Assessor Resource

Follow Aboriginal cultural protocols

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to develop awareness of, and apply the protocols of Aboriginal culture, including the need to identify the appropriate persons when approaching a Community and the cultural and social protocols associated with that task.

This unit applies to following cultural protocols and details the specific cultural, gender and kinship sensitivities of working in Aboriginal Communities and on Country with diverse cultural requirements.

The unit applies to individuals working with lore/law men and women either autonomously or under the supervision and cultural authority of Traditional Owners or Elders for specific Country. They work under broad direction and use discretion and judgement in the selection and use of available resources.

This unit is also applicable to the work of repatriation workers and anthropologists. However, cultural beliefs and practices vary across locations and communities however and in some situations non-Aboriginal learners may not be able to access the cultural knowledge and materials required to achieve competency in this unit due to restrictions that are applied to non-Aboriginal people gaining access to cultural knowledge, material or sites. In these situations the Registered Training Organisation will be required to make alternative arrangements for learners that are still consistent with the delivery and assessment requirements for this unit.

No occupational licensing, legislative or certification requirements are known to apply to this unit at the time of publication.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.


Performance criteria

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Identify Aboriginal beliefs and associated cultural protocols for different Country

1.1 Identify and document the importance of Aboriginal beliefs and the relationship of these beliefs with cultural landscapes

1.2 Recognise and respect gender roles

1.3 Respect language groups and kinship networks within specific Country that inform the basis of social relationships and Community roles

1.4 Recognise and respect cultural taboos, factions and avoidance relationships

1.5 Acknowledge the rights of individuals within Communities and on Country to hold specific knowledge and ceremony

1.6 Acknowledge the rights of individuals within Communities and on Country to hold responsibility for Aboriginal sites and the cultural rules associated with sharing that knowledge

1.7 Respect and affirm the inherent diversity that exists within cultures and Communities

2. Identify Aboriginal cultural authorities for specific Country in culturally appropriate ways

2.1 Apply various approaches and resources to identify cultural authorities for specific Country

2.2 Research difficulties in identifying cultural authorities in various states and territories

2.3 Identify and consult appropriate cultural authorities

2.4 Apply the identification by cultural authorities of appropriate persons within Communities who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal objects and places

2.5 Respect and implement the provision of advice by cultural authorities

2.6 Respect and implement rights and responsibilities associated with cultural knowledge, story, song, site and ceremony

2.7 Support cultural knowledge holders to inform the decision-making process to determine the cultural significance of objects and places

2.8 Acknowledge and respect traditional knowledge and practices in managing Country and environment

3. Relate Aboriginal cultural protocols to Community consultation

3.1 Identify and record key protocols required for Aboriginal Community consultation

3.2 Acknowledge determination of Aboriginal people as the primary source of cultural information

3.3 Select participants for and methods of consultation in accordance with decisions made by Aboriginal cultural authorities

3.4 Use communication approaches that place Aboriginal cultural protocols and values as a principal concern

3.5 Undertake participation in Community consultation following appropriate cultural protocols for that Country and Community

4. Recognise and administer Aboriginal ownership and intellectual property rights

4.1 Establish ownership rights and intellectual property rights of Aboriginal cultural information and material

4.2 Recognise rights to control cultural heritage by Aboriginal people as custodians of Aboriginal culture

4.3 Apply access restrictions to cultural knowledge, information and material

4.4 Follow confidentiality measures for recording secret, sacred materials

4.5 Determine and administer the ownership of cultural knowledge, information and material

4.6 Report any identified infringement of copyright

5. Access, transfer and use cultural information and material

5.1 Seek permissions from cultural authorities, relevant individuals and organisations for access and use of Aboriginal cultural information and material

5.2 Abide by decisions from cultural authorities, relevant individuals and organisations to deny permission for access and use of Aboriginal cultural information and material

5.3 Establish and implement parameters for processes of transfer of cultural knowledge

5.4 Observe cultural restrictions on Aboriginal cultural information and Aboriginal material

5.5 Acknowledge and observe copyright and licensing issues related to access and use of Aboriginal cultural material and cultural information

5.6 Follow Aboriginal cultural requirements for communications about, and display, access and handling of Aboriginal cultural information and material

5.7 Acknowledge and agree to the implications of consent for accessing, transferring and using cultural information and materials

6. Use appropriate personal and social protocols

6.1 Observe appropriate use of personal protocols for addressing and greeting persons, personal contact, and gestures

6.2 Allow respect for local and Community traditions to guide personal presentation and conduct

6.3 Use personal communication styles such as language, non-verbal communication, discussion, meaning, questioning, eye contact and silence that reflect the customs and idioms of the local Community

6.4 Maintain a flexible attitude to address situations of cultural diversity and cross-cultural differences

The candidate must be assessed on their ability to integrate and apply the performance requirements of this unit in a workplace setting. Performance must be demonstrated consistently over time and in a suitable range of contexts.

