Assessor Resource

Advise on the application of safe design principles to control WHS risks

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to advise on applying safe design principles to control Work Health and Safety (WHS) risks during a product’s life cycle. The central feature of safe design is the application of relevant information and data about human experience, capabilities and behaviour to the design of objects, facilities, procedures and environments that people use.

It applies to individuals who are in a position to provide advice on the application of safe design principles in their organisation, which may be involved in one or more stages of the product life cycle.

NOTE: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS Legislation has not been implemented RTOs are advised to contextualise the unit of competency by referring to the existing State/Territory OHS legislative requirements.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1 Advise on WHS requirements of the design process

1.1 Inform decision makers about their responsibility for the safety of downstream users

1.2 Advise decision makers of their duties, under Commonwealth and state or territory WHS legislation, to manage WHS risks, and control for residual WHS risks, at each product life cycle stage

1.3 Promote WHS within the design requirements and the inclusion of a WHS risk assessment across the product life cycle

1.4 Source and make available to decision makers the most current information and data on WHS principles, materials, technology and systems for application in product design

1.5 Identify and make available required education and training to enable decision makers to manage WHS risks in the design phase

1.6 Identify and access relevant sources of information and data

1.7 Consult known and/or potential users of the product during the design phase

1.8 Identify situations where specialist and other advisers may be required

2 Advise on the development of a systematic WHS hazard identification and WHS risk assessment system for safe design

2.1 Advise on the identification of WHS hazards and WHS risk assessment across the life cycle of the designed product

2.2 Advise on the selection and implementation of the most appropriate WHS risk controls for the designed product from a systematic risk analysis arising from exposure to identified WHS hazards

2.3 Advise on ensuring WHS risk management includes potential alterations to the designed product during its life

2.4 Advise on documenting decision making during the WHS risk-assessment process and making documentation accessible to all parties

2.5 Advise on the establishment of a residual WHS risk register and the distribution of this information to those involved in the downstream or subsequent life-cycle stages

2.6 Advise on monitoring the design as it evolves, to identify potential new WHS hazards and risks and to manage any WHS hazards and risks

3 Advise on the principles of WHS risk controls

3.1 Use the hierarchy of control to advise on WHS risk controls in design

3.2 Advise on minimising the impact of possible failure or defect by ensuring the product includes fail-to-safe action

4 Advise on consultation processes in the life cycle of the designed product

4.1 Advise decision makers to consider the needs of the range of people who will use or interact with the designed product

4.2 Advise on arranging consultation between all parties during the concept and detailed design phases to identify WHS hazards and control WHS risks

4.3 Advise on appropriately communicating residual WHS risks in the designed product to those who will use or interact with the product throughout its life cycle

5 Advise on procurement systems to minimise ‘purchased’ WHS hazards and risks

5.1 Advise decision makers involved in purchasing and contractual arrangements to include a requirement to identify WHS hazards, control WHS risks, and provide information and data on residual WHS risks

5.2 Advise on including an agreement to carry out a safe design approach in the design brief or draft specifications

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1 Advise on WHS requirements of the design process

1.1 Inform decision makers about their responsibility for the safety of downstream users

1.2 Advise decision makers of their duties, under Commonwealth and state or territory WHS legislation, to manage WHS risks, and control for residual WHS risks, at each product life cycle stage

1.3 Promote WHS within the design requirements and the inclusion of a WHS risk assessment across the product life cycle

1.4 Source and make available to decision makers the most current information and data on WHS principles, materials, technology and systems for application in product design

1.5 Identify and make available required education and training to enable decision makers to manage WHS risks in the design phase

1.6 Identify and access relevant sources of information and data

1.7 Consult known and/or potential users of the product during the design phase

1.8 Identify situations where specialist and other advisers may be required

2 Advise on the development of a systematic WHS hazard identification and WHS risk assessment system for safe design

2.1 Advise on the identification of WHS hazards and WHS risk assessment across the life cycle of the designed product

2.2 Advise on the selection and implementation of the most appropriate WHS risk controls for the designed product from a systematic risk analysis arising from exposure to identified WHS hazards

