• BSBFLM511B - Develop a workplace learning environment

Assessor Resource

Develop a workplace learning environment

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

Not applicable.

This unit specifies the outcomes required to encourage and support the development of a learning environment in which work and learning come together. Particular emphasis is on the development of strategies to facilitate and promote learning and to monitor and improve learning performance.

This unit replaces the unit BSBFLM511A Develop a workplace learning environment.

Frontline managers have a prominent role in encouraging, supporting and facilitating the development of a learning environment in which work and learning come together.

At this level, work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and decision making strategies.

This unit builds on BSBCMN404A Develop teams and individuals. Consider co-assessment with BSBFLM501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development, BSBFLM512A Ensure team effectiveness, BSBFLM505B Manage operational plan, BSBFLM507B Manage quality customer service, and BSBMGT505A Ensure a safe workplace.

This unit specifies the outcomes required to encourage and support the development of a learning environment in which work and learning come together. Particular emphasis is on the development of strategies to facilitate and promote learning and to monitor and improve learning performance.

This unit replaces the unit BSBFLM511A Develop a workplace learning environment.

Frontline managers have a prominent role in encouraging, supporting and facilitating the development of a learning environment in which work and learning come together.

At this level, work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and decision making strategies.

This unit builds on BSBCMN404A Develop teams and individuals. Consider co-assessment with BSBFLM501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development, BSBFLM512A Ensure team effectiveness, BSBFLM505B Manage operational plan, BSBFLM507B Manage quality customer service, and BSBMGT505A Ensure a safe workplace.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)


Not applicable.

Employability Skills

Not applicable.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The Evidence Guide provides advice to inform and support appropriate assessment of this unit. It contains an overview of the assessment requirements followed by identification of specific aspects of evidence that will need to be addressed in determining competence. The Evidence Guide is an integral part of the unit and should be read and interpreted in conjunction with the other components of competency. Assessment must reflect the endorsed Assessment Guidelines of the parent Training Package.

Overview of Assessment Requirements

A person who demonstrates competence in this standard must be able to provide evidence that they are able to facilitate the development of a learning environment. They must be able to show evidence of the ability to identify workplace activities which facilitate learning, and negotiate learning arrangements with training and development specialists. They also must be able to develop strategies to monitor performance of individuals and the team and use this to improve learning effectiveness and future learning arrangements.

Specific Evidence Requirements

Required knowledge and understanding include:

relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business operation, especially in regard to Occupational Health and Safety and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination

the principles and techniques involved in the management and organisation of:

- adult learning

- a learning environment and learning culture

- work based learning

- structured learning

- problem identification and resolution

- leadership

- coaching and mentoring

- consultation and communication

- record keeping and management methods

- monitoring and reviewing workplace learning

- improvement strategies

management of relationships to achieve a learning environment

strategies that contribute to the elimination of discrimination/bias

Required skills and attributes include:

ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities

functional literacy skills to access and use workplace information

communication skills to:

- encourage colleagues to share their knowledge and skills

- gain the trust and confidence of colleagues

- deal with people openly and fairly

- use consultation skills effectively

skills to facilitate, promote and monitor learning:

- identifying learning needs

- developing learning plans

- selecting and using work activities to create learning opportunities

- establishing a workplace which is conducive to learning

- negotiating learning arrangements with training and development specialists

- using coaching and mentoring to support learning

- evaluating the effectiveness of learning

Key competencies or generic skills relevant to this unit

The seven key competencies represent generic skills considered essential for effective work participation. Innovation skills represent a further area of generic competence. The bracketed numbering indicates the performance level required in this unit:

Level (1) represents the competence to undertake tasks effectively

Level (2) represents the competence to manage tasks

Level (3) represents the competence to use concepts for evaluating and reshaping tasks. The bulleted points provide examples of how the key competencies can be applied for this unit.

