Unit of Competency Mapping – Information for Teachers/Assessors – Information for Learners

ACMFAR310A Mapping and Delivery Guide
Fit shoes to alleviate moderate faults and defects in horses

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Qualification -
Unit of Competency ACMFAR310A - Fit shoes to alleviate moderate faults and defects in horses
Description This unit of competency covers the processes required to prepare the feet of a horse exhibiting moderate faults or defects, and to apply appropriate shoes to alleviate the problem.This unit forms part of the requirements of the trade qualification for farriery.
Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills.
Learning Outcomes and Application This unit is applicable to farriers working in farriery workplaces who are required to fit shoes to horses who exhibit a range of common faults and defects where the level of assessment and remedial technique is regarded as moderate.In addition to legal and ethical responsibilities, all units of competency in the ACM10 Animal Care and Management Training Package have the requirement for animals to be handled gently and calmly. The individual is required to exhibit appropriate care for animals so that stress and discomfort is minimised.
Duration and Setting X weeks, nominally xx hours, delivered in a classroom/online/blended learning setting.
Competency Field
Development and validation strategy and guide for assessors and learners Student Learning Resources Handouts
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria              
Element: Identify shoeing needs of individual horses
  • Horses are handled appropriately to reduce stress and alarm, behaviour is monitored to eliminate risks to horse or handlers, and restraints are used as required.
  • Features ofgait and conformation of the horse are identified.
  • Moderate faults and defects of the horse that may be alleviated by the farrier are identified.
  • A working position is adopted which maintains comfort of the horse and ensures comfort and personal safety of the farrier and any assistants.
  • Shoes are removed safely, using tools appropriate for the task and ensuring no damage is caused to the feet of the horse.
  • Feet are cleaned of all foreign bodies to facilitate examination of the hoof, ensuring all relevant factors are taken into account.
  • The shoe is examined, and implications of the wear pattern are assessed for trimming and shoeing.
  • Any conditions requiring higher level treatment are reported to other farriers or to veterinarians involved with hoof care, as required.
  • The agreed foot care plan is amended with the responsible person, taking into account conditions of the feet not previously identifiable.
Element: Trim and prepare feet
  • Appropriate shoeing tools are used to safely trim and prepare feet to achieve balance, level and shape, and to correct any identified foot defects.
  • Trimming operations are conducted without injury to the horse's feet.
  • Work is visually checked, while in progress and on completion, to ensure quality outcomesof foot preparation have been achieved.
Element: Fit shoes
  • Correct type, material and size of shoes are selected according to the shoeing plan and modifications are made as required by the individual horse.
  • Appropriate tools are selected for the purpose of fitting shoes.
  • Selected shoes are shaped to incorporate any ancillary features as determined by the foot care and shoeing plan.
  • Shoes are fitted to fore and hind feet, and the need for any final adjustments is assessed.
  • Final adjustments are made to the shape and size of the shoe to achieve correct fit, with any ancillary features being added to the shoe as determined by the work requirements of the horse.
  • Health and safety of the horse, self and others is maintained throughout the process.
Element: Attach shoes and finish shoeing process
  • Tools and nails are selected, suitable for attaching and clenching shoes.
  • The shoe is safely attached, securely and in the correct position, ensuring the relevant factors are taken into account.
  • The hoof is finished according to specification, and the finished job assessed along with the welfare of the horse.
  • The horse is trotted to identify any signs of lameness.
  • The responsible person is informed of actions taken, and advised on horse's future foot care requirements.
  • Appropriate records of service provided are maintained.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The Evidence Guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.

Overview of assessment

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

The evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to workplace operations and satisfy all of the requirements of the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and the range statement of this unit. Assessors should ensure that candidates can:

assess the shoeing needs of individual horses exhibiting moderate faults and defects of the foot or lower limb that may be alleviated by the farrier

trim and prepare feet

select and fit appropriate shoes to alleviate moderate faults and defects and assess quality of outcomes

provide advice on future hoof care requirements and maintain records of service provided.

The skills and knowledge required to fit shoes to alleviate moderate faults and defects in horses must be transferable to a range of work environments and contexts and include the ability to deal with unplanned events.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of this unit is to be practical in nature and will be most appropriately assessed in worksites, where routine farriery tasks are performed, or in a situation that reproduces normal work conditions.

There must be access to a range of horses presenting with moderate faults and defects as well as the appropriate equipment and/or resources to enable one to demonstrate competence.

Method of assessment

To ensure consistency in one's performance, competency should be demonstrated, to industry defined standards, on more than one occasion over a period of time in order to cover a variety of circumstances and where possible, over a number of assessment activities.

The assessment strategy must include practical skills assessment. Suggested strategies for this unit are:

written and/or oral assessment of candidate's required knowledge

observed, documented and first-hand testimonial evidence of candidate's application of practical tasks

simulation exercises that reproduce normal work conditions

case study analysis

third-party evidence

workplace documentation


This unit may be assessed in a holistic way with other units of competency relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role.

