Assessor Resource

Provide advice on Australian destinations

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to source and provide customer information and advice relating to Australian destinations and their features. It requires the ability to identify appropriate information sources and research destinations in order to develop and update a general destination knowledge base.

Specific and detailed product knowledge is covered in SITTTSL002 Access and interpret product information.

Domestic destinations and their features can include any sold by any travel or tourism organisation.Travel and tourism operators in Australia, such as travel agents, tour wholesalers and inbound tour operators, would cover multiple Australian destinations. Visitor information centres and some tour operators would specialise in one region.

The breadth and depth of destination knowledge required will vary according to the industry sector, workplace and job role. This unit is not about having an in-depth knowledge of every destination but focuses on the ability to collect and interpret destination information.

The unit applies to frontline sales and operations personnel who operate with some level of independence and under limited supervision. This includes visitor information officers, travel consultants, tour operations coordinators, inbound tour coordinators, account managers for professional conference organisers, event coordinators, tour guides, hotel guest relations officers, tour desk officers, and reservations sales agents.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Develop knowledge of Australian destinations.

1.1.Identify and access information sources that provide current and accurate information on Australian destinations.

1.2.Obtain information on functional or operational features of the Australian destination that meet different client needs.

1.3.Obtain key information on social, cultural and geographical features and current health and safety features of the Australian destination.

1.4.Record and store destination information for future use.

2. Update knowledge of Australian destinations.

2.1.Use formal and informal research to update destination knowledge.

2.2.Seek feedback from colleagues and customers on their experience with Australian destinations.

2.3.Share updated information with colleagues.

3. Provide information and advice on specific Australian destinations.

3.1.Identify the specific information and advice needs of the customer.

3.2.Promptly provide current and accurate destination information and advice.

3.3.Provide appropriate scope and depth of information to meet customer needs.

3.4.Present information and advice in a clear format and style.

3.5.Refer customers to current sources of health, safety and regulatory information.

Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

provide tailored information to meet the requests of at least three different customers each requiring information on at least five different features of one or more tourism destinations within Australia

obtain above information by accessing at least three different information sources from the following list:

computerised reservations systems (CRS)

destination and product libraries

global distribution systems (GDS)

internet or intranet

organisation-designed information systems

principal or supplier information

regional tourism office information systems

social media websites

state and federal government tourism authority information systems

ensure information provided is current, relevant and accurate

complete above activities within commercial time constraints and deadlines determined by the customer or organisation.

Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

formal and informal research methods:

accessing and reading promotional information:

travel guide books

product brochures

product updates

accessing the internet and intranet

attending professional development activities:

product launches

promotional seminars

trade shows




contact with other organisations:



tourist information offices

formal study

informal discussions with colleagues and customers

liaising with trade and general media

personal on-site observation or exploration

reading or listening to trade and general references

watching television, videos or films

sources of information on regions and destinations and types of product offered

sources of information on current health and safety issues for the destination:

health advisory notices issued by the federal and state or territory government health departments

safety advisory information issued by federal and local police authorities and emergency service authorities

specific industry sector and organisation:

appropriate breadth of Australian destination knowledge, which must include coverage of all Australian States and Territories, and the major regions and destinations therein

features of Australian destinations:

areas of environmental, social or cultural significance or sensitivity

cultural elements

facilities for customers with special needs

local customs

local economy

local facilities, banking and public facility information

major cities, towns and tourist areas and precincts

major gateways for and transport networks within the region and destination

major man-made tourist attractions

special features of the host community

special regional features

each of the destinations of interest to the customers specified in the performance evidence:

key information on geographical features of the destination:

destination location

climate and seasonal factors of the destination and the region

major geographic features of the destination and its region

key information on cultural and related features of the destination:

areas of environmental, social or cultural significance or sensitivity

major cities, towns and tourist areas and precincts

major man-made tourist attractions

major gateways for and transport networks within the destination and its region

basic aspects of the history and culture of the host community and, cultural mix

formats and inclusions used to present information to customers, and styles that cater for those with special needs

different methods for storing destination information:

computerised databases

files and notes for specific styles of customer group, touring routes or locations, and particular destinations.

Skills must be demonstrated in a tourism, travel, hospitality or events environment where destination information is provided to customers. This can be:

an industry workplace

a simulated industry environment set up for the purposes of assessment.

Assessment must ensure access to:

computers, printers and information programs currently used by the tourism, travel hospitality or event industries to store destination information

current destination and general product information found in sales kits, brochures, product manuals, destination marketing organisation information kits, electronic information sources and information databases

internet and email


generic computer software and applications:

computer operating systems


customers with whom the individual can interact; these can be:

customers in an industry workplace who are assisted by the individual during the assessment process; or

individuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisation.