Communicating ideas and information (3)

discussing strategies to facilitate and improve workplace learning

sharing with others the benefits of learning

providing feedback, recognition and rewards to team and individuals

Collecting, analysing and organising information (3)

assembling information about learning options

Planning and organising activities (3)

developing and implementing strategies to facilitate and promote learning

Working in a team (3)

gaining feedback from individuals and team members on learning needs and opportunities

Using mathematical ideas and techniques (2)

compiling data about learning arrangement

Solving problems (3)

resolving difficulties with competency development

Using technology (2)

using technology to assist in the management of information and to promote learning

Innovation skills (3)

developing an innovative approach to the development of a learning culture to enhance business operations

Products that could be used as evidence include:

documentation produced in developing a workplace learning environment, such as:

- contribution to organisational policies and procedures

- procedures and policies for dealing with learning systems, and related codes of conduct

- evidence of actions taken to address information collection and retrieval

- evidence of actions taken to address methods of analysing information

- evidence of actions taken to develop and/or maintain a learning culture

- evidence of actions taken to address internal and external learning issues

- evidence of actions taken to address issues and problems within the work team

- evidence of advice and input into management decisions related to the work team and workplace learning

- learning and development plans for team members

- materials developed for coaching, mentoring and training

- induction programs developed and/or delivered

- reviews of people management

- records of people management lessons learned

Processes that could be used as evidence include:

how workplace learning activities were developed and managed

how work was allocated within work team, and rationale for allocations

how learning plans were developed

how team members have been encouraged to participate in learning opportunities

how procedures have been designed to ensure that individual learning and development pathways were developed and implemented

how liaison with training and development specialists has occurred, especially in regard to ongoing improvement

how team members were encouraged to assess their own competencies and to identify own learning and development needs

how workplace achievement has been recognised

how input and advice was provided to management and stakeholders in relation to the benefits of learning and development

how learning and development records have been documented and stored

how performance management processes were reviewed and evaluated, and improvements identified, reported and acted upon

Resource implications for assessment include:

access by the learner and trainer to appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace

Validity and sufficiency of evidence requires:

that this unit can be assessed in the workplace or in a closely simulated work environment

that where assessment is part of a learning experience, evidence will need to be collected over a period of time, involving both formative and summative assessment

that examples of actions taken by the candidate to develop a workplace learning environment are provided

Integrated competency assessment means:

that this unit should be assessed with other frontline management units taken as part of this qualification, as applicable to the candidate's leadership role in a work team and as part of an integrated assessment activity

The Evidence Guide provides advice to inform and support appropriate assessment of this unit. It contains an overview of the assessment requirements followed by identification of specific aspects of evidence that will need to be addressed in determining competence. The Evidence Guide is an integral part of the unit and should be read and interpreted in conjunction with the other components of competency. Assessment must reflect the endorsed Assessment Guidelines of the parent Training Package.

Overview of Assessment Requirements

A person who demonstrates competence in this standard must be able to provide evidence that they are able to facilitate the development of a learning environment. They must be able to show evidence of the ability to identify workplace activities which facilitate learning, and negotiate learning arrangements with training and development specialists. They also must be able to develop strategies to monitor performance of individuals and the team and use this to improve learning effectiveness and future learning arrangements.

Specific Evidence Requirements

Required knowledge and understanding include:

relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business operation, especially in regard to Occupational Health and Safety and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination

the principles and techniques involved in the management and organisation of:

- adult learning

- a learning environment and learning culture

- work based learning

- structured learning

- problem identification and resolution

- leadership

- coaching and mentoring

- consultation and communication

- record keeping and management methods

- monitoring and reviewing workplace learning

- improvement strategies

management of relationships to achieve a learning environment

strategies that contribute to the elimination of discrimination/bias

Required skills and attributes include:

ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities

functional literacy skills to access and use workplace information

communication skills to:

- encourage colleagues to share their knowledge and skills

- gain the trust and confidence of colleagues

- deal with people openly and fairly

- use consultation skills effectively

skills to facilitate, promote and monitor learning:

- identifying learning needs

- developing learning plans

- selecting and using work activities to create learning opportunities

- establishing a workplace which is conducive to learning

- negotiating learning arrangements with training and development specialists

- using coaching and mentoring to support learning

- evaluating the effectiveness of learning

Key competencies or generic skills relevant to this unit

The seven key competencies represent generic skills considered essential for effective work participation. Innovation skills represent a further area of generic competence. The bracketed numbering indicates the performance level required in this unit:

Level (1) represents the competence to undertake tasks effectively

Level (2) represents the competence to manage tasks

Level (3) represents the competence to use concepts for evaluating and reshaping tasks. The bulleted points provide examples of how the key competencies can be applied for this unit.

