Assessor Resource

Ensure team effectiveness

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Not applicable.

This unit specifies the outcomes required by frontline managers to facilitate all aspects of team work within the organisation. It involves taking a leadership role in the development of team plans, leading and facilitating team work and actively engaging with the management of the organisation.

This unit replaces BSBFLM502A Provide leadership in the workplace and BSBFLM504A Facilitate work teams, which have been combined to create this unit.

Frontline managers have an important facilitative role in the development and empowerment of work teams. This will be evident in the way frontline managers work with teams and individuals, work across teams, and the initiative they take in strengthening the links between teams and the organisation's management.

At this level, work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and decision making strategies.

This unit builds on BSBFLM412A Promote team effectiveness.

This unit specifies the outcomes required by frontline managers to facilitate all aspects of team work within the organisation. It involves taking a leadership role in the development of team plans, leading and facilitating team work and actively engaging with the management of the organisation.

This unit replaces BSBFLM502A Provide leadership in the workplace and BSBFLM504A Facilitate work teams, which have been combined to create this unit.

Frontline managers have an important facilitative role in the development and empowerment of work teams. This will be evident in the way frontline managers work with teams and individuals, work across teams, and the initiative they take in strengthening the links between teams and the organisation's management.

At this level, work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and decision making strategies.

This unit builds on BSBFLM412A Promote team effectiveness.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)


Not applicable.

Employability Skills

Not applicable.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The Evidence Guide provides advice to inform and support appropriate assessment of this unit. It contains an overview of the assessment requirements followed by identification of specific aspects of evidence that will need to be addressed in determining competence. The Evidence Guide is an integral part of the unit and should be read and interpreted in conjunction with the other components of competency. Assessment must reflect the endorsed Assessment Guidelines of the parent Training Package.

Overview of Assessment Requirements

A person who demonstrates competence in this unit must be able to provide evidence that they are able to demonstrate leadership in developing plans, in leading and facilitating team work and in actively engaging with stakeholders. They must also provide evidence that team work is actively promoted, supported and encouraged within the work team; and their own performance serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image.

Specific Evidence Requirements

Required knowledge and understanding include:

relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business operation, especially in regard to occupational health and safety and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination

organisational policies and procedures

organisational goals, objectives and plans

organisational structure and organisational chart

the principles and techniques involved in:

- contingency planning

- performance planning

- problem identification and resolution

- consultation and communication

- record keeping and management

- relationship management including motivation and negotiation

- group dynamics, processes and politics

methods for collecting and utilising feedback development of strategies, processes and procedures to facilitate and monitor team effectiveness

learning and development options available within and through organisation

strategies that contribute to the elimination of discrimination/bias

Required skills and attributes include:

ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities

communication skills

basic training skills, including mentoring and coaching

planning and organising skills

problem solving skills

leadership skills

skills to identify needs, goals and aspirations of others

group facilitation skills


- assertive

- persuasive

- empathic

- communicative

- showing positive leadership

- self-aware

- supportive

- trusting

- open

- flexible

- accommodating

- initiating

- loyal

- recognising achievement

- fair

- adaptable

Key competencies or generic skills relevant to this unit

The seven key competencies represent generic skills considered essential for effective work participation. Innovation skills represent a further area of generic competence. The bracketed numbering indicates the performance level required in this unit:

Level (1) represents the competence to undertake tasks effectively

Level (2) represents the competence to manage tasks

Level (3) represents the competence to use concepts for evaluating and reshaping tasks. The bulleted points provide examples of how the key competencies can be applied for this unit.

Communicating ideas and information (3)

communicating verbally to lead a team including negotiating, basic training, participating in meetings

communicating in writing including report writing, communicating with management, identifying issues and concerns in writing

Collecting, analysing and organising information (3)

developing systems to maintaining records of own knowledge and skills and that of team members relevant to organisation

planning undertaking analysis following planning activities

developing systems and processes for monitoring and review

Planning and organising activities (3)

planning for own work and the work of team members across a range of teams

contributing to the effectiveness of other teams and the organisation as a whole

Working in a team (3)

leading and representing the team

consulting team members for their input on team effectiveness strategies and feedback

working with others including external parties and team members

Using mathematical ideas and techniques (1)

using calculation skills associated with data manipulation relevant to work of team, including financial data

