Assessor Resource

Verify a complex measuring instrument

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

This unit of competency is applicable to verifiers who operate under a licence to test and mark a specific class of complex measuring instruments. Complex measuring instruments are used in a wide range of heavy industries. For example, automatic rail weighbridges, belt weighers, totalising hoppers and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) flow meters are used throughout the mining, road/rail freight and petroleum/gas industry sectors.

Industry representatives have provided case studies to illustrate the practical application of this unit of competency and to show its relevance in a workplace setting. These are found at the end of this unit of competency under the section 'This competency in practice'.

This unit of competency covers the ability to apply National Test Procedures to determine whether a complex measuring instrument is suitable for trade use. It involves the ability to install/repair instruments, perform lengthy calculations to assess instrument performance and conduct tests that may require coordination of a range of resources over long durations in hazardous environments.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)

Employability Skills

This unit contains employability skills.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The Evidence Guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.

Overview of assessment

Competency must be demonstrated in the ability to perform consistently at the required standard for one class of complex instrument listed in the Range Statement.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

Assessors should ensure that candidates can:

identify, access and apply test procedures

identify and use suitable reference standards

install and repair measuring instruments to meet statutory requirements

evaluate and adjust the impact of the operating environment on the performance of the instrument

analyse test results to determine the instrument's suitability for verification (trade use)

maintain the security and confidentiality of data in accordance with organisational and regulatory requirements

report results in the required formats and expected timeframe.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

This unit of competency is to be assessed in the workplace or simulated workplace environment.

This unit of competency may be assessed with:

MSATMREF301A Use and maintain reference standards.

Resources may include:

access to a complexmeasuring instrument, test equipment and reference standards

computer and relevant software and/or organisation information management system

Certificates of Approval for the instrument

relevant legislative and organisational procedures.

Method of assessment

The following assessment methods are suggested:

questions to assess understanding of relevant complex test procedures and remedial actions

review of verification reports prepared by the candidate

feedback from supervisors and peers regarding the candidate's ability to verify the performance of instruments in accordance with legislative and organisational procedures.

In all cases, practical assessment should be supported by questions to assess underpinning knowledge and those aspects of competency which are difficult to assess directly. Questioning techniques should suit the language and literacy levels of the candidate.

This competency in practice

Industry representatives have provided the case studies below to illustrate the practical application of this unit of competency and to show its relevance in a workplace setting.

A licensed verifier has been engaged by a large coal mine to verify a new belt weigher installation for trade use. In preparation, the verifier visits the site and considers how to complete the verification. He/she visually inspects the belt weigher and is satisfied that it complies with the Certificate of Approval. However, he/she determines that the 30 tonne hopper weigher which has been installed as a control instrument for the sole purpose of testing the belt weigher cannot be tested with 1 tonne masses due to access restrictions. The verifier discusses these issues with the local trade measurement inspector who offers two solutions. The inspector suggests testing the restricted access hopper weigher with 20 kg masses using the substitution method to reduce the number of test masses required or negotiating with the coal washing facility next door to use their 60 tonne weighbridge as the control instrument. The verifier considers the options and decides in the interests of workplace health and safety that the best option is to use the weighbridge next door. After considerable negotiation with the weighbridge owner, arrangements are made to test the weighbridge and make it available for the belt weigher test on Monday and Tuesday of the following week. The trader organises to have 5000 tonnes of coal, a front end loader and three transfer vehicles available for the test. The verifier arranges with another organisation to have 20 tonnes of certified test masses delivered to the coal wash facility on Monday so he/she can test the weighbridge. On Monday, the verifier tests the weighbridge in accordance with the national uniform test procedures and confirms that it is suitable for use as the control instrument. Testing of the belt weigher commences in accordance with the national uniform test procedure and progresses well on the Monday. On Tuesday, the verifier arrives on site to find the tail drum on the conveyor belt has seized making it impossible to continue testing. As these repairs will take two days to repair, the test is terminated and rescheduled with all parties to be in two weeks. Two weeks later the weighbridge is again retested and found to be suitable as a control instrument. The belt weigher is tested fully in accordance with the National Test Procedures and found to be correct. The verifier marks the belt weigher with a verification mark, completes all the paper work including test reports and submits them to national Trade Measurement with 14 days.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Required skills

diagnosing faults in complex measuring instruments

installing and repairing measuring instruments with a complex design

installing/upgrading software

accessing, interpreting and applying a range of documents for the verification of complex measuring instruments including:

national measurement legislation

intermediate National Test Procedures

Certificates of Approval

National Measurement Institute inspection policy

Australian Standards

industry codes of practice

correction tables for volume, density and pressure for a range of liquids

national and international design rules

pattern approval documents

performing verification tests over extended durations up to five days in non-routine and hazardous environments