Communicating ideas and information (3)

discussing strategies to facilitate and improve workplace learning

sharing with others the benefits of learning

providing feedback, recognition and rewards to team and individuals

Collecting, analysing and organising information (3)

assembling information about learning options

Planning and organising activities (3)

developing and implementing strategies to facilitate and promote learning

Working in a team (3)

gaining feedback from individuals and team members on learning needs and opportunities

Using mathematical ideas and techniques (2)

compiling data about learning arrangement

Solving problems (3)

resolving difficulties with competency development

Using technology (2)

using technology to assist in the management of information and to promote learning

Innovation skills (3)

developing an innovative approach to the development of a learning culture to enhance business operations

Products that could be used as evidence include:

documentation produced in developing a workplace learning environment, such as:

- contribution to organisational policies and procedures

- procedures and policies for dealing with learning systems, and related codes of conduct

- evidence of actions taken to address information collection and retrieval

- evidence of actions taken to address methods of analysing information

- evidence of actions taken to develop and/or maintain a learning culture

- evidence of actions taken to address internal and external learning issues

- evidence of actions taken to address issues and problems within the work team

- evidence of advice and input into management decisions related to the work team and workplace learning

- learning and development plans for team members

- materials developed for coaching, mentoring and training

- induction programs developed and/or delivered

- reviews of people management

- records of people management lessons learned

Processes that could be used as evidence include:

how workplace learning activities were developed and managed

how work was allocated within work team, and rationale for allocations

how learning plans were developed

how team members have been encouraged to participate in learning opportunities

how procedures have been designed to ensure that individual learning and development pathways were developed and implemented

how liaison with training and development specialists has occurred, especially in regard to ongoing improvement

how team members were encouraged to assess their own competencies and to identify own learning and development needs

how workplace achievement has been recognised

how input and advice was provided to management and stakeholders in relation to the benefits of learning and development

how learning and development records have been documented and stored

how performance management processes were reviewed and evaluated, and improvements identified, reported and acted upon

Resource implications for assessment include:

access by the learner and trainer to appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace

Validity and sufficiency of evidence requires:

that this unit can be assessed in the workplace or in a closely simulated work environment

that where assessment is part of a learning experience, evidence will need to be collected over a period of time, involving both formative and summative assessment

that examples of actions taken by the candidate to develop a workplace learning environment are provided

Integrated competency assessment means:

that this unit should be assessed with other frontline management units taken as part of this qualification, as applicable to the candidate's leadership role in a work team and as part of an integrated assessment activity

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Not applicable.

The Range Statement adds definition to the unit by elaborating critical or significant aspects of the performance requirements of the unit. The Range Statement establishes the range of indicative meanings or applications of these requirements in different operating contexts and conditions. The specific aspects which require elaboration are identified by the use of italics in the Performance Criteria.

Legislation, codes and national standards relevant to the workplace may include:

award and enterprise agreements and relevant industrial instruments

relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business operation, especially in regard to occupational health and safety (OHS) and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination

relevant industry codes of practice

OHS considerations may include:

knowledge of OHS legislation, principles and practice within the context of the organisation's operations and plans

OHS practice as an ethical standard and legislative requirement

training of all employees in health and safety procedures

regular updating and reviewing of procedures, records and systems

inclusion of OHS requirements in the planning process

inclusion of OHS in learning plans

adjustment of communications and OHS approach to cater for social and cultural diversity and special needs

Learning opportunities may include:

structured learning activities conducted outside and within the workplace such as:

training through an RTO leading to a nationally recognised Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification or Statement of Attainment, for example through a traineeship or New Apprenticeship

accredited training through an independent organisation such as a State OHS authority


short courses

action learning

workplace learning activities, that may also contribute to a recognised credential, such as:






