Assessor Resource

Provide basic care of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

The unit is applicable to those working in animal care industry sectors where it may be necessary to care for commonly available terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates. This may include aquariums, pet shops, zoos, animal technology facilities or similar workplaces.

In addition to legal and ethical responsibilities, all units of competency in the ACM10 Animal Care and Management Training Package have the requirement for animals to be handled gently and calmly. The individual is required to exhibit appropriate care for animals so that stress and discomfort is minimised.

This unit of competency covers the process of identifying terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates and their behavioural and physical needs, providing daily care requirements as well as assisting with behavioural requirements and preventative health measures.

Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements may apply to this unit. Therefore, it will be necessary to check with the relevant state or territory regulators for current licensing, legislative or regulatory requirements before undertaking this unit.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)

Employability Skills

This unit contains employability skills.

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

The Evidence Guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.

Overview of assessment

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

The evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to workplace operations and satisfy all of the requirements of the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and the range statement of this unit. Assessors should ensure that candidates can:

identify the specific characteristics and needs of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates and apply these to the best practice industry standard of housing, socialising, feeding and health management

classify and identify invertebrates by developmental stage, sex, condition, colours, markings and other identifying features using industry terminology

safely and humanely catch and handle terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates

assess water quality for suitability for maintained species

report and document treatments, behaviours and other information on individual animals in accordance with animal welfare regulations, industry guidelines and workplace protocols and procedures.

The skills and knowledge required to provide basic care of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates must be transferable to a range of work environments and contexts and include the ability to deal with unplanned events.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of this unit is to be largely practical in nature and will most appropriately be assessed against the types of processes required in the industry sector in which candidates are working or in a situation that reproduces normal work conditions. Industry sectors can include aquariums, pet shops, zoos, animal technology facilities or similar workplaces.

There must be access in either situation to a range of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates as well as relevant information, equipment and/or resources to enable one to demonstrate competence. Assessment must cover a minimum of three species including at least one terrestrial and at least one freshwater invertebrate species.

Method of assessment

To ensure consistency in one's performance, competency should be demonstrated, to industry defined standards, on more than one occasion over a period of time in order to cover a variety of circumstances and where possible, over a number of assessment activities.

The assessment strategy must include practical skills assessment. Suggested strategies for this unit are:

written and/or oral assessment of candidate's required knowledge

observed, documented and first-hand testimonial evidence of candidate's application of practical tasks

simulation exercises that reproduce normal work conditions

third-party evidence

workplace documentation


This unit may be assessed in a holistic way with other units of competency relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role.

Guidance information for assessment

Assessment methods should reflect workplace demands (e.g. literacy and numeracy demands) and the needs of particular target groups (e.g. people with disabilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, women, people with a language background other than English, youth and people from low socioeconomic backgrounds).

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Required skills

complete relevant work-related documents and maintain accurate animal records

comply with OHS, animal care, ethics and industry guidelines, relevant regulations and legislations

employ safe and environmentally responsible organisational systems and procedures when working with, catching and handling terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates

maintain the highest standards of personal and workplace hygiene and infection control at all times to reduce the risk of infection and cross-infection

measure, interpret and record invertebrate weight, length and other relevant objective indicators of change in physiological status

monitor invertebrate health, condition and behaviour and recognise normal and abnormal signs

monitor water quality parameters using physical and chemical assessments and tests

prepare doses for treatments as directed and verified by supervisor

use equipment and materials correctly and in accordance with manufacturers' specifications

literacy skills to read and follow organisational policies and procedures, including OHS and animal welfare; follow sequenced written instructions; and record information accurately and legibly

oral communication skills/language to fulfil the job role as specified by the organisation, including questioning, active listening, asking for clarification and seeking advice from supervisor

numeracy skills to estimate, calculate and record routine workplace measures

interpersonal skills to work with others and relate to people from a range of cultural, social and religious backgrounds and with a range of physical and mental abilities

problem-solving skills to assess appropriate practices and prioritise daily tasks

use safe manual handling techniques and/or equipment

use safe waste handling and disposal procedures.