Solving problems (3)

applying problem solving skills as required to address issues and conflicting requirements arising from inter and intro team activities

assisting others to solve problems arising within and between teams

Using technology (2)

using word processing packages, spreadsheets, databases, and other packages to produce written correspondence and reports of activities, financial reporting and data collation.

understanding assistive technologies, as necessary

Innovation skills (3)

developing an innovative approach to the development of strategies to improve team effectiveness

Products that could be used as evidence include:

documentation produced in ensuring team effectiveness, such as:

- reports

- minutes or records of meetings

- work journals or diaries

- learning and development plans developed with team members

- records of actions taken to address issues raised by team members

Processes that could be used as evidence include:

how communication process was managed and implemented to ensure that consultation takes place

how team members were supported and encouraged to meet expected outcomes

strategies to develop and facilitate team cohesion

how performance plans were developed

how team members were guided and supported in performing their role, including induction process for new team members

how performance management system was implemented within work team

how problems and issues within the work team have been addressed

how input and advice was provided to management in relation to human resource management of the work team

how own people management processes were reviewed and evaluated, and improvements identified, reported and acted upon

Resource implications for assessment include:

access by the learner and trainer to appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace

access to team members' input in relation to leadership of frontline manager

Validity and sufficiency of evidence requires:

that this unit can be assessed in the workplace or in a closely simulated work environment

that where assessment is part of a learning experience, evidence will need to be collected over a period of time, involving both formative and summative assessment

that examples of actions taken by the candidate to ensure team effectiveness are provided

Integrated competency assessment means:

that this unit should be assessed with other frontline management units taken as part of this qualification, as applicable to the candidate's leadership role in a work team and as part of an integrated assessment activity

The Evidence Guide provides advice to inform and support appropriate assessment of this unit. It contains an overview of the assessment requirements followed by identification of specific aspects of evidence that will need to be addressed in determining competence. The Evidence Guide is an integral part of the unit and should be read and interpreted in conjunction with the other components of competency. Assessment must reflect the endorsed Assessment Guidelines of the parent Training Package.

Overview of Assessment Requirements

A person who demonstrates competence in this unit must be able to provide evidence that they are able to demonstrate leadership in developing plans, in leading and facilitating team work and in actively engaging with stakeholders. They must also provide evidence that team work is actively promoted, supported and encouraged within the work team; and their own performance serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image.

Specific Evidence Requirements

Required knowledge and understanding include:

relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business operation, especially in regard to occupational health and safety and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination

organisational policies and procedures

organisational goals, objectives and plans

organisational structure and organisational chart

the principles and techniques involved in:

- contingency planning

- performance planning

- problem identification and resolution

- consultation and communication

- record keeping and management

- relationship management including motivation and negotiation

- group dynamics, processes and politics

methods for collecting and utilising feedback development of strategies, processes and procedures to facilitate and monitor team effectiveness

learning and development options available within and through organisation

strategies that contribute to the elimination of discrimination/bias

Required skills and attributes include:

ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities

communication skills

basic training skills, including mentoring and coaching

planning and organising skills

problem solving skills

leadership skills

skills to identify needs, goals and aspirations of others

group facilitation skills


- assertive

- persuasive

- empathic

- communicative

- showing positive leadership

- self-aware

- supportive

- trusting

- open

- flexible

- accommodating

- initiating

- loyal

- recognising achievement

- fair

- adaptable

Key competencies or generic skills relevant to this unit

The seven key competencies represent generic skills considered essential for effective work participation. Innovation skills represent a further area of generic competence. The bracketed numbering indicates the performance level required in this unit:

Level (1) represents the competence to undertake tasks effectively

Level (2) represents the competence to manage tasks

Level (3) represents the competence to use concepts for evaluating and reshaping tasks. The bulleted points provide examples of how the key competencies can be applied for this unit.

