Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

AHCASW501A Mapping and Delivery Guide
Survey and report on Aboriginal cultural sites

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency AHCASW501A - Survey and report on Aboriginal cultural sites
Description This unit covers the surveying and reporting of Aboriginal cultural sites.
Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills.
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit applies to those working in Aboriginal communities and on Country in cultural landscapes and with cultural sites and objects. The unit applies to working with lore/law men and women either as an autonomous Sites worker or under the supervision and cultural authority of Traditional Owner/s and/or Elder/s for specific Country and is also applicable to the work of repatriation workers and anthropologists. This unit applies to all Aboriginal-sites workers. Cultural beliefs and practices vary across locations and communities however and in some situations non-Aboriginal learners may not be able to access the cultural knowledge and/or materials required to achieve competency in this unit. This applies when restrictions are applied to non-Aboriginal people gaining access to cultural knowledge, material or sites. In these situations the Registered Training Organisation will have to make alternative arrangements for learners that are still consistent with the delivery and assessment requirements for this unit.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.
Prerequisites/co-requisites AHCILM306A Follow Aboriginal cultural protocols
Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Identify, communicate and consult with key stakeholders
  • The identification by cultural authorities of appropriate persons within communities who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal places and heritage is applied
  • Communication and consultation methodologies that place Aboriginal cultural protocols and values at the forefront and accommodate stakeholder concerns and interests are developed and implemented
  • Traditional ownership of Aboriginal sites, cultural material, and objects is confirmed
  • Approval is obtained from relevant Traditional Owners and Cultural managers for work to be carried out and for access to the Aboriginal site for the specific persons who will conduct work
  • Working relationships with key stakeholders that assist in the management of culturally significant places are developed
  • Client needs for deliverables required in a formal Sites survey report are scoped and documented
  • Research on the Burra Charter process and on other existing industry guidelines to ensure proper processes are planned for is undertaken and applied to assessment processes
Element: Collect initial site data
  • Site plans and maps are sourced and verified including topographical maps
  • Required resources are identified and acquired
  • A base plan of the site is prepared
  • Site orientation is undertaken and location, geographic and operational boundaries are defined and verified
  • Current land use and environmental problems and threats are identified and recorded
  • Covenants that could affect the site or report are identified and recorded
  • Climate and weather conditions are ascertained from historical data
Element: Compile a site inventory
  • Site context, location and site informationdata is categorised and recorded accurately
  • Features data is categorised and recorded accurately
  • Cultural material, objects, properties and relevant physical characteristics are identified and recorded on site inventory
  • Relevant field research is undertaken
  • Appropriate techniques and tools and relevant archaeological practices and procedures are implemented
  • Structural elements are located and existing services and facilities confirmed
  • The presence, location and/or extent of other relevant site constraints are recorded
  • Limits of acceptable change in the forms of deterioration and damage to the places of cultural significance are developed to legislative and enterprise requirements
Element: Review, assess and record the site data
  • Engagement of relevant expertise and consultant services are obtained when required
  • An assessment of cultural significance is conducted
  • A statement of cultural significance is documented
Element: Determine the impact of threats to the site
  • Threats to culturally significant places, both external and internal to the area under consideration, are identified
  • A risk assessment of all threats to determine potential impact on sites and associated cultural landscape is undertaken
  • Risk management strategies and protection/conservation measures to control risks are developed and implemented
  • A risk management report that incorporates an impact analysis is developed and documented
  • Policy changes required to address the threats are documented to enterprise requirements
Element: Document a site survey report
  • Site information is documented into a site assessment report or site survey report
  • Assessment report incorporates all relevant data from the site assessment in line with client needs and the requirements of relevant legislation and regulations
  • Specific recommendations for remedial action of site conservation and mitigation of site problems are provided and recorded as appropriate
  • Recommendations for appropriate risk controls of site hazards are formulated and documented
  • Survey and assessment data are stored and maintained as part of professional practice
  • Client-stakeholder is informed and advised of the content and implications of the report and a copy is presented

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.

