Assessor Resource

Manage a service organisation

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Not applicable.

Planning and monitoring the development direction and changes of a complex organisation, range of programs or major program area.

Planning and monitoring the development direction and changes of a complex organisation, range of programs or major program area

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)


Not applicable.

Employability Skills

Not applicable.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

Critical aspects of assessment:

Strategic planning

Managing organisational change

Developing strategies for adapting organisation to changes

Designing strategies to involve and communicate with all major stakeholders

Essential knowledge:

Best practice including:

Management systems and principles

Performance standards


Training and skills development and recognition

Administrative systems and principles

Service quality development

Consumer focus

Enterprise agreements

Performance monitoring and review

Statutory and legislative requirements including:

Occupational Health and Safety

Industrial relations/enterprise contracts

Non discrimination

Equal employment opportunities principles and practice

Funding/service contracts/agreements

Corporate affairs/incorporation/Australian Securities Commission


Essential skills:

Strategic thinking

Decision making

Environmental scanning



High level liaison

High level oral and written communication

Resource implications:

Access to appropriate workplace where assessment can be conducted, or

Simulation of realistic workplace setting for assessment

Consistency in performance:

Assessment may include observations, questioning and evidence gathered from the workplace

It is recommended that assessment take place on more than one occasion to enable all aspects of managing a service organisation to be assessed

Context of assessment:

This unit is most appropriately assessed in the workplace or in a simulated workplace and under the normal range of workplace conditions. This may include the use of languages other than English and alternative communication systems.

Critical aspects of assessment:

Strategic planning

Managing organisational change

Developing strategies for adapting organisation to changes

Designing strategies to involve and communicate with all major stakeholders

Essential knowledge:

Best practice including:

Management systems and principles

Performance standards


Training and skills development and recognition

Administrative systems and principles

Service quality development

Consumer focus

Enterprise agreements

Performance monitoring and review

Statutory and legislative requirements including:

Occupational Health and Safety

Industrial relations/enterprise contracts

Non discrimination

Equal employment opportunities principles and practice

Funding/service contracts/agreements

Corporate affairs/incorporation/Australian Securities Commission


Essential skills:

Strategic thinking

Decision making

Environmental scanning



High level liaison

High level oral and written communication

Resource implications:

Access to appropriate workplace where assessment can be conducted, or

Simulation of realistic workplace setting for assessment

Consistency in performance:

Assessment may include observations, questioning and evidence gathered from the workplace

It is recommended that assessment take place on more than one occasion to enable all aspects of managing a service organisation to be assessed

Context of assessment:

This unit is most appropriately assessed in the workplace or in a simulated workplace and under the normal range of workplace conditions. This may include the use of languages other than English and alternative communication systems.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Not applicable.

Strategies for the development of policies, practices and standards may include:

Change management

Organisational development

Indicators for change include:


Management committee

Organisational executive management turnover

User involvement

Level of commitment to organisation's aims and objectives

Relationship with external agencies

Change in government polices and associated change in organisational focus

Communication designed to promote the organisation include:

Verbal presentations



Fliers and other written advertisements

Poster and other artwork and audiovisual advertisements

Organisational change related to:

Nature and focus of service, programs and activities

Changing service users

Staff requirements

Employment and work practices

Management decision-making processes

Membership changes

New buildings and other resources

Different levels of funding

Legislative change

Technological change

External policy change

Strategic alliances will include:

Industry networks

Professional associations

Other key agencies/organisations

Political parties and committees

Key government officers

Ministerial advisers and staff

Ministerial advisory committees

Key public policy and decision makers

Funding agencies

Business leaders

Community leaders

Social/economic/political researchers, analysts and advisers


Special interest groups

Specialist services

Strategies for the development of policies, practices and standards may include:

Change management

Organisational development

Indicators for change include:


