Assessor Resource

Save, prepare and store agricultural seed

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to save, prepare and store agricultural seed.

All work must be carried out to comply with workplace procedures, work health and safety and biosecurity legislation and codes, and sustainability practices.

This unit applies to individuals who take responsibility for own work and for the quality of the work of others. They use discretion and judgement in the selection, allocation and use of available resources.

No occupational licensing, legislative or certification requirements are known to apply to this unit at the time of publication.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.


Performance criteria

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Select seed from agricultural crops

1.1 Calculate the quantity of seed required to sow the following season's crop

1.2 Calculate the area of crop needed to produce the required quantity of seed for the following season's crop

1.3 Select a portion of the crop to be used as seed, based on the calculated requirements and its health, vigour, and grain size

1.4 Record the soil type in the selected portion of the crop

1.5 Implement measures to improve seed and plant health, vigour and uniformity within the selected area

1.6 Identify application of any chemicals to the crop and consider detrimental environmental impacts

1.7 Implement enterprise work health and safety policies

2. Evaluate and grade seed

2.1 Assess grain variety for its suitability for the location, the soil, and the organisation's current marketing requirements after harvest

2.2 Research information regarding new varieties or trial results and progress for input to management decision-making

2.3 Grade the seed to the required size either on or off-site

2.4 Apply fungicidal and insecticidal dressings to the seed appropriately

2.5 Collect, prepare and forward test samples to the analysing body, according to the guidelines of that body

2.6 Collect, maintain and store records of observations, information gathered, and results of tests and grading appropriately

2.7 Refer records to the appropriate person for analysis and decision-making

3 Store seed

3.1 Select and hygienically prepare storage facilities

3.2 Transfer seed to the storage facility appropriately

3.3 Ensure seed is stored under conditions that maintain its quality and germination capacity

3.4 Conduct appropriate periodical checks of seed in long-term storage for quality factors and viability

3.5 Collect, prepare and forward seed samples for laboratory testing and analysis according to prescribed guidelines

3.6 Create, maintain and store records of seed storage, tests and inspections appropriately to the seed storage program

3.7 Monitor the condition of storage facilities using the schedule and methods outlined in the seed storage program and take appropriate corrective action to maintain seed quality

3.8 Ensure activities around the seed storage facilities are undertaken appropriately to the grain storage program

4. Collect and deliver seed

4.1 Establish delivery or supply terms and apply when collecting or delivering seed

4.2 Ensure seed sold or purchased conforms to local State and Federal legislation and regulations

4.3 Observe regulations relating to the interstate movement of seeds

4.4 Implement enterprise biosecurity policies

The candidate must be assessed on their ability to integrate and apply the performance requirements of this unit in a workplace setting. Performance must be demonstrated consistently over time and in a suitable range of contexts.

The candidate must provide evidence that they can:

select appropriate seed tests

apply pre and post-harvest treatments for seed

identify varieties from growth patterns

identify weed seeds and contaminants

identify pests in stored grain and initiate control measures

calculate volumes, capacities, areas, ratios for seed, storages, and chemicals

keep, update and maintain records relating to test results, provenance, varieties, pest control measures, and other relevant information about the seed

calculate the quantity of seed required for the following season

grade and test seed and interpret the results

store the seed for use in the following season

maintain grain in storage to ensure maximum quality and yield when used

implement work health and safety policies in the context of the work team

implement enterprise biosecurity policies in the context of the work team

implement enterprise environmental sustainability practices.

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

identification of varieties

seed treatment and cleaning measures

sources of purchased seed

inoculation treatments and seed dressings used within the organisation

records and documentation required for tracking and handling of seed

storage techniques and requirements for seed and grain

environmental controls and codes of practice applicable to the enterprise

relevant legislation and regulations relating to WHS, contractor engagement, chemical use and application, vehicle and plant use, and to the use, handling and sale of seed

sound management practices and processes to minimise noise, odours, and debris from sowing operations

enterprise biosecurity policies.

Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or simulated environment that accurately reflects performance in a real workplace setting.

Assessors must satisfy current standards for RTOs.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.


Performance criteria

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Select seed from agricultural crops

1.1 Calculate the quantity of seed required to sow the following season's crop

1.2 Calculate the area of crop needed to produce the required quantity of seed for the following season's crop

1.3 Select a portion of the crop to be used as seed, based on the calculated requirements and its health, vigour, and grain size

1.4 Record the soil type in the selected portion of the crop

1.5 Implement measures to improve seed and plant health, vigour and uniformity within the selected area

1.6 Identify application of any chemicals to the crop and consider detrimental environmental impacts

1.7 Implement enterprise work health and safety policies

2. Evaluate and grade seed

2.1 Assess grain variety for its suitability for the location, the soil, and the organisation's current marketing requirements after harvest