Overview of assessment

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

The delivery and assessment of this unit must comply with Community protocols and be carried out in consultation with and in participation with Traditional Owners and/or Elders and custodians of that specific Country.

In accordance with Aboriginal cultural protocols, cultural knowledge copyright considerations and Aboriginal lore/law restrictions, it is essential that this requirement be respected and implemented in the delivery and assessment of Cultural Units to guarantee cultural authenticity and quality control around the delivery of training and assessment for Aboriginal Sites workers.

Candidates must demonstrate evidence of the ability to:

identify appropriate Aboriginal cultural authorities for a Community, place or Site

identify key stakeholders to be consulted in relation to owners/custodians of cultural and Community knowledge, information and/or material and cultural significance

survey and assess Aboriginal cultural sites

use appropriate techniques, tools and relevant archaeological practices

incorporate the cultural significance, heritage values and conservation issues of an Aboriginal cultural site into report documentation

identify threats and develop controls to mitigate and manage the risk of deterioration, damaging incidents or loss of cultural integrity

develop a risk management report on Aboriginal cultural sites that incorporates an impact analysis

document a Site survey report on Aboriginal cultural sites including submissions to be completed

observe Aboriginal cultural protocols in dealing with stakeholders and land managers

describe natural resources and how they relate to cultural protocol, spirituality, art, environment, values, beliefs and lore/law

describe the cultural rights and responsibilities when using Community knowledge, information and material

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment events must be contextualised to meet the needs of the particular group, including:

on Country, a Community, educational or workplace setting including Aboriginal cultural keeping places

involvement of people approved by cultural authorities and/or Traditional Owners of the relevant local Community

candidates who have gained relevant knowledge and skills through their life experience

Resources which may be useful in assessment for this unit include:

Burra Charter

Draft Guidelines for the Protection, Management and Use of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Places

Method of assessment

A range of assessment methods should be used to assess competency in the surveying and reporting of Aboriginal sites. The following examples are appropriate for this unit:

observation of the candidate on Country and/or in Aboriginal cultural keeping places protecting cultural sites and/or cultural material and objects

direct questioning combined with third-party workplace reports of on-the-job performance

verbal or written questioning

observation of participation in Ceremony and/or Sites work related to the knowledge and skills outlined in this unit

Assessment methods should closely reflect workplace demands and the needs of particular client groups (consider the requirements of different age groups, clients with English as a second language, clients with disabilities, remote library users, etc.).

Guidance information for assessment

Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.

AHCASW312A Maintain an Aboriginal cultural site

AHCASW302A Relate Aboriginal culture to sites work

AHCILM306A Follow Aboriginal cultural protocols

AHCASW303A Identify and record Aboriginal sites, objects and cultural landscapes

AHCASW305A Work with Aboriginal ceremonial secret sacred materials

AHCASW308A Apply cultural significance to Aboriginal sites and Landscapes

Assessment for this unit should comprise a combination of theory and practical application. Both aspects of assessment are best conducted on Country for this unit.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Required skills include:

Ability to:

respect cultural diversity and sensitivity to social, cultural and professional values and beliefs

perform work operations to Aboriginal Community protocols

use contemporary mainstream and Aboriginal site surveying and archaeological techniques as required

develop risk management strategies for a specified area

engage external expertise and consultants

use literacy skills to fulfil job roles as required by the organisation. The level of skill may range from reading, interpreting following organisational policies and procedures, developing sequenced written instructions, recording information collected accurately and legibly

use technology for accessing, interpreting and developing a wide range of visual and written information sources to complete written documentation

co-ordinate and work within teams in Community environments

use oral communication skills/language competence to fulfil the job role as specified by the organisation including questioning, active listening, enabling clarification, negotiating and refining solutions and responding to a range of complex views

use numeracy skills to estimate, calculate and record complex workplace measures

use interpersonal skills to work with others and relate to people from diverse cultural, social and religious backgrounds and with a range of physical and mental abilities

exercise discretion and confidentiality

Required knowledge includes:

Knowledge of:

