Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

AHCBUS508A Mapping and Delivery Guide
Prepare and monitor budgets and financial reports

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency AHCBUS508A - Prepare and monitor budgets and financial reports
Description This unit covers preparing and monitoring budgets and financial reports and defines the standard required to: prepare a budget using most likely costs and income; develop and monitor budgets in an enterprise; prepare financial reports to meet industry standards.
Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills.
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit applies to enterprise managers who prepare and monitor budgets and financial reports in an agricultural, horticultural or land management enterprise.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.
Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Prepare a budget
  • Information on past receipts and payments is obtained from previous records, compared to current prices and cost trends, and compiled in a form that enables projections of future receipts and expenditures.
  • A plan is prepared for a period which allows for expected expenditure and financial reporting requirements, using the 'most likely' prices and costs.
Element: Implement and monitor a budget
  • Receipts and payments are monitored and reconciled against the original budget.
  • Variances against the original plan are identified, and the impact on overall profit/loss and cash flow is calculated.
  • Funds are allocated in accordance with budget objectives and parameters.
  • Adjustments are made where necessary to respond to unacceptable variations.
  • Budgets and plans are renegotiated/ restructured where necessary to optimise enterprise performance.
Element: Prepare financial report
  • Records of financial performance are properly maintained within enterprise systems.
  • Information with source documents is assembled according to the requirements of the report recipient.
  • Documentation is forwarded in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Non-financial objectives are reported in the context of overall enterprise performance.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.

Overview of assessment

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

Competence in preparing and monitoring budgets and financial reports requires evidence that budgets have been successfully and appropriately developed and monitored in an enterprise, and that financial reports meet industry standards in their content and structure. The evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit must be relevant to workplace operations and satisfy holistically all of the requirements of the performance criteria and required skills and knowledge and include achievement of the following:

prepare a budget using most likely costs and income

develop and monitor budgets in an enterprise

prepare financial reports to meet industry standards.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Competency requires the application of work practices under work conditions. Selection and use of resources for some worksites may differ due to the regional or enterprise circumstances.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Required skills

prepare a budget

monitor receipts and payments

negotiate and restructure budgets

implement and monitor a budget

maintain financial records

use literacy skills to fulfil job roles as required by the organisation. The level of skill may range from reading and understanding documentation to completion of written reports

use oral communication skills/language competence to fulfil the job role as specified by the organisation including questioning, active listening, asking for clarification, negotiating solutions and responding to a range of views

use numeracy skills to estimate, calculate and record complex workplace measures

use interpersonal skills to work with others and relate to people from a range of cultural, social and religious backgrounds and with a range of physical and mental abilities.

Required knowledge

budget formulation

financial information systems

business transactions

banking and reconciliation

standards for organisational recordkeeping and audit requirements.

The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole.

Budgets may include:

recurrent operating or project based funds.

Financial reports may be:

prepared for Taxation Commissioner

financing agencies

boards of management



executive management.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Information on past receipts and payments is obtained from previous records, compared to current prices and cost trends, and compiled in a form that enables projections of future receipts and expenditures. 
A plan is prepared for a period which allows for expected expenditure and financial reporting requirements, using the 'most likely' prices and costs. 
Receipts and payments are monitored and reconciled against the original budget. 
Variances against the original plan are identified, and the impact on overall profit/loss and cash flow is calculated. 
Funds are allocated in accordance with budget objectives and parameters. 
Adjustments are made where necessary to respond to unacceptable variations. 
Budgets and plans are renegotiated/ restructured where necessary to optimise enterprise performance. 
Records of financial performance are properly maintained within enterprise systems. 
Information with source documents is assembled according to the requirements of the report recipient. 
Documentation is forwarded in a timely and efficient manner. 
Non-financial objectives are reported in the context of overall enterprise performance. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

AHCBUS508A - Prepare and monitor budgets and financial reports
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

AHCBUS508A - Prepare and monitor budgets and financial reports

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