2.3 Advise on ensuring WHS risk management includes potential alterations to the designed product during its life

2.4 Advise on documenting decision making during the WHS risk-assessment process and making documentation accessible to all parties

2.5 Advise on the establishment of a residual WHS risk register and the distribution of this information to those involved in the downstream or subsequent life-cycle stages

2.6 Advise on monitoring the design as it evolves, to identify potential new WHS hazards and risks and to manage any WHS hazards and risks

3 Advise on the principles of WHS risk controls

3.1 Use the hierarchy of control to advise on WHS risk controls in design

3.2 Advise on minimising the impact of possible failure or defect by ensuring the product includes fail-to-safe action

4 Advise on consultation processes in the life cycle of the designed product

4.1 Advise decision makers to consider the needs of the range of people who will use or interact with the designed product

4.2 Advise on arranging consultation between all parties during the concept and detailed design phases to identify WHS hazards and control WHS risks

4.3 Advise on appropriately communicating residual WHS risks in the designed product to those who will use or interact with the product throughout its life cycle

5 Advise on procurement systems to minimise ‘purchased’ WHS hazards and risks

5.1 Advise decision makers involved in purchasing and contractual arrangements to include a requirement to identify WHS hazards, control WHS risks, and provide information and data on residual WHS risks

5.2 Advise on including an agreement to carry out a safe design approach in the design brief or draft specifications

This section specifies different work environments and conditions that may affect performance. Essential operating conditions that may be present (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) are included.

Hierarchy of control must include:

Eliminating the hazard or risk and where this is not practicable minimising risk by:

substitution of the hazard

isolating the hazard from personnel

using engineering controls

using administrative controls (for example procedures and training)

using personal protective equipment (PPE).

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Inform decision makers about their responsibility for the safety of downstream users 
Advise decision makers of their duties, under Commonwealth and state or territory WHS legislation, to manage WHS risks, and control for residual WHS risks, at each product life cycle stage 
Promote WHS within the design requirements and the inclusion of a WHS risk assessment across the product life cycle 
Source and make available to decision makers the most current information and data on WHS principles, materials, technology and systems for application in product design 
Identify and make available required education and training to enable decision makers to manage WHS risks in the design phase 
Identify and access relevant sources of information and data 
Consult known and/or potential users of the product during the design phase 
Identify situations where specialist and other advisers may be required 
Advise on the identification of WHS hazards and WHS risk assessment across the life cycle of the designed product 
Advise on the selection and implementation of the most appropriate WHS risk controls for the designed product from a systematic risk analysis arising from exposure to identified WHS hazards 
Advise on ensuring WHS risk management includes potential alterations to the designed product during its life 
Advise on documenting decision making during the WHS risk-assessment process and making documentation accessible to all parties 
Advise on the establishment of a residual WHS risk register and the distribution of this information to those involved in the downstream or subsequent life-cycle stages 
Advise on monitoring the design as it evolves, to identify potential new WHS hazards and risks and to manage any WHS hazards and risks 
Use the hierarchy of control to advise on WHS risk controls in design 
Advise on minimising the impact of possible failure or defect by ensuring the product includes fail-to-safe action 
Advise decision makers to consider the needs of the range of people who will use or interact with the designed product 
Advise on arranging consultation between all parties during the concept and detailed design phases to identify WHS hazards and control WHS risks 
Advise on appropriately communicating residual WHS risks in the designed product to those who will use or interact with the product throughout its life cycle 
Advise decision makers involved in purchasing and contractual arrangements to include a requirement to identify WHS hazards, control WHS risks, and provide information and data on residual WHS risks 
Advise on including an agreement to carry out a safe design approach in the design brief or draft specifications 
Advise decision makers involved in purchasing and contractual arrangements to include a requirement to identify WHS hazards, control WHS risks, and provide information and data on residual WHS risks 
Advise on including an agreement to carry out a safe design approach in the design brief or draft specifications 


Assessment Cover Sheet

BSBWHS609 - Advise on the application of safe design principles to control WHS risks
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

BSBWHS609 - Advise on the application of safe design principles to control WHS risks

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
