• RTE3307A - Co-ordinate machinery and equipment maintenance and repair

Assessor Resource

Co-ordinate machinery and equipment maintenance and repair

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Not applicable.

This competency standard covers the process of co-ordinating machinery and equipment maintenance and repair for a small enterprise. Typically this is a role undertaken by a single person with responsibility to ensure that machinery and equipment for the enterprise is maintained and repaired in a way that allows the core business of the enterprise to continue with minimal disruption.

The co-ordination of machinery and equipment maintenance and repair is likely to be carried out under limited supervision with checking only related to overall progress. It requires the application of extensive agricultural, horticultural and/or conservation and land management knowledge and a broad range of relevant skills. The work is usually done within established routines, methods and procedures where some discretion and judgement is required in the selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)


Not applicable.

Employability Skills

Not applicable.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

What evidence is required to demonstrate competence for this standard as a whole?

Competence in co-ordinating machinery and equipment maintenance and repair requires evidence that a person can prepare and plan for maintenance and repair work, organise resources required and monitor and report on activities undertaken.

The skills and knowledge required to co-ordinate machinery and equipment maintenance and repair must be transferable to a different work environment. For example, this could include different machinery and equipment, workplaces and enterprise guidelines.

What specific knowledge is needed to achieve the performance criteria?

Knowledge and understanding are essential to apply this standard in the workplace, to transfer the skills to other contexts, and to deal with unplanned events. The knowledge requirements for this competency standard are listed below:

work schedule programming

possible causes of disruption to work activities and their effect on quality and time schedules

responsibilities and requirements for maintaining and repairing machinery and equipment

the range, use and availability of materials, equipment and machinery that may be required for the project

environmental awareness associated with undertaking maintenance and repair work on machinery and equipment to ensure the impact on the environment is minimal

OHS issues, legislative requirements and codes of practice.

What specific skills are needed to achieve the performance criteria?

To achieve the performance criteria, appropriate literacy and numeracy levels as well as some complementary skills are required. These include the ability to:

read and interpret documentation associated with work site activities

calculate material and resource requirements

co-ordinate a team to achieve optimum performance

communicate with personnel at all levels

document results clearly and concisely

perform an OHS risk assessment.

What processes should be applied to this competency standard?

There are a number of processes that are learnt throughout work and life, which are required in all jobs. They are fundamental processes and generally transferable to other work functions. Some of these are covered by the key competencies, although others may be added. The questions below highlight how these processes are applied in this competency standard. Following each question a number in brackets indicates the level to which the key competency needs to be demonstrated where 0 = not required, 1 = perform the process, 2 = perform and administer the process and 3 = perform, administer and design the process.

1. How can communication of ideas and information (2) be applied?

Ideas and information may need to be communicated with the supervisor such as regular reporting.

2. How can information be collected, analysed and organised (2)?

Information on machinery, equipment and resource requirements may need to be collected, analysed and organised according to the scope of work required.

3. How are activities planned and organised (2)?

Activities may need to be planned and organised to ensure that the needs of management are met and that down time is minimised for the enterprise.

4. How can team work (2) be applied?

Teamwork may be applied to ensure that machinery and equipment is properly maintained and operated.

5. How can the use of mathematical ideas and techniques (2) be applied?

Mathematical ideas and techniques may be applied when organising time frames to meet maintenance and repair priorities.

6. How can problem-solving skills (2) be applied?

Site contingencies, personnel difficulties, timeline failures and assessing hazards and identifying controls may require problem-solving skills.

7. How can the use of technology (2) be applied?

Technology may be used to communicate and record progress of work activities.

Are there other competency standards that could be assessed with this one?

This competency standard could be assessed on its own or in combination with other competencies relevant to the job function.

There is essential information about assessing this competency standard for consistent performance and where and how it may be assessed, in the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package. All users of these competency standards must have access to the Assessment Guidelines. Further advice may also be sought from the relevant sector booklet.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Not applicable.

Range of Variables

The Range of Variables explains the range of contexts within which the performance and knowledge requirements of this standard may be assessed. The scope of variables chosen in training and assessment may depend on the work contexts

What resource requirements are likely to be identified?

Materials may include goods that will be consumed by the maintenance and repair work such as fuels, oils, cleaning agents, solvents and chemicals.

What might be the environmental implications of proposed work site activities?

Environmental implications may include risk of contamination of soils, water or adjoining property through chemicals flowing into drains and water sources, and damage to plants. Compliance with local, State/Territory, and Commonwealth environmental legislation is required.

What OHS hazards may apply to work site activities?

Hazards may include disturbance of services, solar radiation, dust, noise, through traffic, uneven surfaces and holes, moving machinery and machinery parts, powered equipment and hand tools, confined spaces, hazards from use of hired equipment (untrained staff), and overhead hazards including powerlines.

What personal protective equipment (PPE) is likely to be selected?

PPE will be determined by the type of activity being undertaken and may include work boots, gloves, overalls, sun hat and sunscreen lotion, safety harness, hard hat, hearing or eye protection, respirator or face mask.

Where might the materials be available from?

Materials to be consumed by the activity may be available through the enterprise as a stockpile or stored goods, or it may be purchased for the job. Materials are often available through supply companies. The enterprise may have purchasing policies and procedures and existing accounts with some suppliers.

Why would activities etc., be documented?

Documentation of work site activity may determine if the work is on track, provide progress reports to supervisors, and plan for delivery and storage of materials to minimise costs and time wasting for the enterprise.

What might be considered contingency situations?

Contingency situations may include the delay in delivery and/or breakdowns with equipment and machinery, poor weather conditions, poor quality materials and unforseen soil problems.

What might be included in a simple report?

A simple report may include the authors name and date, progress of activities completed, major issues, OHS issues, expenditure, and any future activities that may need to be planned.

For more information on contexts, environment and variables for training and assessment, refer to the Sector Booklet.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Requirements of the work responsibilities are clarified with the supervisor and according to enterprise guidelines. 
Equipment and material resource requirements are identified according to the scope of the co-ordination work and the supervisors instructions. 
The priorities for maintenance and repair activities and time allocation is identified, documented and presented to the supervisor for verification. 
The environmental implications of the proposed maintenance and repair work are identified and the likely outcomes assessed and reported to the supervisor. 
OHS hazards are identified, risks assessed and reported to the supervisor. 
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is selected, used, maintained and stored according to the type of work site activities to be undertaken. 
Equipment/machinery is maintained and repaired as authorised by the supervisor and according to enterprise guidelines and work place priorities. 
Materials to assist in maintenance and repair work are purchased, stored and/or used as required. 
Delivery of materials to the site is organised according to workplace priorities. 
Machinery and equipment is organised to be on-site in good order when they are required. 
Maintenance and repairs requiring specialist attention and work are identified and organised according to enterprise guidelines. 
Resources are co-ordinated and timed to suit the maintenance and repair activities and priority of work. 
Operators are informed of appropriate use and their responsibilities in respect to operational maintenance requirements of machinery and equipment. 
Personnel, activities, timelines and materials usage are monitored and documented according to enterprise guidelines. 
Contingency situations are recognised and reported to the supervisor and corrective actions taken according to enterprise guidelines. 
A simple report is written to inform management of maintenance and repair activities undertaken and completed. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

RTE3307A - Co-ordinate machinery and equipment maintenance and repair
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

RTE3307A - Co-ordinate machinery and equipment maintenance and repair

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