Learning needs may include:

gaps between the competencies held by the employee and the skills and knowledge required to effectively undertake workplace tasks

developmental learning, for example the learning required to progress through an organisation and take on new tasks and roles

Learning plans may include:

team competencies

team roles and responsibilities

performance standards

work outputs and processes

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

codes of conduct

OHS requirements

negotiated agreement with individual

Diversity of needs may include:

learning needs that relate to social, cultural and other types of workplace diversity, such as the need for varied communication styles and approaches

Training and development specialists may be:

internal or external

Encourage a learning culture may refer to:

encouraging learning and sharing of skills and knowledge across the work team and the wider organisation to develop competencies of individual team members and the team as a whole

The Range Statement adds definition to the unit by elaborating critical or significant aspects of the performance requirements of the unit. The Range Statement establishes the range of indicative meanings or applications of these requirements in different operating contexts and conditions. The specific aspects which require elaboration are identified by the use of italics in the Performance Criteria.

Legislation, codes and national standards relevant to the workplace may include:

award and enterprise agreements and relevant industrial instruments

relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business operation, especially in regard to occupational health and safety (OHS) and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination

relevant industry codes of practice

OHS considerations may include:

knowledge of OHS legislation, principles and practice within the context of the organisation's operations and plans

OHS practice as an ethical standard and legislative requirement

training of all employees in health and safety procedures

regular updating and reviewing of procedures, records and systems

inclusion of OHS requirements in the planning process

inclusion of OHS in learning plans

adjustment of communications and OHS approach to cater for social and cultural diversity and special needs

Learning opportunities may include:

structured learning activities conducted outside and within the workplace such as:

training through an RTO leading to a nationally recognised Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification or Statement of Attainment, for example through a traineeship or New Apprenticeship

accredited training through an independent organisation such as a State OHS authority


short courses

action learning

workplace learning activities, that may also contribute to a recognised credential, such as:






Learning needs may include:

gaps between the competencies held by the employee and the skills and knowledge required to effectively undertake workplace tasks

developmental learning, for example the learning required to progress through an organisation and take on new tasks and roles

Learning plans may include:

team competencies

team roles and responsibilities

performance standards

work outputs and processes

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

codes of conduct

OHS requirements

negotiated agreement with individual

Diversity of needs may include:

learning needs that relate to social, cultural and other types of workplace diversity, such as the need for varied communication styles and approaches

Training and development specialists may be:

internal or external

Encourage a learning culture may refer to:

encouraging learning and sharing of skills and knowledge across the work team and the wider organisation to develop competencies of individual team members and the team as a whole

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Potential formal and informal learning opportunities are identified 
Learning needs of individuals are identified in relation to the needs of the team and/or enterprise and available learning opportunities 
Learning plans are developed and implemented as an integral part of individual and team performance plans 
Strategies are developed to ensure that learning plans reflect the diversity of needs 
Organisational procedures maximise individual and team access to, and participation in, learning opportunities 
Effective liaison occurs with training and development specialists and contributes to learning opportunities which enhance individual, team and organisational performance 
Strategies are developed to ensure that workplace learning opportunities are used and team members are encouraged to share their skills and knowledge to encourage a learning culture within the team 
Organisational procedures are implemented to ensure workplace learning opportunities contribute to the development of appropriate workplace knowledge, skills and attitudes 
Policies and procedures are implemented to encourage team members to assess their own competencies, and to identify own learning and development needs 
The benefits of learning are shared with others in the team and organisation 
Workplace achievement is recognised by timely and appropriate recognition, feedback and rewards 
Strategies are used to ensure that team and individual learning performance is monitored to determine the type and extent of any additional work-based support required, and any occupational health and safety issues 
Feedback from individuals and teams is used to identify and introduce improvements in future learning arrangements 
Adjustments negotiated with training and development specialists result in improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of learning 
Processes are used to ensure that records and reports of competency are documented and maintained within the organisation's systems and procedures to inform future planning 


Assessment Cover Sheet

BSBFLM511B - Develop a workplace learning environment
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

BSBFLM511B - Develop a workplace learning environment

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