Guidance information for assessment

Assessment methods should reflect workplace demands (e.g. literacy and numeracy demands) and the needs of particular target groups (e.g. people with disabilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, women, people with a language background other than English, youth and people from low socioeconomic backgrounds).

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assignment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Required skills

adhere to occupational health and safety (OHS) and animal welfare legislation, regulations and codes of practice

employ safe and environmentally responsible organisational systems and procedures when working with and handling horses

maintain highest standards of hygiene and infection control at all times to reduce the risk of infection and cross-infection

maintain records as appropriate

recognise and work within own limitations

literacy skills to read and follow organisational policies and procedures, including OHS, waste management and hygiene standards; follow sequenced written instructions; and record the information accurately and legibly

oral communication skills/language to fulfil the job role as specified, including questioning, active listening, asking for clarification and seeking advice when required

numeracy skills to estimate, calculate, record and apply routine workplace measures to required tasks including measurements to assess shoe requirements

problem-solving skills to select required materials and equipment and prioritise tasks

use safe manual handling techniques and/or equipment

use safe waste handling and disposal procedures

work as part of a team with other professionals, including veterinarians.

Required knowledge

anatomical features of the lower limb and foot of the horse and applicable biomechanical functions

conformation, normal gait and abnormalities of gait and how the farrier can alleviate a range of moderate faults and foot problems through shoeing

effects of trimming on the stance and action of the horse

general anatomy of the horse

limits of safe trimming and why these must not be exceeded

relevant legislation and codes of practice and personal responsibilities

safe work practices

types of horse shoes and reasons for use of particular shoes.

The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.

Risks to horse or handlers may include:

completing farriery tasks:

applying fillers and other treatments

cleaning and sharpening tools

exposure to noise, dust, skin and eye irritants

handling horses

manual handling associated with working with tools and metal

removing, replacing and fitting shoes

trimming feet

working with fire to shape shoes, shoe horses and weld

working with hazardous items including(e.g. electricity, heat, gas and other flammables)

outside distractions:



other animals


uneducated, stressed or difficult horses.

Restraints may include:

head collar or halter and lead


anti-rearing bit

chemical sedatives prescribed by and administered under the supervision of a veterinarian


leg ropes


Note: The majority of horses are quiet, easily managed and require no restraint. Where restraint is required it must be the minimum necessary and should always be determined through consultation with the owner or responsible person.

Features ofgait and conformation may include:







jump action

characteristic actions of various breeds and types of horses

common faults of the skeletal system, stance and their effects on gait

common injuries of the muscular system and their effects on gait

ideal action and alignment

relationship of the conformation of the foot and limb to the way of going.

Moderate faults and defects in horses' feet may include:

interferences to movement of the foot in flight:

brushing/speed cutting







minor ailments:

puncture wounds

thin soles


false quarter


seedy toe

white line disease

sand crack/grass cracks

hoof deformities such as flared hooves

the condition of the foot should be assessed:

with the shoe on

with the shoe off.

Tools for removing and fitting shoes may include:



clenching tongs

nail pullers




shoe shaper

shoeing hammer

hot shoe tools:

hot fit tongs

water bucket and water.

Relevant factors when assessing feet may include:

condition of the existing shoe

condition of the hooves

general condition of the horse

temperament of the horse

the approximate age of the horse

the work that the horse will perform

type of surface the horse will work on.

Implications of wear pattern may include:

indicators of uneven weight bearing:

variations in shoe thickness on ground contact surface

uneven hoof wear

shoe movement on foot

indicators of stumbling or other forms of interference

indicators of poor fit:

presence of bruising or corns

shoe is pressing on sensitive structures

clenches have risen.

Toolsfor trimming feet may include:

hoof nippers or cutters


paring knife

toe knife.

Considerations required to safely trim and prepare feet may include:

growth rate of the shod versus the unshod hoof

trimming aims to achieve a level bearing surface and a normal pastern foot axis, it involves:

study of the shape and proportions of the foot

identification and correction of any defects

balance of the foot in relation to the length of toe and height of heel

adjusting any irregularities or unevenness in the bearing surface

checking the balance of the foot in relation to the pastern foot axis

determining how much hoof needs to be removed in relation to a range of conditions:

broken hoof and pastern angle

heels too high

heels too low

medial or lateral growth

toe too long

any problems noticed by owner in relation to breakover of hoof or interference.

Hoof trim considerations in relation to injury to the horse's feet may include:

a badly dressed foot is not only altered in shape but also in position relative to the leg, which in turn influences the action of the limb

faults in dressing the foot:

inadequate removal of excess hoof

overparing the frog

overparing the sole

over-lowering the toe

over-lowering the heels

over-lowering the bearing surface

uneven bearing surface

opening up the heels

rasping the wall and dumping the toe.

