Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

AVIG2002 Mapping and Delivery Guide
Work effectively in the aviation industry

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency AVIG2002 - Work effectively in the aviation industry
Employability Skills
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to work effectively in the aviation industry, in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and national operating standards.It includes determining appropriate work roles, contributing to the planning of activities, working with others, and following work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) procedures.This unit addresses aviation non-technical skill requirements (mental, social and personal-management abilities) related to teamwork duties of aviation personnel, and contributes to safe and effective performance in complex aviation operational environments.Operations are conducted as part of recreational, commercial and military aircraft activities across a variety of operational contexts within the Australian aviation industry.Work is performed independently or under limited supervision as a single operator or within a team environment.No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements are applicable to this unit at time of publicationUse for Defence Aviation is to be in accordance with relevant Defence Orders, Instructions, Publications and Regulations.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.

As a minimum, assessors must satisfy applicable regulatory requirements, which include requirements in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations current at the time of assessment.

As a minimum, assessment must satisfy applicable regulatory requirements, which include requirements in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations current at the time of assessment.

Assessment processes and techniques must be appropriate to the language, literacy and numeracy requirements of the work being performed and the needs of the candidate.

Assessment must occur in workplace operational situations. Where this is not appropriate, assessment must occur in simulated workplace operational situations that reflect workplace conditions.

Resources for assessment must include access to:

a range of relevant exercises, case studies and/or simulations

acceptable means of simulation assessment

applicable documentation including workplace procedures, regulations, codes of practice and operation manuals

relevant materials, tools, equipment and personal protective equipment currently used in industry.

Competency Field G – Teamwork
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Determine appropriate work roles within an aviation workplace
  • Work instructions, performance requirements, workplace procedures and WHS/OHS requirements are considered when identifying work roles for each team member
  • Contributions are made to the team to assist in determining appropriate work roles and responsibilities required to successfully and safely complete work activities
Element: Contribute to planning the successful, safe and efficient outcome of a work activity
  • Suggestions and information are contributed to assist the planning of work activities and to minimise delays to stakeholders
  • Hazards are identified, risks are assessed and hazard management is implemented
  • Safety issues within an airport environment are identified and contributions are made to minimise risks to team members
Element: Work with others in the aviation industry
  • Correct aviation terminology relevant to the context of work being undertaken is used to communicate with stakeholders
  • Contributions are made to assist in the safe and efficient completion of work activities
  • Within scope of own job role, assistance is given to team members to complete assigned tasks
  • Work tasks are completed in accordance with relevant aviation workplace procedures, industry rules and regulations
  • Factors affecting the efficient completion of a work task are identified and contributions are made to minimise the impact
  • Workplace technology and equipment is operated in accordance with manufacturer instructions, workplace policies and procedures, and WHS/OHS regulations
  • Within scope of own job role, contributions are made to the team and supervisors to improve work practices and procedures
Element: Follow WHS/OHS procedures within an aviation workplace
  • Airport and workplace policies and procedures are clarified as required and executed when dealing with accidents, fires and other emergencies
  • Potential causes of incidents are identified and reported
  • Actions are taken to minimise safety risks to the public and airport personnel, and the risk of property damage
  • WHS/OHS procedures for controlling risks are clarified as required, followed and applied in day-to-day work activities
  • WHS/OHS procedures required for working around machinery and aircraft are correctly followed
  • Protective clothing is worn and personal protective equipment is correctly used in accordance with workplace procedures

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.


Determine appropriate work roles within an aviation workplace


Work instructions, performance requirements, workplace procedures and WHS/OHS requirements are considered when identifying work roles for each team member


Contributions are made to the team to assist in determining appropriate work roles and responsibilities required to successfully and safely complete work activities


Contribute to planning the successful, safe and efficient outcome of a work activity


Suggestions and information are contributed to assist the planning of work activities and to minimise delays to stakeholders


Hazards are identified, risks are assessed and hazard management is implemented


Safety issues within an airport environment are identified and contributions are made to minimise risks to team members


Work with others in the aviation industry


Correct aviation terminology relevant to the context of work being undertaken is used to communicate with stakeholders


Contributions are made to assist in the safe and efficient completion of work activities


Within scope of own job role, assistance is given to team members to complete assigned tasks


Work tasks are completed in accordance with relevant aviation workplace procedures, industry rules and regulations


Factors affecting the efficient completion of a work task are identified and contributions are made to minimise the impact


Workplace technology and equipment is operated in accordance with manufacturer instructions, workplace policies and procedures, and WHS/OHS regulations


Within scope of own job role, contributions are made to the team and supervisors to improve work practices and procedures


Follow WHS/OHS procedures within an aviation workplace


Airport and workplace policies and procedures are clarified as required and executed when dealing with accidents, fires and other emergencies


Potential causes of incidents are identified and reported


Actions are taken to minimise safety risks to the public and airport personnel, and the risk of property damage


WHS/OHS procedures for controlling risks are clarified as required, followed and applied in day-to-day work activities


WHS/OHS procedures required for working around machinery and aircraft are correctly followed


Protective clothing is worn and personal protective equipment is correctly used in accordance with workplace procedures

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements, performance criteria and range of conditions on at least one occasion and include:

applying precautions and required action to minimise, control or eliminate identified hazards

communicating effectively with others

contributing suggestions and information to assist planning a work activity

contributing to a group discussion to identify work roles and responsibilities

identifying safety hazards in an aviation workplace and taking action to minimise risks to all team members by following work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) procedures

identifying, reporting and/or rectifying problems with work tasks

implementing work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) procedures and relevant regulations

monitoring and suggesting modifications to team activities to meet a planned schedule

obeying workplace procedures, signage, industry rules and regulations

reading, interpreting and following relevant regulations, instructions, procedures, information and signs

responding appropriately to cultural differences in the workplace

selecting and using required personal protective equipment conforming to industry and WHS standards

using aviation technology to communicate with team members correctly

using workplace technology and equipment to achieve work tasks

working systematically with required attention to detail without injury to self or others, or damage to goods or equipment.