Required knowledge

anatomical and physiological terminology and glossary of terms

anatomical structures and physiological features related to basic care requirements for invertebrates

awareness of natural invertebrate behaviour relating to the characteristics of the species, developmental stage, health and reproductive status, behavioural and social needs and the signs of distress, illness and undesirable behaviours

basic invertebrate care and hygiene principles

basic water chemistry parameters and physical indicators of water quality relevant to the care and husbandry of marine aquatic invertebrates

common aeration and filtration systems

housing, social and activity needs of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates and environmental impacts on health and wellbeing

methods of transmission of disease and infection

organisational policies and procedures regarding the care and health maintenance of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates

personal protective clothing and equipment and when and how it should be used

physical conditions and vital signs of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates

relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice, including OHS, animal welfare and ethics

safe invertebrate handling techniques and procedures, potential hazards and control measures

terminology and language variations used by workplace staff and the public to describe terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates, their behaviour, status, health and treatments

terminology used to describe and document health and behavioural signs, including desirable and undesirable features

types of food and food supplements and their role in terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates diets, including natural dietary requirements for specific species

types of information that has to be reported and recorded in animal care workplaces

workplace hygiene standards, disinfectants, cleaning agents, cleaning techniques and cleaning equipment and materials.

The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.

Commonly available terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates may include:


freshwater lobsters, shrimp and snails

giant cockroaches

large spiders (e.g. tarantulas)

beetles (e.g. rhinoceros)

stick insects (e.g. goliath and titan)


Behavioural characteristics may include:

behaviour characteristics can vary according to:

the species, breed, developmental stage and sex of the animals

the time of day or night

behaviour characteristics associated with different species:

activity levels at certain times of day or night

feeding behaviours

fight or flight

social interaction

reproductive behaviours

the other animals in that environment

defensive behaviour:

defending territory, other animals or food

hiding or retreating.

Colours, markings and other identifying features may include:

developmental stage, sex and size

skin or shell colours and texture

markings and patterns


Indicators of poor water quality may include:



unsuitable water chemistry parameters.

Water quality adjustments may involve:

correcting chemical imbalances

partial water change

raising or lowering pH or hardness.

Indicators of animal comfort and normal behaviour may be identified by:

daily observation and visual examination is the best way to establish the appearance of a healthy invertebrate and at the same time allows detection of changes from normal. These observations will include:

posture and attitude

activity level

response to stimuli including handling

assessment of body condition

assessment of state of hydration

appetite and dietary history

presence of external organisms.

Housing design and environmental factors may include:


aeration rates and supply

biological control of waste

cleaning routines and methods

correct humidity levels

day/night cycle lighting

drainage and weather protection

electrical safety

escape proofing

filtration requirements to maintain the water quality and optimal environmental conditions for target species

housing furniture and compatible plants

lighting, ventilation, temperature, heating and cooling requirements

water flows and currents

housing requirements:

compatibility of species housed together

food and water distribution

location and security considerations

longevity and sturdiness of materials

maintains ambient temperature conditions for the specific species

provides continuous access to water free of ammonia or chlorine

provides generous ventilation and is safe from fumes and vapours:


cleaning agents

required floor area, vertical and/or horizontal space for specific species

suitability for specific species

species-specific options for animals to hide or rest

substrate appropriate to the specific species

designs that allow for species-specific activity, feeding or socialising

social options:



single sexed groups

polyandrous/polygynous groups

mixed species.

Enrichment needs may include:

food or food-related enrichment

physical enrichment items:

plants and foliage


rocks or artificial rocks

social enrichment:

levels of contact with other animals of the same species

mixed species exhibits to encourage positive inter-species interactions.

Welfare of animals requirements may include:

adequate housing, nutrition and stock levels

compliance to appropriate/relevant state or territory legislation and regulations

enrichment opportunities

the absence of predators, pests and vermin

the compatibility of species and breeds.