Aboriginal history, cultural values and interpersonal and Community protocols

authentic and authoritative sources for Aboriginal cultural information, material and expression able to be accessed and shared

site survey techniques, procedures and processes

a range of archaeological and scientific concepts

monitoring including fabric deterioration, damage and likely causes of deterioration and damage

general understanding of impacts of natural resources, such as geological settings, ecological processes, and interaction between natural and cultural processes

policies applying across all levels of government and within the specific region

international treaties, agreements and charters

Australian Natural Heritage Charter and the Burra Charter and Guidelines

design, methodology and implementation of consultation processes

policy analysis and impact statements

the range of conservation strategies for cultural areas

data submission systems and report documentation

Cultural and Heritage Legislation or relevant NPWS legislation

sustainable environmental practices

workplace health and safety requirements

The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.

Cultural authorities may include

Cultural authority refers to the most appropriate senior person/s that is able to speak for particular Country, cultural objects, ceremony and/or materials in a specific place. A cultural authority could be a Traditional Owner, a Native Title Claimant, Aboriginal Culture and Heritage Body, Elder, Aboriginal Land Council, etc.

A ceremonial/cultural manager in terms of Aboriginal customary law means someone who does the work either under the direct supervision of the Aboriginal Owner or does the work that is authorised by the Owner. In a ceremony for example, the ceremonial manager(s) may provide the food and do the performance (work). Traditional roles and responsibilities swap over depending on a person’s status in any given situation – ie – whose land / estate one is on for business.

Cultural significance may include:

aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value for past, present or future generations

significance embodied in the place itself, its fabric, setting, use, associations, meanings, records, related places and related objects

Aboriginal cultural protocols may include:

gender roles in relation to knowledge and cultural practices

information sensitivity and access

appropriate information transfer

negotiations with local Aboriginal Community about information transfer

cultural diversity

natural resources and their importance for economy, religion, spirituality, art, environment, values, beliefs and lore/law

rights and responsibilities associated with cultural knowledge, story, song, Site, and ceremony

interpersonal ways of relating

the talking of Community politics

repatriation of artefacts

issues of ownership (clans/nations)

ownership of intellectual property

acknowledging participation and ownership

communicating about cultural material

displaying cultural material

handling cultural material

identifying appropriate people to be consulted

occasions when consultation is required

ways in which consultations should be conducted

Aboriginal sites may include:

shelters with deposits

open camp site


shelter with midden

shelter with art

isolated find

undefined sites

axe grinding grooves

bora/ceremonial ring

burial site

rock engraving

scarred tree

carved tree

natural mythological site

restricted site


ochre quarry

fish trap

stone arrangement

mound (oven)

mia mia

waterhole (well)


abraded grooves

Aboriginal Place (declared under NPW Act)

Aboriginal Area (declared under NPW Act)

protected archaeological site

Conservation agreement



Aboriginal objects may include:

physical objects such as stone tools, Aboriginal-built fences and stockyards, scarred trees, the remains of fringe camps

material deposited on the land, such as middens

the ancestral remains of Aboriginal people

stones and stone tools

art and artworks


non-human bones and organic materials

Key stakeholders may include:

Aboriginal Land Councils

Indigenous Ranger groups

Traditional Owners and Cultural managers

Aboriginal communities and Clans


Culture and Heritage government departments and representatives

National Parks personnel

sites workers



Burra Charter process includes:

the cultural significance of a place and other issues affecting its future are best understood by a sequence of collecting and analysing information before making decisions. Understanding cultural significance comes first, then development of policy and finally management of the place in accordance with the policy

the policy for managing a place must be based on an understanding of its cultural significance

policy development should also include consideration of other factors affecting the future of a place such as the owner’s needs, resources, external constraints and its physical condition

Existing industry guidelines may include:

the Draft Guidelines for the Protection, Management and Use of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Places

