Assessor Resource

Formulate workplace strategy for adult language, literacy and numeracy skill development

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

This unit applies to those who design strategies for adult language, literacy and numeracy skill development in a workplace.

The performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required for delivering adult language, literacy and numeracy programs in the workplace is covered in unit TAELLN704A Implement and evaluate delivery of adult language, literacy and numeracy skills.

Individuals undertaking this unit may also be required to manage a team of people implementing the workplace adult literacy and numeracy strategy, including monitoring, evaluating and improving performance as required. The performance outcomes, skills and knowledge for mentoring others are covered in TAELLN807A Design, implement and evaluate an adult language, literacy and numeracy professional development program.

The profile of those in the workplace is typically culturally and linguistically diverse. The performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to work with culturally and linguistically diverse adults in a range of contexts are described in TAELLN703A Develop English language skills of learners.

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to formulate a strategy to deliver language, literacy and numeracy skill development in a workplace. The unit addresses the analysis of industry factors that impact on the English language, literacy and numeracy required of employees. It enables practitioners to design programs that meet the requirements of the Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) program.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)

Employability Skills

This unit contains employability skills.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The Evidence Guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

Evidence of the ability to:

analyse a company profile and consult with stakeholders at all levels within the workplace

identify the English language, literacy and numeracy needs of a workplace aligned to national frameworks

develop a language, literacy and numeracy skill development plan for a specific workplace, including undertaking the research that underpins the plan, detailing the rationale for the particular forms of training recommended

use pre-training assessment processes contextualised into the workplace environment

implement a communication strategy and an evaluation strategy.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment must ensure access to:

real or simulated workplace context

broad range of workplace and training documentation

senior management within a workplace

opportunities to design workplace language, literacy and numeracy strategies.

Assessment must also ensure the use of culturally appropriate processes, and techniques appropriate to the language, literacy and numeracy capacity of the candidate and the work being performed.

Method of assessment

A range of appropriate assessment methods should be used to determine competency. The following examples are appropriate for this unit:

evaluation of a report or case study

review of authenticated evidence from the workplace, including verified work samples

questioning to establish required knowledge.

Guidance information for assessment

Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended, for example:

TAELLN704A Implement and evaluate delivery of adult language, literacy and numeracy skills

TAELLN807A Design, implement and evaluate an adult language, literacy and numeracy professional development program.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Required skills

analysis and interpretation skills to:

identify and analyse the English language, literacy and numeracy demands embedded in enterprises and particular workplace contexts, including policies and procedural documents, legislation, memos, notices and forms

interpret information from the pre-training assessment process to identify possible participants

select and interpret underpinning skills in Training Package and accredited course documentation

communication skills to:

facilitate discussions to encourage sharing of strategies and exploration of different solutions to problems

give presentations to promote the skill development program

keep training partners informed about the progress while maintaining confidentiality about individual participant's skills

negotiate a commitment to the training from all players in an enterprise, including employer, union, workforce, workforce representatives and management

negotiate opportunities for learners to apply skills to perform workplace tasks and to practise English language, literacy and numeracy skills

paraphrase as part of effective listening techniques

present concepts clearly and respond to questions effectively

computer skills to use software packages, such as:


project management

word processing

initiative, enterprise and creativity to develop a strategy that meets the complex requirements of a workplace

literacy skills to:

develop a skill development plan that is understood and agreed upon by stakeholders

meet written requirements of funding bodies

numeracy skills to:

cost projects and manage finances, monitor timelines and expenditure

use spreadsheets to monitor budgets

planning and organising skills to identify and consult effectively with a range of stakeholders

research skills to locate general knowledge required to develop company profiles and industry knowledge

teamwork skills to:

consult with relevant parties to get support for the implementation of the plan

work effectively as a team member

work with people at all levels of an organisation to develop a plan

Required knowledge

adult learning principles applied to a workplace context

adult language, literacy and numeracy issues in a workplace context, such as:

attitudinal barriers

confidentiality issues relating to language, literacy and numeracy identification procedures

cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity

need to adapt training strategies to meet multiple learner needs

adult language and literacy teaching theories, such as:

applied linguistics

applied social theory and sociolinguistics

critical literacy

humanistic and progressivist pedagogy


adult numeracy teaching theories, such as:

applied social theory, for example mathematics and culture, and mathematics and gender


critical literacy and numeracy

cultural use of specific mathematics


national frameworks, such as:

Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)

VET frameworks and structures

changes in the Australian economic and industrial context that can impact on language, literacy and numeracy skills requirements at the workplace level, such as:

changes in legislation

changes in technology

compliance requirements

impact of globalisation

introduction of new management techniques, such as team-based management practices

workplace quality requirements

levels of English language, literacy and numeracy in Australia and the effect these have on the capacity of industry and the workforce to deal effectively with specific areas of workplace change

own role and responsibilities in a workplace environment

workplace agreements and structures

The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.

Broad issues for training may include:

implementing a relevant industry Training Package that meets company expectations

implementing general training policies for the whole company or one section of the company

improving language, literacy and numeracy skills of the workforce to participate in further training

meeting a specific objective or set of objectives, such as:

introduction of new machinery or process

legal requirements

occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements

quality indicators

reporting processes

workforce restructure

meeting training goals outlined in the company's profile, and business and strategic plans.

Company background information may include:

category of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) industry groups into which the business fits

company's core business

company's learning culture and training history

company's recruitment strategy

company's vision and mission statements, business and strategic plans and organisational learning plan

products the company produces

training requirements.

Changes may include:

changes in work organisation in response to changes in market trends

company or enterprise embarking on capital and technical improvements

industrial relations issues

new management systems being introduced

projected product or process diversification.