OHS risks when working with animals may include:

animal bites, envenomation, scratches and crush injuries

biological hazardous waste and sharps disposal

electrical hazards enhanced by the presence of water

handling of chemicals and medicines

gas leakage

inhalation of aerosol particles

intraocular contamination

manual handling, including carrying, lifting and shifting

needle pricks and cuts from other sharps

release of infective agents (animal and human)

slippery or uneven work surfaces


Equipment to catch and handle invertebrate may include:


isolation tanks or enclosures

plastic bags

soft gloves

soft knotless hand nets


handling of invertebrates should:

always be minimised as excessive handling could result in stress or injury

be undertaken slowly and gently

undertaken with care as many invertebrates are venomous and some can make humans or other animals sick or die.

Common health issues may include:

environmental hazards:

contamination of the water due to presence of toxins

exposures of extremes of water quality

exposure to the elements

humidity and ventilation

inadequate activity

temperature extremes

infectious diseases caused by:

bacteria, virus, fungus and protozoa

internal and external parasites

non-infection diseases:

nutritional imbalances and disruptions



physical traumas

chemical toxicities and allergies

zoonotic diseases.

General health maintenance and preventative treatment may include:

routine health check-up

control of parasites

temperature, humidity, heat and light requirements for specific species

quarantine and isolation procedures

water quality.

Digestive system features may include:

anatomical features relevant to the specific species

physiological features:

eating processes

nutrient requirements, absorption and storage methods

waste elimination

feeding patterns and natural dietary requirements for the species

potential digestive system malfunctions or problems

water needs.

Food source considerations include:

captive diets must be similar to the natural diet of the species to:

minimise the impact of captivity

stimulate normal digestive function

maximise development of natural survival techniques

food sources will vary widely subject to the specific species.

Feeding hazards may include:

animal movement and handling

shelf life of foodstuffs

manual handling and general food preparation, storage and distribution equipment

contamination of foodstuffs from vermin, bacteria, fungus, virus and other sources

organic and other dusts

possibility of zoonotic infection.

Documentation on the care and management of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates may include:

accident and incident records

chemical and veterinary supplies register

detailed and accurate records for each animal (or group of animals):

species and sex of animal

identification and history

feeding, health and treatment records

diary, rosters and task completion and timeframe records

equipment use, damage and repair register

OHS safe work method statements, material safety data sheets (MSDS) and other records

provisions records of current stock and items used and items required

stock control records

water chemistry and quality records

water change frequencies and amounts.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Profile of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates commonly held in facility, including habitat, nutrition, health and behavioural characteristics, is defined. 
External features are described using industry terminology. 
Invertebrates are classified using industry-specific terminology. 
Colours, markings and other identifying features are defined, interpreted and documented. 
Water quality (for freshwater species) is monitored and adjustments made, as required, to maintain optimum water quality appropriate for the species being housed as directed by supervisor. 
Indicators of animal comfort and normal behaviour are identified and signs of distressed invertebrates are recognised and reported to supervisor. 
Industry guidelines for housing design, environmental factors and appropriate stocking densities are identified. 
Enrichment needs are identified and evaluated for specific animal species. 
Current animal housing design is evaluated in relation to the welfare of animals kept and legislation requirements. 
Occupational health and safety (OHS) risks associated with handling and restraining invertebrates are identified and methods used to minimise risks are demonstrated. 
Appropriate equipment to catch and handle invertebrate are identified and prepared. 
Invertebrates are approached and handled while minimising risks to animal and others using a range of appropriate animal welfare procedures. 
Signs of good health in invertebrates are identified and recorded in animal health and treatment records. 
Common health issues are identified and signs of disease or other conditions are reported to supervisor. 
General health maintenance and preventative treatment procedures are identified and implemented in accordance with level of job responsibility, regulatory requirements and supervisor guidance. 
Options for activity and enrichment are identified, evaluated for impact on invertebrate health and implemented as directed by supervisor. 
Digestive system features are identified and related to invertebrate specific feeding routines and diets. 
Preferred food sources are identified and food samples are assessed for quality and suitability. 
Potential feeding hazards are identified and risk control options defined. 
Feed is prepared in accordance with dietary needs. 
Feed is distributed and consumption, including abnormalities, is reported in accordance with workplace routines. 
Documentation on the care and management of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates is completed in accordance with workplace procedures and legislation requirements. 


Assessment Cover Sheet

ACMSPE309A - Provide basic care of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

ACMSPE309A - Provide basic care of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