The candidate must provide evidence that they can:

identify and consult with appropriate cultural authorities for a Community, place or site

identify cultural information, material and cultural expression that is appropriate to be shared

identify groups to be consulted in relation to owners or custodians of cultural and Community knowledge, information and/or material

follow cultural protocols for consultation, research and recording information about particular Communities

show respect and cultural sensitivity towards Aboriginal people, their beliefs, customs, values, lore/law, ceremonies and history

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

cultural diversity within Aboriginal Communities

the cultural rights and responsibilities when using Community knowledge, information and material

Aboriginal cultural values and interpersonal and Community protocols

authentic and authoritative sources for Aboriginal cultural information, material and expression able to be accessed and shared

customs, history, protocols of the Community with which they are working

Assessment of this unit must be conducted by recognised and appropriate Community Elders and/or Custodians with appropriate assessor qualifications or co-assessed by a qualified assessor in cooperation and discussion with an appropriate with Community Elders and/or Custodians.

Assessors must satisfy the current standards for RTOs.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.


Performance criteria

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Identify Aboriginal beliefs and associated cultural protocols for different Country

1.1 Identify and document the importance of Aboriginal beliefs and the relationship of these beliefs with cultural landscapes

1.2 Recognise and respect gender roles

1.3 Respect language groups and kinship networks within specific Country that inform the basis of social relationships and Community roles

1.4 Recognise and respect cultural taboos, factions and avoidance relationships

1.5 Acknowledge the rights of individuals within Communities and on Country to hold specific knowledge and ceremony

1.6 Acknowledge the rights of individuals within Communities and on Country to hold responsibility for Aboriginal sites and the cultural rules associated with sharing that knowledge

1.7 Respect and affirm the inherent diversity that exists within cultures and Communities

2. Identify Aboriginal cultural authorities for specific Country in culturally appropriate ways

2.1 Apply various approaches and resources to identify cultural authorities for specific Country

2.2 Research difficulties in identifying cultural authorities in various states and territories

2.3 Identify and consult appropriate cultural authorities

2.4 Apply the identification by cultural authorities of appropriate persons within Communities who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal objects and places

2.5 Respect and implement the provision of advice by cultural authorities

2.6 Respect and implement rights and responsibilities associated with cultural knowledge, story, song, site and ceremony

2.7 Support cultural knowledge holders to inform the decision-making process to determine the cultural significance of objects and places

2.8 Acknowledge and respect traditional knowledge and practices in managing Country and environment

3. Relate Aboriginal cultural protocols to Community consultation

3.1 Identify and record key protocols required for Aboriginal Community consultation

3.2 Acknowledge determination of Aboriginal people as the primary source of cultural information

3.3 Select participants for and methods of consultation in accordance with decisions made by Aboriginal cultural authorities

3.4 Use communication approaches that place Aboriginal cultural protocols and values as a principal concern

3.5 Undertake participation in Community consultation following appropriate cultural protocols for that Country and Community

4. Recognise and administer Aboriginal ownership and intellectual property rights

4.1 Establish ownership rights and intellectual property rights of Aboriginal cultural information and material

4.2 Recognise rights to control cultural heritage by Aboriginal people as custodians of Aboriginal culture

4.3 Apply access restrictions to cultural knowledge, information and material

4.4 Follow confidentiality measures for recording secret, sacred materials

4.5 Determine and administer the ownership of cultural knowledge, information and material

4.6 Report any identified infringement of copyright

5. Access, transfer and use cultural information and material

5.1 Seek permissions from cultural authorities, relevant individuals and organisations for access and use of Aboriginal cultural information and material

5.2 Abide by decisions from cultural authorities, relevant individuals and organisations to deny permission for access and use of Aboriginal cultural information and material

5.3 Establish and implement parameters for processes of transfer of cultural knowledge

5.4 Observe cultural restrictions on Aboriginal cultural information and Aboriginal material

5.5 Acknowledge and observe copyright and licensing issues related to access and use of Aboriginal cultural material and cultural information

5.6 Follow Aboriginal cultural requirements for communications about, and display, access and handling of Aboriginal cultural information and material

5.7 Acknowledge and agree to the implications of consent for accessing, transferring and using cultural information and materials

6. Use appropriate personal and social protocols

6.1 Observe appropriate use of personal protocols for addressing and greeting persons, personal contact, and gestures

6.2 Allow respect for local and Community traditions to guide personal presentation and conduct

6.3 Use personal communication styles such as language, non-verbal communication, discussion, meaning, questioning, eye contact and silence that reflect the customs and idioms of the local Community

6.4 Maintain a flexible attitude to address situations of cultural diversity and cross-cultural differences

The candidate must be assessed on their ability to integrate and apply the performance requirements of this unit in a workplace setting. Performance must be demonstrated consistently over time and in a suitable range of contexts.