Quality outcomesof foot preparation may include:

achieve optimal conformational relationships between angles of leading wall of hoof line, long axis of pastern and angle of shoulder

avoidance of reaching sensitive tissue

checking angles and shape of foot

the weight is evenly distributed over the foot

toe clip is cut in balance with hoof shape if clip is required

when viewed from behind, both heels are the same height and the base of the frog just touches the ground

when viewed from the side, the toe, quarters and heels are proportionate and the pastern foot axis is in a straight line.

Shoe selection considerations may include:

characteristics of the horse:

assessment of horse's action


shape of its feet

size and weight

wear patterns of existing shoes

work it performs

shoe types in various sizes and weights fitted hot or cold:

concave fullered shoe

machine made shoes

plain stamped shoe

racing plates

three-quarter fullered shoe

other considerations in shoe selection:

Rules of Racing shoe requirements

other sport and working horse requirements:

breed requirements

carriage and draught horse shoes


hacking and dressage

mule or donkey shoes

polo and polocrosse

showjumping, eventing and hunting

working stock horse and western events.

Ancillary features may include:


extra clip

extra nail holes


seating out

shortening or lengthening heel

stud holes.

Final adjustments may include:

hot or cold shoes may be fitted:

surface fitting, where the foot surface has to be adapted exactly to the bearing surface of the hoof

outline fitting, which means adaptation of the shoe to the length and breadth of the hoof with the outer border of the shoe corresponding to the outline of the bearing surface

checking and adjusting shoe to reduce the risk of:

close fitting

wide fitting

checking length of shoe to assess if:

heels are too long

heels are too short.

Relevant factors may include:

nailing on a shoe should avoid:

nail bind


sole pressure

holding horse's leg at a comfortable angle during nailing to:

discourage horse from moving away during nailing

enable horse to stand in a balanced position

prevent injury to farrier due to poor manual handling techniques.

Factors taken into account when finished job is assessed may include:

securing shoe to foot:

using an appropriate number of nails to secure shoe

selecting nails of appropriate size and length for hoof quality and shoe type

setting nails in appropriate position around hoof

nailing on the shoe in sequence

clenches even, flat and broad, nails driven to standard height

nails driven home, with heads fitting the countersinks

with foot on the ground assess:

front and hind feet are pairs, the same size and shape and the same pastern foot axis

no excessive rasping of the wall

no dumping of the wall (making the foot fit the shoe)

clips low and broad and the toe clip centred with correct angle to the hoof wall

shoe fits the outline of the foot and heels are of correct length

with foot off the ground assess:

no unnecessary paring of the frog and sole

heels not opened up

toe clip centred and in line with the point of the frog

sole eased at the seat of corn

no daylight between the foot and the shoe

shoe fits the foot and the heels do not interfere with the function of the frog

shoe is properly finished off

horse shows no sign of lameness when trotted up.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Horses are handled appropriately to reduce stress and alarm, behaviour is monitored to eliminate risks to horse or handlers, and restraints are used as required. 
Features ofgait and conformation of the horse are identified. 
Moderate faults and defects of the horse that may be alleviated by the farrier are identified. 
A working position is adopted which maintains comfort of the horse and ensures comfort and personal safety of the farrier and any assistants. 
Shoes are removed safely, using tools appropriate for the task and ensuring no damage is caused to the feet of the horse. 
Feet are cleaned of all foreign bodies to facilitate examination of the hoof, ensuring all relevant factors are taken into account. 
The shoe is examined, and implications of the wear pattern are assessed for trimming and shoeing. 
Any conditions requiring higher level treatment are reported to other farriers or to veterinarians involved with hoof care, as required. 
The agreed foot care plan is amended with the responsible person, taking into account conditions of the feet not previously identifiable. 
Appropriate shoeing tools are used to safely trim and prepare feet to achieve balance, level and shape, and to correct any identified foot defects. 
Trimming operations are conducted without injury to the horse's feet. 
Work is visually checked, while in progress and on completion, to ensure quality outcomesof foot preparation have been achieved. 
Correct type, material and size of shoes are selected according to the shoeing plan and modifications are made as required by the individual horse. 
Appropriate tools are selected for the purpose of fitting shoes. 
Selected shoes are shaped to incorporate any ancillary features as determined by the foot care and shoeing plan. 
Shoes are fitted to fore and hind feet, and the need for any final adjustments is assessed. 
Final adjustments are made to the shape and size of the shoe to achieve correct fit, with any ancillary features being added to the shoe as determined by the work requirements of the horse. 
Health and safety of the horse, self and others is maintained throughout the process. 
Tools and nails are selected, suitable for attaching and clenching shoes. 
The shoe is safely attached, securely and in the correct position, ensuring the relevant factors are taken into account. 
The hoof is finished according to specification, and the finished job assessed along with the welfare of the horse. 
The horse is trotted to identify any signs of lameness. 
The responsible person is informed of actions taken, and advised on horse's future foot care requirements. 
Appropriate records of service provided are maintained. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

ACMFAR310A - Fit shoes to alleviate moderate faults and defects in horses
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

ACMFAR310A - Fit shoes to alleviate moderate faults and defects in horses

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