Communicating ideas and information (3)

communicating verbally to lead a team including negotiating, basic training, participating in meetings

communicating in writing including report writing, communicating with management, identifying issues and concerns in writing

Collecting, analysing and organising information (3)

developing systems to maintaining records of own knowledge and skills and that of team members relevant to organisation

planning undertaking analysis following planning activities

developing systems and processes for monitoring and review

Planning and organising activities (3)

planning for own work and the work of team members across a range of teams

contributing to the effectiveness of other teams and the organisation as a whole

Working in a team (3)

leading and representing the team

consulting team members for their input on team effectiveness strategies and feedback

working with others including external parties and team members

Using mathematical ideas and techniques (1)

using calculation skills associated with data manipulation relevant to work of team, including financial data

Solving problems (3)

applying problem solving skills as required to address issues and conflicting requirements arising from inter and intro team activities

assisting others to solve problems arising within and between teams

Using technology (2)

using word processing packages, spreadsheets, databases, and other packages to produce written correspondence and reports of activities, financial reporting and data collation.

understanding assistive technologies, as necessary

Innovation skills (3)

developing an innovative approach to the development of strategies to improve team effectiveness

Products that could be used as evidence include:

documentation produced in ensuring team effectiveness, such as:

- reports

- minutes or records of meetings

- work journals or diaries

- learning and development plans developed with team members

- records of actions taken to address issues raised by team members

Processes that could be used as evidence include:

how communication process was managed and implemented to ensure that consultation takes place

how team members were supported and encouraged to meet expected outcomes

strategies to develop and facilitate team cohesion

how performance plans were developed

how team members were guided and supported in performing their role, including induction process for new team members

how performance management system was implemented within work team

how problems and issues within the work team have been addressed

how input and advice was provided to management in relation to human resource management of the work team

how own people management processes were reviewed and evaluated, and improvements identified, reported and acted upon

Resource implications for assessment include:

access by the learner and trainer to appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace

access to team members' input in relation to leadership of frontline manager

Validity and sufficiency of evidence requires:

that this unit can be assessed in the workplace or in a closely simulated work environment

that where assessment is part of a learning experience, evidence will need to be collected over a period of time, involving both formative and summative assessment

that examples of actions taken by the candidate to ensure team effectiveness are provided

Integrated competency assessment means:

that this unit should be assessed with other frontline management units taken as part of this qualification, as applicable to the candidate's leadership role in a work team and as part of an integrated assessment activity

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Not applicable.

The Range Statement adds definition to the unit by elaborating critical or significant aspects of the performance requirements of the unit. The Range Statement establishes the range of indicative meanings or applications of these requirements in different operating contexts and conditions. The specific aspects which require elaboration are identified by the use of italics in the Performance Criteria.

Legislation, codes and national standards relevant to the workplace may include:

award and enterprise agreements and relevant industrial instruments

relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business operation, especially in regard to occupational health and safety (OHS) and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations, anti-discrimination and record keeping standards and legislation

relevant industry codes of practice

OHS considerations may include:

knowledge of OHS legislation, principles and practice within the context of the organisation's operations and plans

OHS practice as an ethical standard and legislative requirement

training of all employees in health and safety procedures

regular updating and reviewing of the organisation's OHS systems, procedures and records

key performance indicators include relevant OHS procedures

adjustment of communications and OHS approach to cater for social and cultural diversity and special needs

Consulted may refer to:

conducting meetings, interviews, brainstorming sessions, email/intranet communications, newsletters or other processes and devices which ensure that all employees have the opportunity to contribute to team and individual performance plans

mechanisms used to provide feedback to the work team in relation to outcomes of consultation

Accountabilities may refer to:

a statement of conduct outlining responsibilities/actions/performance

responsibilities as defined in position descriptions, codes of conduct/behaviour, duty statements or similar

Performance plans may refer to:

team plans based on work assignments and responsibilities

individual performance plans linked to team goals

Outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators may refer to agreed:

measures for monitoring and evaluating the efficiency or effectiveness of systems or services

targets for productivity improvements such as reduced downtime, higher production levels, decreases in absenteeism

improved individual and team performance and participation

improvements to systems, operations

changes in work roles and responsibilities

quality standards and expectations

targets for training and development

Strategies may refer to:

long-term or short-term plans factoring in opportunities for team input

mentoring and 'buddy' systems to support team members in providing input

clarification of roles and expectations

training and development activities

electronic communication devices and processes, such as intranet and email communication systems, to facilitate input

newsletters and briefings

Policies and procedures may refer to:

organisational guidelines and systems that govern operational functions

procedures that detail the activities that must be carried out for the completion of actions and tasks

