Assessor Resource

Sell products and services

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

This competency applies to frontline sales personnel. It requires the recognition and demonstration of verbal and non-verbal communication skills to determine customer requirements, sell the benefits of products and services, overcome objections and close sales. Personal evaluation is utilised to maximise sales in accordance with industry codes of practice, relevant legislation and store policy.

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to sell products and services in a retail environment. It involves the use of sales techniques and encompasses the key selling skills from approaching the customer to closing the sale. It requires a basic level of product knowledge.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)



Employability Skills

The required outcomes described in this unit contain applicable facets of employability skills. The Employability Skills Summary of the qualification in which this unit is packaged will assist in identifying employability skills requirements.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The Evidence Guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

Evidence of the following is essential:

applies product knowledge and uses appropriate sales approach to sell the benefits of products and services, overcome objections and close sales

uses questioning, listening and observation skills to determine customer requirements

consistently applies store policies and procedures in regard to selling products and services

maximises sales opportunities according to store policies and procedures

consistently applies industry codes of practice, relevant legislation and statutory requirements in regard to selling products and services

evaluates personal sales performance to maximise future sales.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment must ensure access to:

a retail work environment

relevant documentation, such as policy and procedures manuals

a range of customers with different requirements

a range of merchandise and products appropriate to the retail workplace

product labels and sources of product information.

Methods of assessment

A range of assessment methods should be used to assess practical skills and knowledge. The following examples are appropriate for this unit:

observation of the candidate in the workplace

third-party reports from a supervisor

customer feedback

answers to questions about specific skills and knowledge

review of portfolios of evidence and third-party workplace reports of on-the-job performance.

Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.

Assessing employability skills

Employability skills are integral to effective performance in the workplace and are broadly consistent across industry sectors. How these skills are applied varies between occupations and qualifications due to the different work functions and contexts.

Employability skills embedded in this unit should be assessed holistically in the context of the job role and with other relevant units that make up the skill set or qualification.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

This section describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

The following skills must be assessed as part of this unit:

selling techniques, including:

opening techniques

recognising buying signals

strategies to focus customer on specific merchandise

add-ons and complementary sales

overcoming customer objections

closing techniques

verbal and non-verbal communication skills

handling difficult customers

negotiation skills

sales performance appreciation

questioning, listening and observation

literacy skills in regard to:

reading and understanding product information

reading and understanding store policies and procedures

recording information

numeracy skills in regard to:

handling payment for goods

weighing and measuring goods.

The following knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:

store policies and procedures, in regard to:

selling products and services

allocated duties and responsibilities

store merchandise and service range

specific product knowledge for area or section

relevant legislation and statutory requirements

relevant industry codes of practice

customer types and needs, including:

customer buying motives

customer behaviour and cues

individual and cultural differences

demographics, lifestyle and income

types of customer needs, e.g. functional, psychological.

The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the performance criteria is detailed below.

Store policy and procedures in regard to:

interaction with customers

selling products and services.

Legislative requirements may include:

Trade Practices and Fair Trading Acts

tobacco laws

liquor laws

lottery legislation

industry codes of practice


sale of second-hand goods

sale of X and R rated products

trading hours

transport, storage and handling of goods.

Product knowledge may include:


features and benefits

use-by dates

handling and storage requirements

stock availability

safety features


Relevant sources of information may include:


staff members

store or supplier product manuals

product profiles




store tours.

Customers may include:

new or repeat contacts

external and internal contacts

customers with routine or special requests

people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and with varying physical and mental abilities.

Sales transactions may be completed:

face to face

over the telephone


Routine customer questions may relate to:

price and price reductions



features and benefits.

Problem solving may be affected by:

store policies and procedures

resource implications.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Demonstrate knowledge of the use and application of relevant products and services according to store policy and legislative requirements. 
Develop product knowledge by accessing relevant sources of information. 
Determine and apply timing of customer approach. 
Identify and apply effective sales approach. 
Convey a positive impression to arouse customer interest. 
Demonstrate knowledge of customer buying behaviour. 
Apply questioning techniques to determine customer buying motives. 
Use listening skills to determine customer requirements. 
Interpret and clarify non-verbal communication cues. 
Identify customers by name where possible. 
Direct customer to specific merchandise. 
Match customer needs to appropriate products and services. 
Communicate knowledge of products features and benefits clearly to customers. 
Describe product use and safety requirements to customers. 
Refer customers to appropriate product specialist as required. 
Answer routine customer questions about merchandise accurately and honestly or refer to senior sales staff. 
Identify and accept customer objections. 
Categorise objections into price, time and merchandise characteristics. 
Offer solutions according to store policy. 
Apply problem solving to overcome customer objections. 
Monitor, identify and respond appropriately to customer buying signals. 
Encourage customer to make purchase decisions. 
Select and apply appropriate method of closing sale. 
Recognise and apply opportunities for making additional sales. 
Advise customer of complementary products or services according to customer's identified need. 
Review personal sales outcomes to maximise future sales. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

SIRXSLS001A - Sell products and services
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

SIRXSLS001A - Sell products and services

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