Site context may include:


landform unit


land use

proximity to water



Site information data may include:

general information



date recorded

site context

Aboriginal features

site dimensions

site plan



site Aboriginal Community interpretation

site Aboriginal Community recommendations

site assessment

cultural analysis

scientific analysis

management recommendations

endorsement by cultural authority

Features data may include:







site name




recommended action

Field research may include:

field observations and manual recording

identification of features

assessing condition

taking, preserving and examining samples

taking photographic records

obtaining geographic/longitudinal data

mapping of cycles of seasons and species

planning information collection to cover specific seasonal impacts

recording species, populations, densities and health of the species

establishing databases and loading records

Techniques and tools may include:

traditional Aboriginal knowledge and processes

hand tools and power tools

excavation and construction equipment

surveying and sampling tools

recording and reporting technological equipment

location and geographic equipment

archaeological techniques and equipment

Archaeological practices may include:

review of existing knowledge


landscape context

Aboriginal land use

site definition

site recording

location information

geographic reporting

survey analysis

test excavation

artifact/object recording

attribute recording

archaeological reporting

Relevant expertise may include


Traditional Owners and/or Elders



environmental scientists



Culturally significant places may include

areas of non-Aboriginal activity

Aboriginal sites


buildings and other structures

natural areas of Aboriginal cultural significance

historical events and monuments

areas of Aboriginal activity such as:


occupation and contact sites


grinding grooves

rock pictures

fish traps



Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
The identification by cultural authorities of appropriate persons within communities who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal places and heritage is applied 
Communication and consultation methodologies that place Aboriginal cultural protocols and values at the forefront and accommodate stakeholder concerns and interests are developed and implemented 
Traditional ownership of Aboriginal sites, cultural material, and objects is confirmed 
Approval is obtained from relevant Traditional Owners and Cultural managers for work to be carried out and for access to the Aboriginal site for the specific persons who will conduct work 
Working relationships with key stakeholders that assist in the management of culturally significant places are developed 
Client needs for deliverables required in a formal Sites survey report are scoped and documented 
Research on the Burra Charter process and on other existing industry guidelines to ensure proper processes are planned for is undertaken and applied to assessment processes 
Site plans and maps are sourced and verified including topographical maps 
Required resources are identified and acquired 
A base plan of the site is prepared 
Site orientation is undertaken and location, geographic and operational boundaries are defined and verified 
Current land use and environmental problems and threats are identified and recorded 
Covenants that could affect the site or report are identified and recorded 
Climate and weather conditions are ascertained from historical data 
Site context, location and site informationdata is categorised and recorded accurately 
Features data is categorised and recorded accurately 
Cultural material, objects, properties and relevant physical characteristics are identified and recorded on site inventory 
Relevant field research is undertaken 
Appropriate techniques and tools and relevant archaeological practices and procedures are implemented 
Structural elements are located and existing services and facilities confirmed 
The presence, location and/or extent of other relevant site constraints are recorded 
Limits of acceptable change in the forms of deterioration and damage to the places of cultural significance are developed to legislative and enterprise requirements 
Engagement of relevant expertise and consultant services are obtained when required 
An assessment of cultural significance is conducted 
A statement of cultural significance is documented 
Threats to culturally significant places, both external and internal to the area under consideration, are identified 
A risk assessment of all threats to determine potential impact on sites and associated cultural landscape is undertaken 
Risk management strategies and protection/conservation measures to control risks are developed and implemented 
A risk management report that incorporates an impact analysis is developed and documented 
Policy changes required to address the threats are documented to enterprise requirements 
Site information is documented into a site assessment report or site survey report 
Assessment report incorporates all relevant data from the site assessment in line with client needs and the requirements of relevant legislation and regulations 
Specific recommendations for remedial action of site conservation and mitigation of site problems are provided and recorded as appropriate 
Recommendations for appropriate risk controls of site hazards are formulated and documented 
Survey and assessment data are stored and maintained as part of professional practice 
Client-stakeholder is informed and advised of the content and implications of the report and a copy is presented 


Assessment Cover Sheet

AHCASW501A - Survey and report on Aboriginal cultural sites
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

AHCASW501A - Survey and report on Aboriginal cultural sites

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