Standard Operating Procedures

Processes may refer to:

discussions with individuals regarding their concerns

brainstorming options with the team for addressing concerns

creating a matrix of issues and concerns and distributing it for comment

distributing drafts for comment with a range of options for resolution of concerns

training and development sessions

Stakeholders may include:

the work team

Board members

union/employee groups and representatives

business or government contacts

funding bodies

Line manager/management may refer to:

frontline manager's direct superior

other management representatives

the Chief Executive Officer

The Range Statement adds definition to the unit by elaborating critical or significant aspects of the performance requirements of the unit. The Range Statement establishes the range of indicative meanings or applications of these requirements in different operating contexts and conditions. The specific aspects which require elaboration are identified by the use of italics in the Performance Criteria.

Legislation, codes and national standards relevant to the workplace may include:

award and enterprise agreements and relevant industrial instruments

relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business operation, especially in regard to occupational health and safety (OHS) and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations, anti-discrimination and record keeping standards and legislation

relevant industry codes of practice

OHS considerations may include:

knowledge of OHS legislation, principles and practice within the context of the organisation's operations and plans

OHS practice as an ethical standard and legislative requirement

training of all employees in health and safety procedures

regular updating and reviewing of the organisation's OHS systems, procedures and records

key performance indicators include relevant OHS procedures

adjustment of communications and OHS approach to cater for social and cultural diversity and special needs

Consulted may refer to:

conducting meetings, interviews, brainstorming sessions, email/intranet communications, newsletters or other processes and devices which ensure that all employees have the opportunity to contribute to team and individual performance plans

mechanisms used to provide feedback to the work team in relation to outcomes of consultation

Accountabilities may refer to:

a statement of conduct outlining responsibilities/actions/performance

responsibilities as defined in position descriptions, codes of conduct/behaviour, duty statements or similar

Performance plans may refer to:

team plans based on work assignments and responsibilities

individual performance plans linked to team goals

Outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators may refer to agreed:

measures for monitoring and evaluating the efficiency or effectiveness of systems or services

targets for productivity improvements such as reduced downtime, higher production levels, decreases in absenteeism

improved individual and team performance and participation

improvements to systems, operations

changes in work roles and responsibilities

quality standards and expectations

targets for training and development

Strategies may refer to:

long-term or short-term plans factoring in opportunities for team input

mentoring and 'buddy' systems to support team members in providing input

clarification of roles and expectations

training and development activities

electronic communication devices and processes, such as intranet and email communication systems, to facilitate input

newsletters and briefings

Policies and procedures may refer to:

organisational guidelines and systems that govern operational functions

procedures that detail the activities that must be carried out for the completion of actions and tasks

Standard Operating Procedures

Processes may refer to:

discussions with individuals regarding their concerns

brainstorming options with the team for addressing concerns

creating a matrix of issues and concerns and distributing it for comment

distributing drafts for comment with a range of options for resolution of concerns

training and development sessions

Stakeholders may include:

the work team

Board members

union/employee groups and representatives

business or government contacts

funding bodies

Line manager/management may refer to:

frontline manager's direct superior

other management representatives

the Chief Executive Officer

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Team members are consulted to establish team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives 
Performance plans are developed in consultation with team members, to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators and goals for work team 
Team members are supported in meeting expected performance outcomes 
Strategies are developed to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team 
Policies and procedures are developed to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities 
Feedback is provided to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions 
Processes are developed to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed 
Team members and individuals are encouraged to participate in and take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes 
The team is supported in identifying and resolving work performance problems 
Own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image to all stakeholders 
Open communication processes with all stakeholders are established and maintained 
Information from line manager/management is communicated to the team 
Unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members are communicated to, and followed up with, line manager/management and other relevant stakeholders 
Unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders are evaluated, and necessary corrective action taken 


Assessment Cover Sheet

BSBFLM512A - Ensure team effectiveness
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

BSBFLM512A - Ensure team effectiveness

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