accessing and interpreting Certificates of Verification for a wide range of reference standards

using advanced communication and negotiation skills to:

explain purpose of the verification

inform traders of non-compliances and consequences of failing to rectify

access external equipment and resources to complete the verification

explain verification procedures and outcomes to traders and managers

accessing, transporting, setting up, validating, using and maintaining a broad range of test equipment and reference standards

organising large equipment to be dispatched ahead of verification visit

identifying and evaluating environmental factors that may impact on performance of complex measuring instruments

conducting lengthy tests and recording results with close attention to detail and accuracy

performing calculations involving:

fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions and percentages

evaluation of formulae containing powers, exponents and logarithms functions

use of scientific notation, correct units and correct number of significant figures

calculation of uncertainties

preparation and interpretation of linear, semi-log and log-log graphs

interpretation of statistical quantities, such as mean, median, mode, range, variance and standard deviation

determination of regression line equations and correlation coefficients

preparation and interpretation of more complex control charts and frequency distribution plots

analysing performance results over a broad range of operating conditions

planning complex tasks

developing/implementing an efficient verification strategy that minimises disruption to traders, the public, technicians, employees, colleagues and suppliers

demonstrating professionalism and maintaining the rights of the trader at all times

solving unexpected problems and non-routine issues

working safely which may include applying basic first aid, confined space entry, working with hazardous materials, working safely in hazardous environments, working with heavy machinery, Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) cold work clearance permit, safety induction, working at heights and biosecurity issues

Required knowledge

the design, major components and functions of relevant complex measuring instruments

licensing requirements for a verifier including:

quality management system

licence conditions

maintenance of statutory records

general chemical and physical principles and concepts including:

physical states (solid, liquid gas)

weight, mass, gravity and density

pressure, pressure differential, backpressure and head pressure

fluid flow

flashpoint, boiling point and ice point


temperature effects and coefficients of expansion

knowledge of the operating procedures across a range of environments including laboratories, retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, mining, construction, medical, chemical and petroleum

knowledge of metrological terms and terminology specific to complex measuring instruments such as:

maximum permissible errors, maximum permissible difference and maximum permissible variation



uncertainty, error of measurement and error of indication

meter creep

hose dilation

temperature correction


gas elimination

national measurement legislation applicable to complex measuring instruments

detailed knowledge of National Test Procedures and operating procedures for equipment and reference standards used in job role including:

purpose of test

test conditions and possible environmental impacts on performance of the instrument

key preparation/measurement steps in test method

calculation steps to give results in appropriate units and precision

maximum permissible errors for complex measuring instruments under inspection

procedures for completing verification documentation

organisational policy and procedures for verifying instruments

safety principles and procedures relevant to instruments and test environment

basic first aid and site safety induction if required

The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.

Prescribed performance criteria for instruments

Prescribed performance criteria for instruments may include:

design is in accordance with the appropriate Certificates of Approval

performance meets the criteria described in the Certificates of Approval, National Test Procedure and legislation

Appropriate documentation

Where reference is made to documentation, it is expected the latest version will be used.

Appropriate documentation may include:

reference standards

Certificates of Verification

Certificates of Approval for complex instruments

test procedures for verifying complex instruments

organisational test reports

organisational procedures e.g. company quality assurance manual

National Measurement Act

occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations, guidelines and procedures and material safety data sheets (MSDS)

equipment manuals and warranty, supplier catalogues and handbooks

Certificates of Approval

Certificates of Approval may include:

any Certificate issued by the Chief Metrologist under Regulation 60 of the National Measurement Regulations approving the pattern of a complex instrument as being suitable for trade

Test equipment

Test equipment may include:

reference standards of measurement

equipment other than reference standards of measurement such as weighing instruments, pumping units, control instruments, two way communication, hoses, fittings, rail wagons, trains and tankers

LPG cylinders


Legislation may include:

national measurement legislation

applicable Commonwealth, state and territory OHS legislation

National Measurement Institute policy

National Measurement Institute policy may include:

accepted test procedure variations




National Test Procedures for complex instruments

National Test Procedures for complex instruments may include

non-automatic weighing machines >3 tonne

LPG dispensers

LPG bulk flowmetering systems

flowmetering systems tested using master meter or gravimetric methods

automatic rail weighbridges

continuous totalising automatic weighing instruments (belt weighers)

totalising hoppers weighing instruments

any other test procedure prescribed by the National Measurement Institute

OHS and environmental management requirements

OHS and environmental management requirements refer to:

all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and environmental management requirements, which may be imposed through state/territory or Federal legislation. These requirements must not be compromised at any time

all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of samples and require standard precautions to be applied

where relevant, users should access and apply current industry understanding of infection control issued by the National Health and Medical Research Council and State and Territory Departments of Health