Profile of the industry workforce may include:

size of overall workforce

composition of workforce, including:

full time and part time

casual and permanent

gender and age ratios

education and training backgrounds

language and cultural backgrounds

occupational groups.

Potential risks may include:

compliance issues

OHS issues

performance issues

quality issues.

Language, literacy and numeracy training implications may include the need to develop:

language skills of the workforce to implement changes or meet compliance issues

literacy and numeracy skills of the workforce to implement changes or meet compliance issues.

Training specification may include:

accredited courses

Training Packages

work outcomes

workplace-specific training goals.

Level of language, literacy and numeracy may include:

levels 1 to 5 of the ACSF.

Formal communication systems and practices may include:

company communication systems, such as emails, memos, newsletters and information sessions

forms of communication within and between sites and departments

internal and external modes of communication

language, literacy and numeracy practices

those related to communications technology employed by the enterprise, such as intranet and internet

workplace documentation, schedules, plans, personnel forms and pay or time sheets.

Informal communication networks and practices may include:

communication within and between individuals

social and other informal occasions.

Funding sources may include:

commonwealth funded programs, such as WELL program

company funding training directly

funding for specific groups

profile funding

specific initiative arrangements for specific states.

Most appropriate mode(s) of training and assessment may include:

delivering training focusing on language, literacy and numeracy underpinning skills of specific units of competency of a Training Package

developing a training program with an emphasis on language, literacy and/or numeracy

developing and customising self-access resources for an independent learning centre

developing assessment tools and training to integrate language, literacy and numeracy assessment with vocational competency

providing adult literacy and numeracy programs for selected participants, including one-to-one, small group, classroom, face-to-face, distance and on-the-job support

providing expert advice to technical trainers

working alongside workplace trainers and assessors to identify language, literacy and numeracy and support for selected employees with one-to-one or gap training

writing enterprise documentation and training resources to match the language, literacy and numeracy levels of employees.

Application of conceptual frameworks may include:

adult learning principles

theories that inform adult language and literacy

theories that inform literacy teaching

theories that inform numeracy teaching

VET frameworks and structures.

Language, literacy and numeracy skill development plan may include:

barriers that may exist to the workplace training and strategies to overcome them

funding and reporting arrangements

language, literacy and numeracy skills to be developed described in broad terms, such as:

those of the ACSF

those required to deal with the company communication system or documentation

skills related to other training being conducted at the workplace, such as particular Training Package outcomes or introduction of new technology

mode(s) of instruction and the agreed training arrangements

program outline

qualifications and experience of staff

resourcing available

responsibilities of relevant parties

workforce profile.

Evaluation strategy may include:

evaluation instruments, such as:


structured interviews



feedback or debriefing from group discussions or meetings of stakeholders

meetings with relevant parties such as the training manager, line managers, workforce representatives and/or training committee

processes, such as:

defining the purpose and audience

planning the evaluation

gathering the data

analysing and interpreting the data

using the findings to improve the processes, practices, systems or outcomes

gathering qualitative and quantitative data to review and monitor training outcomes and to initiate corrective action when required.

Communication strategy may include:


formal meetings of organisation stakeholders

informal strategies



Pre-training assessment kit may:

link to the ACSF

meet the requirements of selected units of competency from Training Packages

reflect actual workplace practice with embedded language, literacy and numeracy skills required for a particular work role

require formal or informal processes.

Profile of potential participants may include:

background factors, such as:

age ratio

education and training backgrounds

gender ratio

language and cultural backgrounds

level of formal education in first language

previous experience of training

employees' perception of their learning needs and attitudes to training and assessment

occupational groups and existing qualifications and skills of employees in relation to work context

those with self-identified language, literacy and numeracy needs.

Training delivery plan may include:

human and physical resources


mode of training

participants and groupings


Others in the workplace may include:

other trainers and assessors

relevant supervisors.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Identify broad issues for training through consultation with enterprise personnel and workforce representatives 
Analyse company background information 
Identify changes impacting on the organisation 
Develop profile of the industry workforce 
Identify potential risks that could impact on the effectiveness of the organisation 
Analyse company and workforce profile for language, literacy and numeracy training implications 
Analyse relevant training specification to identify the levels of language, literacy and numeracy required 
Examine workplace's formal and informal communication systems and practices to identify the level of language, literacy and numeracy required 
Identify funding source for training and note parameters of program focus and reporting 
Design most appropriate mode(s) of training and assessment, given participant profile and workplace operations 
Design most appropriate program, based on application of conceptual frameworks underpinning adult language, literacy and numeracy teaching in vocational education and training (VET) 
Develop a language, literacy and numeracy skill development plan for approval by representatives of the training organisation, company or workplace, and the workforce 
Develop an evaluation strategy to enable ongoing monitoring of the language, literacy and numeracy skill development plan 
Develop a communication strategy to ensure stakeholders are informed of process, programs, changes and outcomes 
Design criteria and processes for selection of participants 
Ensure processes comply with the industrial arrangements of the workplace and funding body requirements 
Develop a pre-training assessment kit 
Assess the literacy and numeracy skills of potential program participants 
Develop a profile of potential participants for training purposes 
Refine training delivery plan to enable maximum participation 
Liaise with others in the workplace impacted by the training 
Undertake skill development that meets learner and workplace requirements 
Implement the evaluation strategy of skill development plan 
Review the implementation of the language, literacy and numeracy skill development plan periodically and make modifications when required 


Assessment Cover Sheet

TAELLN803A - Formulate workplace strategy for adult language, literacy and numeracy skill development
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

TAELLN803A - Formulate workplace strategy for adult language, literacy and numeracy skill development

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