2.2 Research information regarding new varieties or trial results and progress for input to management decision-making

2.3 Grade the seed to the required size either on or off-site

2.4 Apply fungicidal and insecticidal dressings to the seed appropriately

2.5 Collect, prepare and forward test samples to the analysing body, according to the guidelines of that body

2.6 Collect, maintain and store records of observations, information gathered, and results of tests and grading appropriately

2.7 Refer records to the appropriate person for analysis and decision-making

3 Store seed

3.1 Select and hygienically prepare storage facilities

3.2 Transfer seed to the storage facility appropriately

3.3 Ensure seed is stored under conditions that maintain its quality and germination capacity

3.4 Conduct appropriate periodical checks of seed in long-term storage for quality factors and viability

3.5 Collect, prepare and forward seed samples for laboratory testing and analysis according to prescribed guidelines

3.6 Create, maintain and store records of seed storage, tests and inspections appropriately to the seed storage program

3.7 Monitor the condition of storage facilities using the schedule and methods outlined in the seed storage program and take appropriate corrective action to maintain seed quality

3.8 Ensure activities around the seed storage facilities are undertaken appropriately to the grain storage program

4. Collect and deliver seed

4.1 Establish delivery or supply terms and apply when collecting or delivering seed

4.2 Ensure seed sold or purchased conforms to local State and Federal legislation and regulations

4.3 Observe regulations relating to the interstate movement of seeds

4.4 Implement enterprise biosecurity policies

The candidate must be assessed on their ability to integrate and apply the performance requirements of this unit in a workplace setting. Performance must be demonstrated consistently over time and in a suitable range of contexts.

The candidate must provide evidence that they can:

select appropriate seed tests

apply pre and post-harvest treatments for seed

identify varieties from growth patterns

identify weed seeds and contaminants

identify pests in stored grain and initiate control measures

calculate volumes, capacities, areas, ratios for seed, storages, and chemicals

keep, update and maintain records relating to test results, provenance, varieties, pest control measures, and other relevant information about the seed

calculate the quantity of seed required for the following season

grade and test seed and interpret the results

store the seed for use in the following season

maintain grain in storage to ensure maximum quality and yield when used

implement work health and safety policies in the context of the work team

implement enterprise biosecurity policies in the context of the work team

implement enterprise environmental sustainability practices.

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

identification of varieties

seed treatment and cleaning measures

sources of purchased seed

inoculation treatments and seed dressings used within the organisation

records and documentation required for tracking and handling of seed

storage techniques and requirements for seed and grain

environmental controls and codes of practice applicable to the enterprise

relevant legislation and regulations relating to WHS, contractor engagement, chemical use and application, vehicle and plant use, and to the use, handling and sale of seed

sound management practices and processes to minimise noise, odours, and debris from sowing operations

enterprise biosecurity policies.

Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or simulated environment that accurately reflects performance in a real workplace setting.

Assessors must satisfy current standards for RTOs.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Calculate the quantity of seed required to sow the following season's crop 
Calculate the area of crop needed to produce the required quantity of seed for the following season's crop 
Select a portion of the crop to be used as seed, based on the calculated requirements and its health, vigour, and grain size 
Record the soil type in the selected portion of the crop 
Implement measures to improve seed and plant health, vigour and uniformity within the selected area 
Identify application of any chemicals to the crop and consider detrimental environmental impacts 
Implement enterprise work health and safety policies 
Assess grain variety for its suitability for the location, the soil, and the organisation's current marketing requirements after harvest 
Research information regarding new varieties or trial results and progress for input to management decision-making 
Grade the seed to the required size either on or off-site 
Apply fungicidal and insecticidal dressings to the seed appropriately 
Collect, prepare and forward test samples to the analysing body, according to the guidelines of that body 
Collect, maintain and store records of observations, information gathered, and results of tests and grading appropriately 
Refer records to the appropriate person for analysis and decision-making 
Select and hygienically prepare storage facilities 
Transfer seed to the storage facility appropriately 
Ensure seed is stored under conditions that maintain its quality and germination capacity 
Conduct appropriate periodical checks of seed in long-term storage for quality factors and viability 
Collect, prepare and forward seed samples for laboratory testing and analysis according to prescribed guidelines 
Create, maintain and store records of seed storage, tests and inspections appropriately to the seed storage program 
Monitor the condition of storage facilities using the schedule and methods outlined in the seed storage program and take appropriate corrective action to maintain seed quality 
Ensure activities around the seed storage facilities are undertaken appropriately to the grain storage program 
Establish delivery or supply terms and apply when collecting or delivering seed 
Ensure seed sold or purchased conforms to local State and Federal legislation and regulations 
Observe regulations relating to the interstate movement of seeds 
Implement enterprise biosecurity policies 


Assessment Cover Sheet

AHCBAC407 - Save, prepare and store agricultural seed
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

AHCBAC407 - Save, prepare and store agricultural seed

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
