Assessor Resource

Work within specific communities

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

This unit is intended for application within a community work or community development work context

This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to work with individuals or groups in specific communities

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)


Not Applicable

Employability Skills

This unit contains Employability Skills

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate this unit of competency:

The individual being assessed must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills

This unit may be assessed on the job using appropriate relevant materials and examples or through simulation

The candidate must be able to demonstrate competence in working with at least one group or community over a number of assessment situations and through a number of assessment tools, including:


reports from supervisors or other key people, and

confirmation from key community leaders

Access and equity considerations:

All workers in community services should be aware of access, equity and human rights issues in relation to their own area of work

All workers should develop their ability to work in a culturally diverse environment

In recognition of particular issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, workers should be aware of cultural, historical and current issues impacting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Assessors and trainers must take into account relevant access and equity issues, in particular relating to factors impacting on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and communities

Context of and specific resources for assessment:

This unit can be assessed independently, however holistic assessment practice with other community services units of competency is encouraged

Resources required for assessment include access to a workplace or to an environment that accurately simulates the workplace

Method of assessment:

In cases where the learner does not have the opportunity to cover all relevant aspects in the work environment, the remainder should be assessed through realistic simulations, projects, previous relevant experience or oral questioning on 'What if?' scenarios

Assessment of this unit of competence will usually include observation of processes and procedures, oral and/or written questioning on Essential knowledge and skills and consideration of required attitudes

Where performance is not directly observed and/or is required to be demonstrated over a 'period of time' and/or in a 'number of locations', any evidence should be authenticated by colleagues, supervisors, clients or other appropriate persons

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit.

Essential knowledge:

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

These include knowledge of:

Composition of specific community and group structures, practices and values

Specific communication protocols and practices

Social, political, cultural, historical issues that affect or are relevant to specific communities and groups

Relevant networks, people, stakeholders

Culture and diversity

Models of society

Critique of socialisation theory

Family, power

Understanding of deviance

Identity theories

Specific knowledge areas may include aging, youth women, health, housing, environment, multiculturalism, family violence etc

Essential skills:

It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to:

Demonstrate the capacity to work effectively with a specific group, validated by community acceptance and the impact of work undertaken

In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

These include the ability to:

Demonstrate application of skills in:



research, including data collection/analysis and recording, and effective use of relevant information technology in line with work health and safety (WHS) guidelines

high level interpersonal relationship

The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Issues of specific communities may relate to:

Cultural and linguistic diversity

Risk of self-harm

Mental health




General health

Alcohol and other drugs abuse


Location e.g. urban, rural and remote


Family systems


Work may relate to:

Specific groups, issues or communities e.g. health issues of young people from particular cultural backgrounds and/or geographic areas

Research activities

Policy development



Project development and implementation

Project design and implementation

Context of work may include:

Social, political and economic issues impacting upon specific communities and groups

Models of community development

Legislative and statutory frameworks

Values and structures may include:

Cultural preference and mores of specific groups e.g. religious/spiritual observances


Family relationships




Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Identify the details of individual and group issues of the specific community through appropriate research and consultation 
Identify the values and structures of the community as they impact on individuals and groups 
Identify, by appropriate research and consultation, preferred means of dealing with individuals and groups from specific communities 
Use the values, issues and structures within specific communities to define the ways of working 
Identify relevant community structures and utilise to maximise outcomes for individuals and groups 
Ensure work within communities is consistent with defined job role and agreed protocols 
Utilise interpersonal skills which are consistent with community practices and standards 
Undertake appropriate evaluation of work in consultation with relevant community stakeholders 
Monitor work within communities to ensure reflection of relevant values and structures 
Undertake evaluation in a manner that ensures responsiveness to community needs and issues 


Assessment Cover Sheet

CHCCD413E - Work within specific communities
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

CHCCD413E - Work within specific communities

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
