of the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in interactions 
Develop positive working relationships with key stakeholders, and maintain them over time to encourage positive outcomes and stakeholder support 
Conduct dealings with key stakeholders to develop a relationship of trust and mutual understanding 
Actively seek to collaborate with other organisations involved in development and humanitarian assistance work to create added value and greater development effectiveness 
Establish formal and informal networks at the local, regional and national levels to support ongoing and future liaison and collaboration 
Obtain feedback from other organisations and governments to inform and improve service delivery, and to ensure that service integrates with activities of other agencies and organisations 
Initiate contact and build relationships with new people, including those who have different experiences, perceptions and values to own 
Maintain openness to change and differences between people, accepting and valuing diversity 
Take responsibility for own work and where appropriate facilitate others working in the area to undertake their roles and responsibilities 
Actively listen and work to understand the different perspectives of all personnel specifically to build shared understanding 
Demonstrate an appropriate level of confidence in own judgment and abilities 
Actively listen to ideas and opinions of others and process them objectively as a basis for expanding own ideas, approach and judgment 
Take appropriate actions to provide key practical inputs to influence people over whom you may have no direct authority 
Constructively challenge inappropriate behaviours by focusing on specific actions or attitudes behind the problem, not personalising them 
Behave appropriately to local context and reduce vulnerability by acting in accordance with security guidelines 
Represent to the community the activities, policies and values of the organisation and/or program through both formal communication and general conduct to gain key stakeholders' understanding and commitment, within relevant guidelines and in culturally sensitive and appropriate ways 
Represent the organisation and/or program to external bodies and agencies, where deemed strategically advantageous, and subject to relevant policies and procedures and operational availability of staff 
Represent the position of the organisation and/or program on development and relief issues in appropriate forums, subject to relevant policies and procedures and operational availability of staff 
Promote and apply concepts and principles of aid effectiveness and community development 


Assessment Cover Sheet

CHCDHA404A - Develop and maintain positive relationships with key stakeholders
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

CHCDHA404A - Develop and maintain positive relationships with key stakeholders

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