Management committee

Organisational executive management turnover

User involvement

Level of commitment to organisation's aims and objectives

Relationship with external agencies

Change in government polices and associated change in organisational focus

Communication designed to promote the organisation include:

Verbal presentations



Fliers and other written advertisements

Poster and other artwork and audiovisual advertisements

Organisational change related to:

Nature and focus of service, programs and activities

Changing service users

Staff requirements

Employment and work practices

Management decision-making processes

Membership changes

New buildings and other resources

Different levels of funding

Legislative change

Technological change

External policy change

Strategic alliances will include:

Industry networks

Professional associations

Other key agencies/organisations

Political parties and committees

Key government officers

Ministerial advisers and staff

Ministerial advisory committees

Key public policy and decision makers

Funding agencies

Business leaders

Community leaders

Social/economic/political researchers, analysts and advisers


Special interest groups

Specialist services

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Appropriate strategic alliances are identified and participation is negotiated and maintained 
The overall purpose and philosophy of the organisation are identified and translated into a written or recorded set of aims and objectives which are clearly understood, measurable and attainable and evaluated as appropriate 
Appropriate corporate planning processes which maximise consultation and devolution of planning, are implemented 
Appropriate corporate planning process which ensure responsiveness to client needs are implemented 
Appropriate consultation is undertaken with relevant people and agencies 
Appropriate management structure and process is established to coordinate corporate planning, advise decision makers and to reflect principles and philosophy of the objectives 
The way in which the values and beliefs of workers and stakeholders may influence the defined organisational purpose and philosophy is analysed and communicated to all relevant participants 
Resources are made available as appropriate to support the planning processes at all levels 
Systems, processes and timeframes are developed for all aspects and components of the planning process 
An appropriate structure is determined for the organisation to match organisational philosophy and purpose 
Lines of decision making and accountability are developed, agreed, implemented and monitored 
Budgets are prepared in line with the strategic plan and make allowance for all requirements and components of planning and implementation of programs and services 
Financial accountability systems are established which meet agreed organisation best practice provisions 
Planning guidelines provide for inclusion of appropriate statutory, legislative and practice provisions 
Planning guidelines and systems are developed which are clear, fully documented and accessible to all involved 
Appropriate consultations are held with stakeholders to examine issues and trends; and outcomes are advised to decision makers as required 
All required reporting is completed in a timely way in accordance with organisational requirements 
Appropriate evaluation arrangements are identified, developed and implemented with representation from relevant stakeholder groups 
Advice is prepared and provided to decision makers within the negotiated format and timeframe 
Mechanisms are implemented to ensure relevant commonwealth, state and local government legal requirements are identified and adhered to 
Information about current legal requirements is updated regularly and if appropriate, proposals to modify organisational policy and procedures developed 
Formal and informal networks are used as channels to communicate the organisation's activities and achievements 
A range of communication mediums and activities are used to convey information about the activities and achievements of the organisation to encourage support and interest 
Opportunities to promote the organisation through media, government and the community are sought and utilised 
Confidentiality and sensitivity is displayed in the details, content and extent of public comment on organisation's activities 
When required policies and procedures for the employment role of the organisation are developed, articulated and their implementation monitored 
Problems in implementing defined procedures are addressed promptly to ensure resolution 
Reports which comprehensively and accurately describe the organisation's activities and achievements are prepared and presented to relevant stakeholders and management, as required 
When required, management board meetings are serviced to ensure effective and informed deliberations and decision-making 
Mechanisms for effective coordination of activities and services are identified and implemented 
Policy, social, political and economic trends are identified and assessed for potential impact on the organisation 
Management and work practices are assessed and revised relative to social, political and economic trends and impacts 
Indicators for change within the organisation are defined and monitored 
Opportunities for positive change are identified and promoted and appropriate work is undertaken to maximise support from staff, clients and stakeholders 


Assessment Cover Sheet

CHCORG14B - Manage a service organisation
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

CHCORG14B - Manage a service organisation

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