Operating environmental impacts

Operating environmental impacts may include:





electromagnetic interference

Specified calculations

Specified calculations may include:

calculations involving fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions and percentages

evaluation of formulae containing powers, exponents and logarithms functions

use of scientific notation, correct units and correct number of significant figures

calculation of uncertainties

preparation and interpretation of linear, semi-log and log-log graphs

calculation and interpretation of statistical quantities, such as mean, median, mode, range, variance and standard deviation

determination of regression line equations and correlation coefficients

preparation and interpretation of more complex control charts and frequency distribution plots


Records may include:

test reports

safety procedures

a history of equipment calibration and test results

Complex instruments

Verifiers may be licensed to test and mark specific classes of instruments from the following list.

Complex instruments may include:

non-automatic weighing machines >3 tonne

LPG dispensers

LPG bulk flowmetering systems

flowmetering systems tested using master meter or gravimetric methods

automatic rail weighbridges

continuous totalising automatic weighing instruments (belt weighers)

totalising hoppers weighing instruments

any other complex measuring instrument prescribed by the National Measurement Institute

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Plan installation/repair strategy to ensure minimal disruption to the public and/or trader 
Access and correctly interpret information for installing or repairing instrument 
Select required components, tools and equipment in accordance with manufacturer/component supplier specifications 
Perform installation or repair in accordance with legislation, industry codes of practice and organisational guidelines 
Avoid instrument damage during installation or repair 
Perform a pre-verification test to validate instrument performance 
Identify and evaluate the type of instrument to be verified 
Access and correctly interpret documentation required for the verification 
Identify and access test equipment, products and consumables required for the verification 
Ensure specified test equipment is fit for purpose in accordance with applicable legislation and organisational procedures 
Store and transport test equipment in accordance with organisational procedures and industry best practice 
Develop a verification strategy to maximise resources and minimise time required for complex tests 
Discuss testing arrangements with site controller where applicable 
Identify relevant local workplace, health and safety issues and implement appropriate control strategies 
Discuss the verification strategy with the trader to minimise its impact on the trader's normal operations 
Arrange site clearances and suitable scheduling for tests 
Negotiate access to trader's equipment, materials and support personnel required for testing to be available on site 
Arrange for any equipment to be provided by the trader, if required, by the National Test Procedure 
Identify the site contoller and explain/review the purpose of the verification 
Review verification strategy to ensure there is minimal disruption to the public and/or trader 
Communicate verification strategy to personnel supporting the verification 
Identify locations for product return or disposal, if applicable 
Evaluate the impacts of the operating environment on the instrument performance or test results and implement corrective actions as necessary 
Identify operational factors impacting on instrument performance or test result and implement corrective actions as necessary 
Identify the maximum permissible errors for the instrument from the legislative requirements 
Manage and review resources to maintain verification timelines 
Provide effective communication to ensure relevant personnel are informed of variations to the verification strategy and verification progress 
Check instrument for compliance with the appropriate Certificates of Approval 
Test the instrument in accordance with relevant National Test Procedure and appropriate National Measurement Institute Policy 
Perform specified calculations to determine a performance result for the instrument with appropriate accuracy, precision and significant figures 
Use graphical and statistical analysis to determine unknowns as necessary 
Ensure calculations are consistent with estimations and reasonable expectations 
Evaluate results against prescribed performance criteria and determine if the instrument is suitable for trade use in accordance with legislative requirements 
Apply organisation's procedures and practices to meet licensing requirements 
Clarify any uncertainty about licensing requirements with licensing authority as they arise 
Review work and seek feedback from others to confirm continuing compliance with licensing requirements 
Identify implications of non-compliance with licensing requirements 
Raise inadequacies in organisation's procedures and practices which may contribute to non-compliance with licensing requirements 
Identify and communicate inadequacies with trader's procedures and practices which may contribute to non-compliance with national measurement legislation 
Display the verification result on the instrument in accordance with legislative requirements 
Use test reports to present verification results in the required format 
Complete verification documentation in accordance with legislative requirements and organisational procedures 
Communicate results within the specified time and in accordance with organisational guidelines 
Keep accurate and complete records in accordance with licensing requirements 
Ensure authorisation, training and relevant licences are current in accordance with organisational and licensing requirements 
Inform the licensing administering authority of changes to personal information as required by statute 


Assessment Cover Sheet

MSATMVER501A - Verify a complex measuring instrument
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

MSATMVER501A - Verify a complex measuring instrument

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