The candidate must provide evidence that they can:

identify and consult with appropriate cultural authorities for a Community, place or site

identify cultural information, material and cultural expression that is appropriate to be shared

identify groups to be consulted in relation to owners or custodians of cultural and Community knowledge, information and/or material

follow cultural protocols for consultation, research and recording information about particular Communities

show respect and cultural sensitivity towards Aboriginal people, their beliefs, customs, values, lore/law, ceremonies and history

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

cultural diversity within Aboriginal Communities

the cultural rights and responsibilities when using Community knowledge, information and material

Aboriginal cultural values and interpersonal and Community protocols

authentic and authoritative sources for Aboriginal cultural information, material and expression able to be accessed and shared

customs, history, protocols of the Community with which they are working

Assessment of this unit must be conducted by recognised and appropriate Community Elders and/or Custodians with appropriate assessor qualifications or co-assessed by a qualified assessor in cooperation and discussion with an appropriate with Community Elders and/or Custodians.

Assessors must satisfy the current standards for RTOs.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Identify and document the importance of Aboriginal beliefs and the relationship of these beliefs with cultural landscapes 
Recognise and respect gender roles 
Respect language groups and kinship networks within specific Country that inform the basis of social relationships and Community roles 
Recognise and respect cultural taboos, factions and avoidance relationships 
Acknowledge the rights of individuals within Communities and on Country to hold specific knowledge and ceremony 
Acknowledge the rights of individuals within Communities and on Country to hold responsibility for Aboriginal sites and the cultural rules associated with sharing that knowledge 
Respect and affirm the inherent diversity that exists within cultures and Communities 
Apply various approaches and resources to identify cultural authorities for specific Country 
Research difficulties in identifying cultural authorities in various states and territories 
Identify and consult appropriate cultural authorities 
Apply the identification by cultural authorities of appropriate persons within Communities who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal objects and places 
Respect and implement the provision of advice by cultural authorities 
Respect and implement rights and responsibilities associated with cultural knowledge, story, song, site and ceremony 
Support cultural knowledge holders to inform the decision-making process to determine the cultural significance of objects and places 
Acknowledge and respect traditional knowledge and practices in managing Country and environment 
Identify and record key protocols required for Aboriginal Community consultation 
Acknowledge determination of Aboriginal people as the primary source of cultural information 
Select participants for and methods of consultation in accordance with decisions made by Aboriginal cultural authorities 
Use communication approaches that place Aboriginal cultural protocols and values as a principal concern 
Undertake participation in Community consultation following appropriate cultural protocols for that Country and Community 
Establish ownership rights and intellectual property rights of Aboriginal cultural information and material 
Recognise rights to control cultural heritage by Aboriginal people as custodians of Aboriginal culture 
Apply access restrictions to cultural knowledge, information and material 
Follow confidentiality measures for recording secret, sacred materials 
Determine and administer the ownership of cultural knowledge, information and material 
Report any identified infringement of copyright 
Seek permissions from cultural authorities, relevant individuals and organisations for access and use of Aboriginal cultural information and material 
Abide by decisions from cultural authorities, relevant individuals and organisations to deny permission for access and use of Aboriginal cultural information and material 
Establish and implement parameters for processes of transfer of cultural knowledge 
Observe cultural restrictions on Aboriginal cultural information and Aboriginal material 
Acknowledge and observe copyright and licensing issues related to access and use of Aboriginal cultural material and cultural information 
Follow Aboriginal cultural requirements for communications about, and display, access and handling of Aboriginal cultural information and material 
Acknowledge and agree to the implications of consent for accessing, transferring and using cultural information and materials 
Observe appropriate use of personal protocols for addressing and greeting persons, personal contact, and gestures 
Allow respect for local and Community traditions to guide personal presentation and conduct 
Use personal communication styles such as language, non-verbal communication, discussion, meaning, questioning, eye contact and silence that reflect the customs and idioms of the local Community 
Maintain a flexible attitude to address situations of cultural diversity and cross-cultural differences 


Assessment Cover Sheet

AHCILM306 - Follow Aboriginal cultural protocols
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

AHCILM306 - Follow Aboriginal cultural protocols

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