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations’ requirements for assessors; and:

have worked in industry for at least three years where they have applied the skills and knowledge of this unit of competency.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Develop knowledge of Australian destinations.

1.1.Identify and access information sources that provide current and accurate information on Australian destinations.

1.2.Obtain information on functional or operational features of the Australian destination that meet different client needs.

1.3.Obtain key information on social, cultural and geographical features and current health and safety features of the Australian destination.

1.4.Record and store destination information for future use.

2. Update knowledge of Australian destinations.

2.1.Use formal and informal research to update destination knowledge.

2.2.Seek feedback from colleagues and customers on their experience with Australian destinations.

2.3.Share updated information with colleagues.

3. Provide information and advice on specific Australian destinations.

3.1.Identify the specific information and advice needs of the customer.

3.2.Promptly provide current and accurate destination information and advice.

3.3.Provide appropriate scope and depth of information to meet customer needs.

3.4.Present information and advice in a clear format and style.

3.5.Refer customers to current sources of health, safety and regulatory information.

Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

provide tailored information to meet the requests of at least three different customers each requiring information on at least five different features of one or more tourism destinations within Australia

obtain above information by accessing at least three different information sources from the following list:

computerised reservations systems (CRS)

destination and product libraries

global distribution systems (GDS)

internet or intranet

organisation-designed information systems

principal or supplier information

regional tourism office information systems

social media websites

state and federal government tourism authority information systems

ensure information provided is current, relevant and accurate

complete above activities within commercial time constraints and deadlines determined by the customer or organisation.

Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

formal and informal research methods:

accessing and reading promotional information:

travel guide books

product brochures

product updates

accessing the internet and intranet

attending professional development activities:

product launches

promotional seminars

trade shows




contact with other organisations:



tourist information offices

formal study

informal discussions with colleagues and customers

liaising with trade and general media

personal on-site observation or exploration

reading or listening to trade and general references

watching television, videos or films

sources of information on regions and destinations and types of product offered

sources of information on current health and safety issues for the destination:

health advisory notices issued by the federal and state or territory government health departments

safety advisory information issued by federal and local police authorities and emergency service authorities

specific industry sector and organisation:

appropriate breadth of Australian destination knowledge, which must include coverage of all Australian States and Territories, and the major regions and destinations therein

features of Australian destinations:

areas of environmental, social or cultural significance or sensitivity

cultural elements

facilities for customers with special needs

local customs

local economy

local facilities, banking and public facility information

major cities, towns and tourist areas and precincts

major gateways for and transport networks within the region and destination

major man-made tourist attractions

special features of the host community

special regional features

each of the destinations of interest to the customers specified in the performance evidence:

key information on geographical features of the destination:

destination location

climate and seasonal factors of the destination and the region

major geographic features of the destination and its region

key information on cultural and related features of the destination:

areas of environmental, social or cultural significance or sensitivity

major cities, towns and tourist areas and precincts

major man-made tourist attractions

major gateways for and transport networks within the destination and its region

basic aspects of the history and culture of the host community and, cultural mix

formats and inclusions used to present information to customers, and styles that cater for those with special needs

different methods for storing destination information:

computerised databases

files and notes for specific styles of customer group, touring routes or locations, and particular destinations.

Skills must be demonstrated in a tourism, travel, hospitality or events environment where destination information is provided to customers. This can be:

an industry workplace

a simulated industry environment set up for the purposes of assessment.

Assessment must ensure access to:

computers, printers and information programs currently used by the tourism, travel hospitality or event industries to store destination information

current destination and general product information found in sales kits, brochures, product manuals, destination marketing organisation information kits, electronic information sources and information databases

internet and email


generic computer software and applications:

computer operating systems


customers with whom the individual can interact; these can be:

customers in an industry workplace who are assisted by the individual during the assessment process; or

individuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisation.

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations’ requirements for assessors; and:

have worked in industry for at least three years where they have applied the skills and knowledge of this unit of competency.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Identify and access information sources that provide current and accurate information on Australian destinations. 
Obtain information on functional or operational features of the Australian destination that meet different client needs. 
Obtain key information on social, cultural and geographical features and current health and safety features of the Australian destination. 
Record and store destination information for future use. 
Use formal and informal research to update destination knowledge. 
Seek feedback from colleagues and customers on their experience with Australian destinations. 
Share updated information with colleagues. 
Identify the specific information and advice needs of the customer. 
Promptly provide current and accurate destination information and advice. 
Provide appropriate scope and depth of information to meet customer needs. 
Present information and advice in a clear format and style. 
Refer customers to current sources of health, safety and regulatory information. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

SITTTSL004 - Provide advice on Australian destinations
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

SITTTSL004 - Provide advice on Australian destinations

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