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements, performance criteria and range of conditions and include knowledge of:

aviation industry workplace structures

aviation terminology

cultural differences and their potential impact on an aviation workplace

industry rules and regulations applicable to working safely

principles of team communication

principles of teamwork

roles and responsibilities of team members

techniques to identify potential safety risks in an aviation workplace

typical misunderstandings and problems that can occur in an aviation workplace and appropriate ways of dealing with them

WHS/OHS requirements and responsibilities in the aviation industry

WHS/OHS signs and signals

workplace procedures, signage, industry rules and regulations, and duty of care requirements.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.


Determine appropriate work roles within an aviation workplace


Work instructions, performance requirements, workplace procedures and WHS/OHS requirements are considered when identifying work roles for each team member


Contributions are made to the team to assist in determining appropriate work roles and responsibilities required to successfully and safely complete work activities


Contribute to planning the successful, safe and efficient outcome of a work activity


Suggestions and information are contributed to assist the planning of work activities and to minimise delays to stakeholders


Hazards are identified, risks are assessed and hazard management is implemented


Safety issues within an airport environment are identified and contributions are made to minimise risks to team members


Work with others in the aviation industry


Correct aviation terminology relevant to the context of work being undertaken is used to communicate with stakeholders


Contributions are made to assist in the safe and efficient completion of work activities


Within scope of own job role, assistance is given to team members to complete assigned tasks


Work tasks are completed in accordance with relevant aviation workplace procedures, industry rules and regulations


Factors affecting the efficient completion of a work task are identified and contributions are made to minimise the impact


Workplace technology and equipment is operated in accordance with manufacturer instructions, workplace policies and procedures, and WHS/OHS regulations


Within scope of own job role, contributions are made to the team and supervisors to improve work practices and procedures


Follow WHS/OHS procedures within an aviation workplace


Airport and workplace policies and procedures are clarified as required and executed when dealing with accidents, fires and other emergencies


Potential causes of incidents are identified and reported


Actions are taken to minimise safety risks to the public and airport personnel, and the risk of property damage


WHS/OHS procedures for controlling risks are clarified as required, followed and applied in day-to-day work activities


WHS/OHS procedures required for working around machinery and aircraft are correctly followed


Protective clothing is worn and personal protective equipment is correctly used in accordance with workplace procedures

Range is restricted to essential operating conditions and any other variables essential to the work environment.

Hazards must include one or more of the following:

broken and damaged equipment

chemicals and other harmful substances

equipment emitting harmful radiation or electronic signals

extremes in weather conditions

flammable materials and fire hazards

floor surfaces

lifting practices

lighting levels

movement of equipment, goods, vehicles or aircraft

prop wash or jet blast from aircraft

water hazards

traffic flows, vehicle and equipment operation

Workplace technology and equipment must include one or more of the following:


air traffic control systems

catering equipment




refuelling equipment

security screening equipment

vehicles and transporters

Personal protective equipment must include one or more of the following:


high visibility clothing

safety glasses

safety headwear and footwear

two-way radios

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Work instructions, performance requirements, workplace procedures and WHS/OHS requirements are considered when identifying work roles for each team member 
Contributions are made to the team to assist in determining appropriate work roles and responsibilities required to successfully and safely complete work activities 
Suggestions and information are contributed to assist the planning of work activities and to minimise delays to stakeholders 
Hazards are identified, risks are assessed and hazard management is implemented 
Safety issues within an airport environment are identified and contributions are made to minimise risks to team members 
Correct aviation terminology relevant to the context of work being undertaken is used to communicate with stakeholders 
Contributions are made to assist in the safe and efficient completion of work activities 
Within scope of own job role, assistance is given to team members to complete assigned tasks 
Work tasks are completed in accordance with relevant aviation workplace procedures, industry rules and regulations 
Factors affecting the efficient completion of a work task are identified and contributions are made to minimise the impact 
Workplace technology and equipment is operated in accordance with manufacturer instructions, workplace policies and procedures, and WHS/OHS regulations 
Within scope of own job role, contributions are made to the team and supervisors to improve work practices and procedures 
Airport and workplace policies and procedures are clarified as required and executed when dealing with accidents, fires and other emergencies 
Potential causes of incidents are identified and reported 
Actions are taken to minimise safety risks to the public and airport personnel, and the risk of property damage 
WHS/OHS procedures for controlling risks are clarified as required, followed and applied in day-to-day work activities 
WHS/OHS procedures required for working around machinery and aircraft are correctly followed 
Protective clothing is worn and personal protective equipment is correctly used in accordance with workplace procedures 


Assessment Cover Sheet

AVIG2002 - Work effectively in the aviation industry
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

AVIG2002 - Work effectively in the aviation industry

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
